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Chapter 36 Another Perspective

Chapter 36 Another Perspective

"It's...harder than expected."

Kraft was lying on the ground, talking intermittently. The irritability of unclear vision, the anxiety of not being able to find his position, and the worry about infection, all emotions burst out after completing the last step.

When focusing on the work at hand, these are blocked out, and only how to deal with the difficulties in front of you can be thought of.

Fatigue and intense emotions impacted his brain, knocking him to the ground. Until now, the most difficult hurdle had been overcome, and he could let himself relax for a while.

Kraft pressed himself against the cold floor to let his body cool down and relax. He felt that he had completed a special test. The bad question maker had hidden all the necessary conditions and allowed the only candidate to face the question without any trace.

The unorganized questions make me scratch my head.

After piecing together the fragmented and limited conditions, I wrote my own solution, and also used some special means to hand in an anxious answer sheet while meeting the minimum requirements.

He looked at the stone platform as if he were watching the invigilator sorting out and packaging the test papers and sending them to a certain grader to be judged according to the most objective and strict standards.

He would scrutinize the crude environment, deducting points for inadequately sterilized instruments, deducting points for wounds that had been left open too long, and shaking his head at sections of intestine that failed to further check for activity.

The patient's body is the most stringent grading teacher. It never relaxes the scoring standards due to limitations of conditions and always makes unreasonable demands.

He was unable to interfere in this "marking" process and could only wait quietly for the results in a few days.

Having said that, the person who is most worried now is definitely not Kraft himself, but Gris who is waiting anxiously outside the door. He cannot lie here for too long.

"Can you please give me a hand? Her family is still outside the door waiting for our news." Kraft stretched out a hand and asked for help from the two guys next to him who were full of surprise and admiration. "Stop laughing.

This matter is far from over.”

"It's not over yet?"

"When Liz wakes up, we will observe it for another six to seven days. After the wound has healed, we will remove the stitches. We will be happy when that happens." Kraft took Lucius's outstretched hand and stood up, putting on his clothes again.

Put on the black robe and straighten your appearance in front of the metal mirror next to you.

A slight dizziness still lingers, but if he lies here for one more minute, Gris will be anxious for one more minute outside.

"Don't move Liz yet. Let's go out first and let Gris come in to stay with her for a while. Don't move it immediately."

Kraton refused Liston's support and walked top-heavy towards the door. Lucius was the first to help him open the door.

The first thing they saw was not only their anxious father, but also the men in black robes filling the corridor.

Gris was the first to come up, hold Kraft's hand, but looked over his shoulder into the classroom, and nervously asked the question as expected, "My daughter..."

"There is no problem so far. The operation is completed. She may not wake up until tomorrow or later. You go in and stay with her for a while. Don't move." Kraft turned sideways, let him in, and closed the door with his backhand.

Leave him some personal space.

The surrounding students vaguely guessed the result when they saw Lucius's relaxed expression when he opened the door. Kraft's words confirmed their guesses, and cheers broke out from the crowd.

Kraft wanted them to quiet down and listen to his detailed explanation, but they did not give him this chance. As a person who had accomplished something unprecedented, he received unprecedented heroic treatment.

"Forerunners, there is no need to care about the mediocre words behind you." Lecturer Romulo passed through the crowd and was the first to come up and give him a strong hug.

Then came the enthusiastic students, who surrounded Craft, one by one, hugging him and giving him the highest compliments imaginable.

In their eyes, the operation was complete, and regardless of the prognosis, for the first time in history, the knowledge contributed by the dead proved its value in the living.

No matter what the method was, no matter the family secret medicine or other help, the first abdominal surgery from diagnosis to treatment was completed in the academy, right next to them.

Wendengang Medical College will, together with Kraft, remain as a landmark name in the works of future generations, and they are witnessing this historic moment.

A river of joy formed in the corridor, carrying Kraft around the medical school, bringing good news to every corner.

Students who didn't know it at first were also informed of the news and joined the river during the celebration. Their team grew bigger and bigger, holding Kraft in a full circle in the medical school.

Kraft himself went from being frightened at the beginning, to being embarrassed, to being completely numb, and was displayed everywhere like a float in a parade.

He didn't know how to face these crazy students. They were like super fans who were watching their team win the championship and fell into an unconscious group carnival.

In the entire medical school, everyone who heard it was amazed, and then they rushed to tell each other. The news spread at an incredible speed and spread to the outside world very quickly. I am afraid that from tomorrow onwards, the pubs in Hong Kong will know that there is a legendary figure in the medical school.

The stomach can be opened to treat the disease, and then the stomach can be sewn back.

Of course, this kind of news will undoubtedly ferment, deform, and become something even more outrageous after being passed on second-hand, third-hand, or who knows how many hands.

Even a few lecturers joined them, cheering to go to the tavern outside to book a reservation. They didn't even count how many people were going, and what kind of tavern could accommodate so many people.

Liston and Lucius, as participants, were dragged away to unknown places from the beginning, and may now be bragging in some part of the celebrating team.

At this time, Kraft could no longer care about this. He finally got rid of the crowd and escaped back to the professor's room. Among the celebrating team, he was the only one out of place, worrying about something that only he knew.

Postoperative infection is the biggest cloud hanging over the head. It may happen at any time, and the only way to deal with it is to fight hard.

He hoped that there would be no necrotic intestinal segments that went undiscovered. With that poor view, it was not impossible.

I hope the black liquid will not have any adverse effects on children like Liz.

I also hope that intussusception will not recur after surgery. I don’t know what to do if it happens again.

He had too many hopes and worries, and the feeling of powerlessness came to him again. Kraft had too many ideas that he wanted to achieve but could not realize at the moment. If the situation was just a little more complicated this time, things would fall into a complete mess.

The irreversible aspect, even if he takes the risk of using black liquid, there is no point.

There was nothing he could do about it. All efforts would return to this fundamental issue - the methods he knew could not be used in this era. He could only watch the disease he knew how to cure continue to wreak havoc, and then turned around and continued writing books to leave behind

era when they can play their role.

He was not willing to stop there. Even if he became a professor, even if he passed down the book to future generations, he would still have to sit back and watch countless people die in his limited life.

This is a kind of torture.

Kraft slapped Liz's large medical record on the table. Completing this operation not only did not make him feel satisfied, but made him realize these things that he had not paid much attention to before.

A mere intussusception is one of the acute abdominal diseases with the highest incidence rate in infants and young children, and it can leave people helpless.

How many children are there in such a large Wendeng Port? How high is the incidence of intussusception under the current sanitary conditions, and how many are fatal?

He was shaken and began to feel that the "no contact unless necessary" he wrote in his notes was a bit ridiculous. The black liquid was very strange and incomprehensible, but could it be that so many people were killed by the disease?

Isn't it scary?

He thought of the black stone pillar that could not be taken away, and of the villagers who insisted on living on that land despite knowing the existence of "fever".

Abnormal phenomena are dangerous things that he cannot understand. Diseases and lack of materials have also brought unknown terror and death to the people here.

There is essentially no difference between these things to them, and even the people affected by Shizhu for decades may not have even a fraction of other common diseases.

Kraft realized something more terrifying than the indescribable thing - he was the one with the problem, rejecting such a thing of infinite value because of the limited danger that might exist.

Lucius's attitude is suitable for this era, facing the infinite unknown and seeking all opportunities that can promote technological development regardless of the cost.

To do this, you can challenge church prohibitions and social traditions prohibiting dissection of corpses, or you can experiment on yourself. Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it won't be so bad that you can't do anything about it in the future.

As long as it is proven that black liquid can be used more often, this operation will be repeatable. He can promote this operation throughout Wendeng Port. Even if it cannot be done to the extent it is today, it will be a qualitative change.

Once you let go of your thoughts, more ideas will pop up one after another.

So far, in addition to the sense of danger from his instinctive intuition, the abnormal phenomenon has brought him some benefits. The expanded consciousness and the success of the operation have given him the opportunity to display knowledge that transcends the times here.

Does that mean that they can indeed be used under certain circumstances?

This is a shortcut that cannot be refused. As long as you put aside those unknown fears and add some caution, you can reach your goal directly.

The dream of the giant snake brought by Shizhu broke the limitations of his consciousness, allowing him to make full use of all the information he had obtained; and the black liquid broke the limitations of his vision, allowing him to view abnormal phenomena from another angle.

Kraft felt that something fragile was shattering deep inside. He opened a new window and re-examined the things labeled as dangerous. The meaning they represented was reconstructed, and the scale began to increase towards the other side.


The ups and downs of emotions consumed his remaining energy. The fatigue accumulated throughout the morning came over him, and his boiling spirit gradually cooled down.

At the last moment before losing consciousness, he contentedly grabbed the copper bottle containing the diluent and lay on the table to sleep.

(End of chapter)

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