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Chapter 215: Rubbing

Although the current work of the Inquisition is very different from what was imagined, there is still a special benefit to being a member of it - in the entire Dunling, including the surrounding villages and towns, except for a few areas, there are few places that clearly indicate that entry is not welcome.

Most of this can be attributed to the strong atmosphere that the church has accumulated in the local area for many years. Residents generally respect clergy, and wearing white robes with double-winged rings often earns them extra trust and preferential treatment.

As a person who abides by doctrine, Green never takes it for granted and responds to strangers with a religious greeting.

The foundation of the church comes from this. The gospel of Heavenly Father is difficult for ordinary people to understand, but Heavenly Father’s attitude of treating people equally is reflected by the communicators on earth.

For stubborn people, kindness and gentleness will not only fail to influence them, but will actually encourage their arrogance.

Of course, this did not mean doing anything immoral. He just lifted his robe slightly, revealing weapons that ordinary clergymen would not carry. The operator who had been cold-faced just now quickly changed his attitude.

An antique shop located in an alley, two turns away from the street. The manuscript Morrison purchased in the informant's report came from here.

Obviously, it has not thought about attracting customers through normal channels, but from a small circle of word-of-mouth among people in need.

Wading glanced at the boss unexpectedly and followed Green into the cramped interior.

Two rows of three-layer wooden shelves against the wall take up most of the space, and there is a long, thick table in the middle. Numerous objects are scrawled and piled on the table and shelves. The common feature is that they all look old.

Ceramic bottles with unusual shapes, metal castings with indistinguishable green and red rust stains, large and small stone sculptures, rough-polished gemstone ornaments, and storage boxes, which have not been cleaned or are intentionally kept dusty and old, floating in the air while breathing.

There was a choking smell like a dusty tomb.

The most valuable items may be a few books placed individually, with lime bags placed around them to dry.

Ignoring the store owner's hesitant stop, Green took out a book and opened it.

The browned paper almost broke due to this rough movement, the spine made a slight cracking sound, and some pages were stuck together and could not be separated, or were too dry to be bent.

It's about dealing with diseases, and it can't even be called medicine, because in addition to various medicines drawn from various forcibly related imaginations, there are also sustenance through "candles placed in a specific position from a fixed time point"

The behavior of forces outside of nature.

If it was to attract medical school clients, that was completely wrong. Based on his understanding of those professors, he might not be interested.

This undoubtedly falls within the scope of "superstition" that the church opposes, and is on the fringe of mere verbal warnings. If it is not borderline medical, it will sometimes be confiscated and sealed.

This is probably the reason why the operators are unwilling to allow clergy to enter.

The reality is more than that. They know some similar stores that collect items that look dated and that may arouse buyers' interest in collecting. The source of a wide variety of products is questionable.

The most direct and guaranteed source of supply is from underground.

For the blasphemer who disturbed the deceased's sleep for money, many stolen goods came here after changing hands, and were displayed on the counter in a grand manner, and the sellers would quibble that they did not know their origins.

Picking up a ring at random, Green explained to the boss in detail the unswept soil residue between the gemstone and the ring holder, the inevitable connection between this soil and a certain cemetery, and that it was too fresh.

The other party's heart rate soon began to rise, and beads of sweat broke out on the disgusting little businessman's face. He repeatedly wiped his forehead with a silk handkerchief, and tried to hint that he could donate some money to the Heavenly Father to prove his piety.

Perhaps many people would gladly accept this offering, including some colleagues in the Inquisition. But Greene was definitely not included among them.

He just needs to provide a little motivation for the store owner and try to recall the motivation for selling the goods. This is information that ordinary informants cannot obtain.

As experienced in the past, after rejecting the money for the second time, the other party's nervousness was already evident. Green made a timely request, expressing his desire to know what the professors at the medical school had bought from here.

The boss may have planned to pretend that he didn't remember it at all at first, but when he warmly held his hand and invited him to live in a place suitable for awakening his memory until he remembered it, he quickly asked for some time to sort out what he could provide.


As a handler, he must read the manuscript when assessing its value. He confirmed the informant's statement about the contents of the manuscript. The pages bought were all from the same book, and the main content was the author's notes on architectural research.

The evaluation is that the value is average. As a city that was founded earlier, Dunling has a huge span of new and old buildings, both above and below ground. It couldn't be easier to find the content to write a book. There are so many scholars who study architecture that they have begun to prohibit students from using this as a subject to get through.


Folk compilation is even worse than this. Many of them only record a certain style, lacking historical origin verification. They may be just for fun by well-off enthusiasts.

Logically speaking, after finding this level of investigation, he could temporarily let go of the affected shop after giving a warning, and go to medical school to face the main target. But Green's doubts were not dispelled by this, but intensified.

Perhaps the Inquisition is not the group of people who know the medical school best in the world, but they definitely have a place as the second most knowledgeable people. These are people who have to run on the forbidden road despite huge risks. There is no reason to buy it when they are focusing on a new direction.

Some unrelated books.

This answer was not satisfactory, so he decided to give it a try. Anyway, there was no loss.

Green shook his head in disappointment, turned around and left. Brother Wadding knew how to hold the shop owner and pushed him out. The hard armor and excessive force made him cry out in pain.

Compared with the physical pain, the psychological panic is more serious. Obviously hanging oneself for profit is not something everyone can do.

This broke his last line of psychological defense, and he dug out a few pieces of paper from the storage room in the back room as quickly as possible and handed them over without any hesitation.

According to him, these were scattered pieces of paper that he collected later and planned to take the opportunity to sell to the professor at a higher price. The damage to the edges was obviously different from those scattered and re-bound old books in the church collection. It was obviously from the inside of the binding.

Damage caused by removal.

This is to split the same product and sell it twice. Even if this profiteer's little move just provides convenience for himself, it makes people angry.

Carefully picking up the page, Green felt a rare curiosity as to what content deserved Professor Morrison's attention.

Their preservation condition is surprisingly good, and you can feel the toughness of the light and thin paper. The writer also used Norse, and only some vocabulary and grammatical habits are different from today. The readability is basically guaranteed. It is estimated that they were older.

close, which limits its value.

What makes this book different is that it not only collects ordinary buildings, but also includes many functional buildings within the scope of study, including river banks, aqueducts, bridges, quarries, and even sewers.

He collected these common and often ignored parts of the city and described them for fun, sometimes mixed with some scrawled hand drawings, and patches of unsightly black ink stains, like pressing paper against an overturned ink bottle.

On the ground. This makes the already not clean page more confusing and affects the layout.

After reading carefully, Green understood the meaning of these things. The author realized that he could not describe it with words alone, so he pasted the paper on the stone surface and rubbed the pattern with ink, hoping that readers could read without leaving home.

Touch the bricks and stones everywhere in Dunling.

To this end, he deigned to go underground and dig out sewers that few people wanted to know about, saying that they were as intricate as those on the streets above.

Among the various rubbings, there is one page that will undoubtedly catch the reader's eye.

Different from other rubbings where a square outline can be discerned, it is a pattern with only obtuse angles. The intermittent white lines connected in the ink mark form a shape that at first glance would never be thought of as masonry, but rather associated with black.

Some alien creature floating in the water.

Several regular hexagons that are joined to each other are suspended between the text traces. The extended lines show that they are not isolated and occupy a width somewhere underground that cannot be covered by the rubbing paper.

Even though he grew up here and read the Vatican's collection of classics, Green had never seen this style of building structure, either on the foundation or on the walls. It was like accidentally opening a piece of plywood and discovering that a hive had been built in a home that he thought he was completely familiar with.

The buzzing of the bees never sounded.

There is a pattern in the "honeycomb" that is almost integrated with the stone pattern, but due to water erosion or the author's inexplicably poor rubbings, some of the beeswax softened like melting, while some of the beeswax appeared neatly with straight lines and curved arcs like geometric patterns.

Through rubbings, they are truly but not exactly brought to the reader, along with the craftsmen's conflicting ideas, trying to copy and reproduce, switching back and forth between incompatible patterns, and never forming a complete shape.

The remnants of the contradictory design, such as the bee pupa that can never break out of its cocoon, have not completely died and are struggling to maintain solidification in the hexagonal cylindrical hive.

Green suddenly closed the pages of the book and realized that he was confused by a rubbing and ignored the written description.

The patterns in those hexagonal rubbings live within the pages of the book, but they seem to be more than that, breaking free from the constraints of form and conveying information that remains unfinished after secondary distortion.

Unfolding the book again, his eyes struggled to avoid the graphics, and he read the few notes left by the author, far-fetchedly connected the almost unrelated decorative styles, and concluded as if he was self-convincing that it was a kind of work after construction work.

Works to pass the time.

Based on personal experience, this kind of abstract, seemingly meaningful symbol is often highly related to a behavior that deserves vigilance.

【Pagan worship】

Switching his mind from the miscellaneous books he had read to pagan records, Green searched as quickly as possible for the pagans that the church had dealt with.

Generally speaking, except for those small fights where fools fool fools, large-scale heretical beliefs often have a system, and they inherit and learn from each other, and even simply plagiarize holy scriptures, and you can often find similar products.

The pattern of the rubbings was definitely not made by hand, but after searching in my mind, there was no information for reference - this is a pagan system that has never been recorded by the church.

Greene realized that he might have caught the tail of something, an opportunity that might be perfect but might not be ripe yet, and he needed to take a long shot to catch the big fish.

The order was passed to the most critical informant when the two returned to the church, and they began to wait patiently.

Half a month later, he waited for the result——

A fire and the death of an informant.

End of this chapter

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