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Chapter 52 Abnormal Celestial Body

Chapter 52 Alien Celestial Objects

【Go out and have a look】

Once this idea of ​​committing suicide appeared, it took root in his mind and grew rapidly. Kraft never thought that he was so brave and could come up with such an idea to risk his life under such circumstances.

After excluding the interference of the glowing monster, the only light left in the hotel was the light coming from the small horizontal window near the top. It was an extremely faint, almost dark light, which was far from the sunlight or moonlight that Craft knew.

It's not the dim light that's obscured by clouds on a cloudy day.

This light reluctantly provides a monotonous view, preventing the world from falling into despair and complete darkness, and unable to obtain any color from it to enrich itself.

To describe it with the only sensibility and literary skills of Kraft, it can be described as "dead" light. It lacks some elements, like a bowl of batter mixed with old grain and water. The bland taste of the grain itself is not retained.

, just for perfunctory sustenance, is better than nothing at all.

A stable light source without heat provides this kind of light. It is fixed at a fixed point in the sky and cannot observe the angle change of the light. If you make up your mind to go out, at least you don't have to worry about the sun setting, unless you want to directly switch between light and dark scenes like a stage change.

To be on the safe side, Kraft was still willing to wait, expecting to be brought back to reality from the deep nightmare in a snap, just like the dreams he remembered or could not remember before, without any extra steps.

Anyway, a lot of time has been spent, and he doesn't mind taking time to spend another few hours in this weird place, it doesn't hurt.

Admittedly, not knowing much about this place is not a good thing, and you will be very passive in the next encounter, but the premise is that there can be a next time.

Going out recklessly and exposing yourself to an empty street is tantamount to a gamble, with visible risks and unknown benefits, and there may be no "next time" chance.

Having said that, waiting is indeed a boring thing. Kraft simply sat down against the door panel. Anyway, his clothes were much wet than the floor, and there was no hope of natural air drying here.

Surrounded by humidity and boredom, he began to think about his next course of action. He first inserted the sword through the crack in the door, pushed up the door bolt and entered the room, then climbed out of the large window in the room. Outside was the back of the hotel.


The second floor is not too high, and there is waist-deep water buffer, so you don’t have to worry about hurting your knee joints.

Go around to the main door, hold the sword blade, and use the guard as a hammer. If you use the correct force, you can knock open the lock, which has more symbolic meaning than practical value, in two strokes, and open the return passage.

The above process can take two minutes at the fastest, and the hotel door can be pushed open from the outside after five minutes at the slowest, and the first step is completed.

If there are no accidents, he can start the second step. This is the real question. Wendeng Port is very big, which direction should we go?

In fact, what he wanted to see the most was the salt tide area, to understand the deep-seated corresponding phenomena of large-scale contact events, and to explore the ultimate purpose of the instigators behind the scenes.

Kraft still hasn't figured out how the person who is most likely a professor knows all this. It's like he was directly poured into a bunch of deep knowledge. He understood what to do from the beginning, through a simple move.

Let things unfold on their own.

After seeing the glowing monster, not only did he not feel that the logic was clear, but because the parts he discovered were too incredible, he fell into deeper doubts. What can he get from this thing?

In the event that has been cut off from beginning to end, "how to know" and "for what purpose" are still shrouded in mist, shrouded in endless haze.

To understand its behavior, the same amount of information must be obtained, and the salt tide zone is an unavoidable part.

But at this water level, the entire salt tide area was already underwater, and the only thing that could be seen was the wooden plank floating on the water. How to position it on the water was a problem, and he couldn't find a boat to go to the deep water area.

All ships, no matter how big or small, are in the port, and even those under construction are placed near the water. No one is so bored as to place a small boat far away from the coast to prevent the situation that only occurs in dreams.

If he wants a boat, it means that he may encounter over-the-top water level halfway to the port, which means that he has to swim half the distance to the port to find a boat, or choose a house with a large distance between the houses and a high height.

Be a flying man on the roof when there is no waiting.

One bad choice, and another even worse choice, don't sound like something a human being in their right mind would make.

Kraft sat at the door for a long time, so bored that he had conceived every detail of the first step, but he still hadn't waited for the moment when nature "wakes up". He even considered what to do if he encountered the glowing creature again.

, is there any place to hide in the kitchen?

Speaking of the kitchen, it did give Kraft some inspiration.

He does not necessarily need a standard boat. If he has a big idea, he can relax a little. Anything that is large enough and floats can meet his needs.

It just so happened that there was a large wooden basin in the kitchen that the boss used to hold live fish. It didn't leak when he usually filled it with water, so he just wanted to try it out.

Kraft returned to the first floor, found the tub from the kitchen, rolled it sideways into the front hall, and emptied the water inside.

I went up and smelled it. There was no fishy smell, and it looked very clean. I climbed in and sat down cross-legged. The wooden basin was bouncing on the water, stubbornly supporting the weight of an adult. It looked like the water line was more than enough, so I could bring it with me.

A board for paddling.

He tentatively stood up holding the edge of the basin, jumped up and down gently in the basin, and found no problem. The manufacturer is the leading conscientious businessman in Wendeng Port, and no soul from another world has ever seen such a conscientious wooden basin.

I don’t know what kind of fish the boss bought it for.

Apart from looking a bit childish, there is nothing wrong with this basin.

Soon, Kraft returned to the kitchen, brought back a ladle and a wooden board, and threw them into the tub. This was his preparation for "sailing".

Now that the plan to explore outside was basically complete, Kraft pried open the door and came to the window of the room.

He removed the wooden bolt, knocked on the window with the wooden bolt, quickly stepped aside, held down the hilt of the sword, and waited quietly. If something would be attracted by the sound, then give it a blow and give up the plan of leaving.


There was no movement outside the window. In the extreme silence, I could only hear my own gentle breathing and heartbeat.

"I really hope that some god will bless me for once." Kraft muttered in his heart, "I will definitely go to the church and donate a silver coin next time."

【Definitely next time】

The inexplicable, yet impressive content flashed by, and the pressure was relieved with some subtle humor.

Taking a deep breath, he made the final mental preparations, pushed open the window with one hand, and faced this world that was different from this world for the first time.


In the dimness, the familiar scene outside the window was coated with a layer of dullness. The faint light seemed to be blown away by the wind and adhered unstablely to the surface of the object, giving it a brittle feeling like weathering.

The scenery outside the window that we are used to seeing on weekdays has been reduced in brightness and stripped of color, showing the tones of old murals. Things that humans have painstakingly created have been destroyed by force majeure, and they have entered an unavoidable and disgusting situation, ignoring the prosperity of the world. .

The deep layers use silent expressions to repel outsiders, making it clear that this is not a place where living things in this world can survive. They use obvious distinctions to make them clearly realize that they do not belong here.

Kraft jumped from the window and jumped into the water in the alley. The pure, cold water had no trace of any living things. He felt that there was no trace of algae or marine life rushing in. There must be no sea rush here. Wow, it’s a pity that there was such a big tide.

Walking between the houses on both sides, there is a starless dark night less than two steps wide above my head. I can't tell whether it is like this or it is covered by clouds.

In the darkness, he touched the wall and leaned forward, moving forward in a half-swimming, half-walking manner, rounding the corner and turning to the street in front.

At the alley leading to the street, he saw the source of the obscure light. It was fixed on the curtain-like sky, unexpectedly large, extremely low in brightness but without any star embellishment.

He raised his head and was caught by it, attracted by the lonely and indifferent light source and texture. That special light made it difficult to judge the distance in the sky lacking reference objects, and it was far away and close at the same time. The illusion before my eyes.

The sky that lacks enough luminous objects looks like a fake, without a sense of vastness and vastness. It is like a giant rock dome that is upside down, and the feeling of oppression and suffocation is extremely heavy.

Intuitively, it is several times as big as the moon, but its brightness is far inferior to the latter. The visually huge area makes its surface texture easier to identify than the lunar sea.

And those textures are not the arcs of ordinary celestial bodies, but interlaced straight cracks, dividing this round surface that does not show light vertically and horizontally, and cutting bottomless grooves, like skin covered with scars.

In the middle, a diagonal trace runs through the middle, almost cutting it in half. Indescribable colors flicker like noise, seeming to expand to both sides.

His spirit was touched. Kraft felt that he was not observing, but looking at each other, receiving corresponding attention. A great sense of strangeness swept through his body, his nasal mucosa was irritated, and a slightly sour smell spread between his lips and teeth. .

He knew that this was the marginalized spiritual senses seizing other neural pathways to express the obtained signals.

By some strange coincidence, Kraft did not lower his head. He couldn't help but want to see it clearly. Observing the horizontal stripes of flashing colorful noise was just like he couldn't help but observe the inner structure of the disgusting luminous creature. There was an indescribable attraction.

The senses are in confusion, the buzzing in the ears is amplified, the tip of the tongue is feeling pain, the smell of blood is mixed with the sour and bitter taste, and the body senses are oscillating sideways and inverted.

Something was fading away, his mind and body were being repulsed, he felt like the world was hanging upside down, the water surface was turning upwards, and the cracked celestial body was moving downwards, exerting some kind of influence on him continuously.

He felt like he was falling, falling toward the dark, lightless sky, while the water surface and the buildings were rising, moving away from him.

In a haze of consciousness, Kraft found that the feeling of weightlessness came over him again, and his fall was unstoppable.

【Another direction】

A thought flashed through him, and he fell into darkness.

(End of chapter)

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