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1030 Walk back to Hezhe

The south of the city is now controlled by Zhao Jie's troops, and the east and west of the city plus the palace are controlled by Li Mingshun's troops. The two sides are fighting back and forth, but there is really nothing going on in the north.

Li Mingshun has no time to take care of those high-ranking officials and their families now, and he has no way to take care of those people: the other party has not escaped or rebelled. What position do you, the commander of the City Guards, have to control the six ministers and the

Former Imperial Chancellor?

So he could only turn a blind eye and let those people gather in the north of the city. Now he felt that he should concentrate his forces and kill the traitor Zhao Jie first!

In fact, his military strength was superior. Zhao Jie only brought a total of 2,000 men. Although they were elite, they were not able to succeed.

But because Zhao Jie had the support of the patrol bureau and Dahua's old aristocrats, Li Mingshun really couldn't defeat this powerful opponent in front of him for a while.

Zhao Jie has more troops than Li Mingshun expected. Zhao Jie now has at least 5,000 troops. Although only less than half are elite, their combat effectiveness is indeed amazing.

Those were the elites who had actually been on the battlefield in Shanchong, and they were more ferocious than the imperial guards stationed in the imperial capital of the Great China Empire. Relying on the defense of the block, Li Mingshun really had no way to deal with Zhao Jie for a while.

As soon as the battle started, the people from the Silver Fox Tavern sent out some cars to pick up the important personnel and ensure their safety.

The rebellious Fifth and Sixth Princes were very considerate, and the cars in the Silver Fox Tavern drove smoothly on the road without encountering any interception or danger.

After the whole family was transferred to the north of the city by car to wait safely, Prime Minister Chu Muzhou saw the embarrassed-looking Chen Jing, the Minister of Industry, and Wang Yucai, the Minister of Household Affairs, in a courtyard.

After the three people greeted each other worriedly, they realized that the city was now in a state of chaos.

The intelligence department of the Tang Empire sent news that Prince Zhao Ji had withdrawn his troops from Hezhe, and the leading troops were approaching Dongqing City.

"How dare he go back to Dongqing? How dare he?" Even Chen Jing, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, understood the situation and asked angrily.

Wang Yucai sneered and said: "In this situation, if he doesn't come back, what will happen to him in the emperor's position?"

"But what will happen to Zhao Chen who is still in Fengjiang when he comes back?" Chen Jing looked at Wang Yucai angrily and continued to question.

"It's hard to say whether Zhao Chen is in Fengjiang or not. If he had retreated to Hezhe, the situation would have been saved!" Chu Muzhou expressed his opinion: "Unfortunately, I guess Zhao Chen is not that fast...


Not just that fast!

"I'm insulting Zhao Ji's 18th generation..." Halfway through the curse, Zhao Chen still remembered that it was really inappropriate for him to have an improper relationship with his ancestors. He closed his mouth, but his face turned purple with anger.


After meeting with Hezhe, Zhao Chen begged Zhao Ji to stick to Hezhe for more than 20 days! But what about now? But what about now? Zhao Ji withdrew his troops in Hezhe without even persisting for seven days.

What annoyed Zhao Chen the most was that Zhao Ji didn't pay attention to Fengjiang's million-strong army. He transferred all the troops that He Zhe could transfer away!

There were originally more than 300,000 troops, but Zhao Ji took away the entire 300,000 troops in one go! There was almost no garrison left, and Hezhe was now an empty city.

There was no way the Datang military advisory and command team south of Hezhe would miss such a golden opportunity. They immediately launched an attack on Hezhe. Thousands of defenders on Hezhe's side ran away at night without even thinking.

Yes, Hezhe was lost, and it was lost a few hours after Zhao Ji withdrew his troops. How cleanly was it lost? The retreating troops didn't even have time to destroy the arms and supplies stored in Hezhe.

In order to increase the speed of the troops, Zhao Ji carried almost no supplies! He was really anxious to go back and seize the throne, and didn't think about anything else.

Hearing that the Imperial Capital was in chaos, he began to prepare to retreat. After receiving a telegram from Li Mingshun, Zhao Ji couldn't care about anything else: He really didn't expect that Zhao Jie would appear in the Imperial Capital, so Zhao Ji went to the Imperial Capital desperately


In order to make himself fast enough, Zhao Ji mobilized all the trains gathered in Hezhe that were supposed to be used to support the retreat of Zhao Chen's troops.

In addition, he also took away all the planes and transported all the munitions he could, but left all the other materials hoarded by the army in Hezhe.

After Luo Xiao led 100,000 Fengjiang troops into Hezhe, he received a total of 1 million sets of military uniforms, 300,000 helmets, 100,000 quilts, 200,000 tents, as well as food, ammunition, artillery shells and other supplies.

Some other materials are even piled up. After all, Hezhe has been serving as a material warehouse for the Dahua army for nearly a year.

There were too many things here, and I didn't dare to send them all to the front line easily. In the end, everything was left to the Fengjiang Army, which gave the Fengjiang Army a big advantage.

"These unscrupulous descendants of the Zhao family! Lost everything belonging to their ancestors! Lost it! Bastards! Do they still want to be shameless? Do they want to be shameless?" Zhao Chen beat the table and angrily cursed in his headquarters.


In fact, Zhao Chen has mobilized his troops to retreat as quickly as possible. He has a total of more than 800,000 troops near Fengjiang, and the fastest retreating troops are already close to Hezhe, which is less than 30 kilometers away.

As a result, in just a few hours, Zhao Ji did not wait for him: nearly 300,000 Zhao Chen's troops were now blocked along the railway line back to Hezhe, and half of the group was in a vulnerable state of field march.

Now these troops are in the wild. They have no solid defenses and no food and material supplies. They are too fragile to fight.

If we retreat to Fengjiang, we can rely on half of Fengjiang City and some surrounding strongholds to defend. But with no rescue outside and no food and grass inside, we basically just sit back and wait for death.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The retreat of the whole army is a big gamble: if they can recapture Hezhe, they will still have a way to survive, but if they fail, then the 800,000-strong army will be defeated in the wilderness.

Those who can survive are basically not even one out of ten.

"Zhao Jie! Zhao Jie is harming the country!" Zhao Chen felt itching with hatred when he thought of this cousin: If this bastard Zhao Jie hadn't given Zhao Kai an idea to abandon Shanping, the situation in the Dahua Empire would not have collapsed.

So bad!

Unable to bear it anymore, Zhao Chen threw another water glass to the ground, and the expressions on the faces of the officers around him were extremely grim.

At this moment, they have no train support from Hezhe. How can it be so easy to mobilize hundreds of thousands of troops? Even if there are a few armored divisions that can fight in the field, it is only a fraction compared to the total number.

"General! It's too late to say anything now! Our army of more than 800,000 people has to find a way out!" A general asked in a frustrated voice.

They don't know what to do anymore. They have lost their ammunition and food supplies. If Fengjiang stops smuggling again, they may not be able to survive for two days!

"Concentrate all the fuel into the two armored divisions! Try to collect enough ammunition! Convergence the troops near Hezhe, try to recapture Hezhe, and open the way to retreat... This is our only way out." Zhao

Chen thought for a while and came up with a more feasible plan.

"General! General! It's not good!" A general broke in at this time and shouted breathlessly: "Fengjiang, the Fengjiang army launched a counterattack and attacked our rear troops..."

"It's weird that they can let us leave smoothly!" Zhao Chen sighed bitterly and said, "Can you contact Zhao Yu's people and tell them to let us go without taking anything?

As long as we are allowed to live in Hezhe, we don’t even want Hezhe anymore!”

He has now lost his determination to fight. As long as he is allowed to leave with 800,000 troops, he will not even want Hezhe and the wasteland city north of Hezhe.

As long as he can take away these 800,000 Dahua bones and blood, he can go back and stabilize the situation in the court, so that the Dahua Empire will not be ruined in the hands of their generation...

"General! The opponent's offensive is very fierce. I guess... it's probably..." the general who came to deliver the news explained to Zhao Chen with a grimace.

Zhao Chen nodded: "Yes, if this is not to add insult to injury, it is not their style. Order the rearguard troops to fight to the death! The remaining troops should retreat immediately! Even if they walk by foot, they must walk back to Hezhe.


He now has only one hope: the enemy troops in the Hezhe direction have not completed their defenses, and he can still pass around part of the troops from both wings. By then, the 800,000-strong army will be dispersed, and it is not impossible to escape back to Xiajuan City and make plans again!

It's a pity that it must have been a disastrous defeat: if half of the 800,000-strong army returned to the lower reins in the end, it would be considered a blessing from the ancestors! It is estimated that only 300,000 people will be left by then, and there may even be only 250,000 left.


Even if there were only 200,000 left, Zhao Chen thought it was worth a try. Without these 200,000 troops, Xiajuan would not be able to defend it! If Xiajuan cannot defend Dongqing, it may not be able to defend it! If Dongqing is gone,

, then the imperial capital will open its doors?

"Yes!" The officer hurried out to convey Zhao Chen's order. At this moment, another general rushed in and reported that the Fengjiang rebels had dispatched dozens of bombers to bomb the Hezhe Railway!

"What? They blew up the railway?" Zhao Chen was stunned for a moment when he heard the news, and then staggered a step: The Tang Empire has lost its face. If the Fengjiang Army dares to destroy the railway, doesn't it mean that it has gained the Tang Dynasty?

Imperial acquiescence?

No one dared to destroy the railway before, and even during the war, neither side dared to easily launch combat operations along the railway. Now, Toyoe directly dispatched bombers to destroy the railway!

Without the railway, the remaining transportation capacity of Dahua's troops has been wiped out. Now Zhao Chen can really only let the troops walk back to Hezhe on two legs.

But it's so far away from Zhe, is it too late to walk back...?

This chapter has been completed!
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