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Chapter 214 Green

Green is a native of Dunling who comes from a standard middle-class Christian family.

He was born safely with the prayers of his family to the two-winged ring, and the scent of God's incense became the first breath engraved on the sense of smell from the first cry. The priest who knew everyone on the street took the swaddling clothes from the biological father and immersed him in the pure water of baptism.

Congratulations on a new life blessed by the Lord.

Since the birth of consciousness, the stories of sacred scriptures have become enlightenment to the understanding of the world. The pastries distributed on Consecration Day are sweet enlightenment; the church monks who are proficient in medicine are the comfort in days of illness and fever.

When they grow up to be able to understand various instructions from adults, parents decide to send their children to the church to receive education and deepen their connection with the church in the only way they know.

Due to talent or God's will, Green quickly showed outstanding learning ability among his peers, and his good family conditions also prevented him from missing an important stage of physical development.

The priest, who had been lingering on the fringes of the church for a long time, noticed his differences and felt that he could not let such a highly cultivated talent go to waste in his hands, so he used his only right of recommendation to send him for further study.

Therefore, Green was no longer like the others hanging out in a small church doing hard work for a clergyman and consuming his energy on various trivial matters in life. Instead, he was recommended to a church school.

He never had any doubt as to the existence of the Lord.

A person named Green has received grace since birth. As his knowledge grows, he becomes more aware of the meaning of everything he has received.

Outside the church, the children of cobblers will still be cobblers and continue their father's work of tanning leather, cutting and sewing when they grow up, just like the children of knights are still knights, and the children of kings are still kings.

He cherished this opportunity and regarded it as a gift from Heavenly Father. He devoted his time and energy to learning enthusiastically, and the church was happy to facilitate it and provide the necessary training.

Continuous positive feedback forms a belief that is stronger than blind obedience and comes from recognition with actual support rather than simple atmosphere.

This makes Green a high-end talent who combines piety, wisdom, and loyalty, which does not exist in theory.

Rationally and emotionally, he believes that the Holy Scriptures describe an almost perfect concept. For those who cannot understand, are not inspired, and even try to fight against the church and claim to have unnatural powers, Green can only show mercy to the misguided ones.

And hatred for the chief evil.

Especially after hearing and reading some of these cases that had caused bad consequences, he truly established his goal in this life, determined to wipe out paganism and bring the gospel to the Lamb of the Lord.

For this reason, Green put in a lot of effort when he was young and young. While improving his studies, he also requested to learn swordsmanship, striving to destroy the divine enemy both mentally and physically.

In the end, he rejected many implicit dissuasion and became an honorable member of the Inquisition without any doubt.

Of course, that was all many years ago.

Now Father Green often sits behind a certain rose window, watching the square of Notre Dame Cathedral with people coming and going, wondering whether his original choice was really the result of a brainstorm.

"Father, there are some signs of irregularities in the medical school. Is this still a routine inspection?" Brother Wadding held a piece of paper and climbed up to the attic. The armor on his body made it difficult for him. This loyal partner who had studied with him rarely

No matter how lazy you are, you can always get the latest news in a timely manner.

"Sit with me for a while, Wading." The priest took the scroll and moved it to one side, leaving half of the bench. "Don't rush me yet."

The paper, which was tightly wound like a capstan, was rolled up on a small acid vinegar glass bottle before being delivered here, and was sealed in a box that could only be opened in a special way. This preservation method prevents the seal from being broken and leaked by violence.

However, Green didn't have much interest in taking a look at this secret letter that had been transmitted confidentially. He just felt it was a bit of a waste.

You don’t need to look further. Most of the things that can be sent with this specification are about Professor Morrison, which may provide another opportunity to bring down the medical school that has repeatedly offended. But this is not the first time, and there is no such thing.

What does it mean?

Rolling the paper in the curling direction and stuffing it into his pocket, he continued to look through the flower window at the square below.

Brother Vardin knew what he was looking at. In front of the stone steps guarded by the Feathered Knights, there was a circular area with a different color than the rest.

It was the place that used to be used to impose the final judgment on the heinous pagans. Now there is only a scar-like burn mark left. Even the last traces have been almost washed away by time and are close to being healed. Most of the worshipers have no idea that they have stepped on it.

Walking into the church, the footprints sometimes completely cover it on rainy days.

The bodies of those who betrayed the Heavenly Father melted in the flames, and the sinful souls and ashes rushed into the culvert, and the same filthy water was sent to the underground where it would never see the light of day. The believers rejoiced and rejoiced, while the hidden heretics were horrified.

——They have never seen such a scene.

In fact, there are very few people who deserve to be executed like that. Firstly, they have seriously blasphemed against doctrine and morals, and secondly, they have such widespread influence that it takes more than two hands to count them all. And that was a long time ago, and the church is gradually becoming "civilized".

As for Dunling, as the center of the kingdom's rule and belief, there are usually no characters who would be at odds with his life or commit crimes against his will.

Folks mostly engage in astrology, divination, and superstition; in more serious cases, they engage in corpse theft, dissection, and writing banned books.

The ones who are most like the targets of the trial are some unknown gangs. For the sake of a sense of mystery or because they really believe that they can get benefits, they worship people they don’t know what they are based on the scraps they got by chance.

Records, as well as banned books on anomalies, Green was able to pick out several common sense errors in those ridiculous parodies.

Most of the time, he was dealing with trivial matters, solving cases that violated the rules for various inexplicable reasons. Sometimes when he broke in with a group of heavily armed members of the Inquisition, the real owner didn't even know he had committed anything.


Eloquence is used to refute witches and gods, and superb swordsmanship sweeps the streets all day long. As for the most serious one overall, it is actually the Dunling University School of Medicine. In the incident of destruction of the cemetery, most of the unaccounted for bodies point to them.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As for these habitual criminals, it is impossible to find evidence that is bad enough. After all, many of them have aristocratic status, and the leader of the academy is a permanent member of the royal family.

Advisor, and the current Professor Morrison has been in this position for several years.

Regarding the medical school becoming the focus of work, Green always felt that it was quite sad for the Inquisition.

But his faith in Heavenly Father did not allow him to slack off in principle. After sitting quietly for a while, he adjusted his mentality and unfolded the secret letter to read it carefully.

As expected, they are all things that are not much different from before. The only difference is that the amount involved and the location have changed. It is difficult not to wonder whether a fixed template has been formed. Every time the information that needs to be filled in is modified.

Deliver it up.

The medical school purchased equipment, mostly in white glass containers that were about to become extinct, as well as a batch of metal instruments.

No results were found in the last corpse theft case, but no changes in the college's curriculum were found, but Morrison and a professor from out of town did not show up much.

Finally, the informant mentioned that Morrison probably had little to do with the body theft this time, because they were tinkering with some kind of potion as before, which seemed to be different from ordinary herbal mixtures, and they also purchased some codex pages.

The details are unknown. I only learned from the person who handled it that the content of a few pages of the manuscript was about an uncommon hexagonal building structure, symbols and the like. It was completely unrelated. I probably remembered it wrongly.

Generally speaking, if Green led a team to conduct a surprise inspection now, they would not gain much as always. At most, it would serve as a warning and make them settle down for a while.

But what's the point? It's just going back and forth.

Sometimes he would wonder whether the heretical beliefs and evil spirit worship recorded in those old files really existed, and how they hid underground, held secret gatherings, and held various absurd activities.

"So what kind of potion are they dealing with?" Green turned the paper over, and there was a blank space behind it, and that was the end of the content.

"I don't know, that's all I got."

Dissatisfied, Green put the paper on the candle and ignited it. When the flame was about to touch his hand, he let go and let it turn into ashes. "Have we ever restricted their research on potions?"

This chapter has been completed!
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