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1052This is really good news

On the bridge of the aircraft carrier, an officer walked up behind Marshal Bernard, stood at attention and saluted and reported: "Marshal! The aircraft carrier fleet will set sail in four hours. We have about 850 aircraft that can participate in the battle. Because of the distance,

It will be difficult to make up for losses and that is our disadvantage."

"The location of the second escort fleet?" Bernard asked without looking back.

In front of his eyes, outside the porthole, the chimneys of the Dongwan-class battleships, the bodyguards of the aircraft carrier fleet, had begun to smoke. Further out, countless destroyers and more than a dozen large cruisers had also weighed anchor one after another.

"The Second Escort Fleet has set off from the East Bay and is expected to join the 1st Landing Fleet that set off from Linshui tonight." The adjutant reported skillfully.

The chief of staff standing aside was still a little worried, and said to Bernard: "I am still worried about the maintenance of the night landing site... We only have two Dongwan-class battleships, and the Mirage estimates that there are more than 10 battleships...


"So we can only rely on the torpedoes and radars on the destroyers to deal with these opponents equipped with a large number of huge guns?" He actually always felt that the success of such a large-scale cross-sea landing was an accident.

In fact, if the Tang Empire had not made all-round breakthroughs in the fields of communications, dispatching, signals, etc., Tang Mo would not have dared to launch a massive landing operation like this.

However, technology has advanced, and the coordination capabilities of the Tang Empire are ten and a hundred times stronger than in the past. Under such circumstances, joint landing operations are no longer impossible.

"No, you also have guided missile destroyers equipped with anti-ship missiles. This is also our method of dealing with night battles." New weapons are Bernard's real trump card.

He has the Styx anti-ship missile in his hand, which can be effective even at night. Compared with naval guns, its damage effect is certainly better.

"I hope those high-tech gadgets will be as useful on the real battlefield as they were in the experiment." The adjutant on the side joked.

The previous Styx anti-ship missile experiments were successful twice in a row, showing good performance. However, naval commanders still lack enough trust in this "always on target" weapon. In their world, twenty rounds of

It seems to be the norm that the volleys failed to hit the target.

"I hope so." Bernard responded with a smile.

"The landing fleet has begun to assemble." Another officer passed through the busy crowd on the bridge, walked to Bernard's side, stood at attention and saluted and reported: "The 1st Marine Division commanded by General Lu Qianshan, the 2nd Marine Division

The divisions are all ready, and General Feng Kezhi's 9th Army has also boarded the ship."

"The news from the Air Force Liaison Officer is that the airborne troops will set off after the fleet enters the sea area of ​​​​the Mirage. 100 Hercules 130 transport aircraft will carry 6,000 paratroopers to airdrop behind enemy lines to hinder the mobilization of enemy forces," he said.

, while handing the contact document to Bernard.

"This will be the combat operation with the highest technical content, the largest number of participating arms, and the most complex organization and coordination since the founding of the Tang Empire." Bernard was excited that he could command a battle of such a scale. He was very excited.

"The army must break through the enemy's beachhead defense line within two days and meet the paratroopers behind enemy lines, otherwise they risk running out of ammunition and food and being annihilated by the enemy." The chief of staff was still full of concerns: "Feng

General Kezhi must carry out operations without heavy weapons and complete the task of advancing at least 50 kilometers within the corresponding time."

"Is it too stressful? This is our first time to conduct such a complex operation. If something goes wrong..." He looked at Bernard and asked nervously.

"If something goes wrong, then we can be loyal to His Majesty!" Bernard said very bachelorly: "No matter what method is used, the mission must be completed!"

"Where is the target of the attack? South Island?" Tang Mo, the imperial capital of Chang'an, looked at the map of the Mirage Kingdom and asked the Chief of Staff Loew behind him.

Frankly speaking, he is also very nervous now. After all, this is a landing operation with a scale of hundreds of thousands of people. The number of troops to be invested in the follow-up may reach one million levels. The Tang Empire has never organized a cross-sea battle of this scale.


"Yes, it can only be the South Island... The airdrop limit of our Hercules transport aircraft is on the South Island. If it is further away, I am afraid that the airborne troops will not be able to participate in the war." Loew said with some helplessness.

Due to technical and tactical reasons, the Tang Empire could only choose the South Island as its landing point: this was tantamount to fighting openly, using one's fists to hit the opponent's shield.

But the existing technology and the geographical environment of the Mirage forced the staff of the Tang Empire to make this choice, and Loew had no better way.

"I hope they don't have to participate in the war, so Feng Kezhi may not need to think about attacking desperately." Tang Mo had already begun to think about casualties in his mind.

"Your Majesty, General Feng Kezhi is actually not alone. He also has air force support, right? A total of 300 Flying Fortress bombers are all supporting him... It is a pity that these bombers can only carry out one bombing mission a day." Le

The husband comforted Tang Mo and said.

Then, he added: "In addition, as a secret weapon, we will also dispatch the latest H-6 bombers to bomb the South Island of Mirage."

The H-6's range is a little further than that of the Flying Fortress. It can easily fly over the South Island, drop bombs and return safely: it doesn't even need to arrange an escort.

Because it can fly at a speed that Mirage fighter jets cannot catch up with, and at a height that Mirage fighter jets can't fly at all.

"The size of the landing force exceeded 150,000, and more than 4,000 ships were used... More than 300 155-caliber artillery pieces were transported! This is the largest maritime projection force in the world, and it is also the world's first large-scale ultra-long-distance

Landing operation." Tang Mo muttered to himself as he stared at the various data on the map.

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"According to the analysis of satellite photos... the enemy has built a total of 30 large bunker groups near the landing site we selected. These and here must be knocked down!" The headquarters of the 1st Regiment of the 1st Marine Division, which has already assembled at the dock,

The regimental commander was checking beachhead targets with his officers.

He pointed at several key points marked on the map and said: "The first batch of Stukas to take off will focus on taking care of these cement bunkers and eliminate these threats! If they cannot do this, then the Dongwan-class battleships will arrive

Fire at close range and use the main gun to destroy these targets!"

"The engineers must immediately follow the main attack force to destroy the remaining small bunkers and trenches, and destroy the opponent's barbed wire fence! Pass through possible minefields!" All details must be confirmed repeatedly to avoid unexpected changes on the spot.

One officer asked: "Will they use mines?"

"I don't know." The leader shook his head.

"How many artillery pieces does the opponent have in the main defense area?" Another officer raised his hand and asked.

The leader still shook his head: "I don't know."

Another officer then asked: "Will any enemy tanks appear on the beach?"

"I don't know." The leader shook his head again.

"This is really good news." Several officers smiled bitterly.

"Following engineers will immediately build a floating dock in the landing area, and the speed of subsequent troops landing will be significantly improved..." The engineering and technical staff explaining the floating dock technology in front of the blackboard looked timidly at the densely packed officers under the steps.

"When will the terminal be put into use?" Feng Kezhi, who was sitting in the chief position, looked at the technicians.

"It's hard to say, maybe two days, maybe three days. If something unexpected happens, maybe five days." The engineer in charge of technology gave a conclusion that everyone was dissatisfied with. His rigor made Feng Kezhi even more worried about going ashore.


"Then my troops will still have to rely on landing craft to land...that will be faster." Finally, Feng Kezhi looked at the chief of staff beside him and warned.

"Let's adapt accordingly." The chief of staff nodded. He also had no confidence in this floating dock.

"How long can the navy's aircraft cover us?" Feng Kezhi looked at the liaison officer aside and asked.

The liaison officer had repeatedly confirmed it many times and answered immediately: "About fifteen days. After fifteen days, the troops will basically reach their limit. Their aircraft carriers will need to return for refueling, their carrier-based aircraft will need to be repaired and maintained, and their destroyers will need to be refueled."

The safety of the landing site cannot be guaranteed at night, and the transport fleet needs to return to load the second batch of landing troops..."

"In other words, we need to seize a large enough area and build a new airport within 15 days to ensure air superiority?" Feng Kezhi was a little unsure.

The liaison officer curled his lips and gave a less optimistic answer: "Absolutely, but I am more inclined... Our troops will lose air superiority and have to fight alone without aircraft support for about a month.


"This is really good news." Feng Kezhi sat up straight and sighed softly.

"In order to carry as many soldiers as possible, all battleships must be equipped with additional infantry... Large battleships must be equipped with a battalion, and destroyers must be equipped with a company or two platoons." On a destroyer, the chief mate was talking to

The captain confirmed the relevant arrangements for carrying soldiers: "The scene will be very chaotic when unloading troops, so soldiers on professional landing ships must be unloaded first, and soldiers on battleships must wait."

"In other words, we have to fight with these landlubbers?" The captain is obviously unwilling. Carrying more soldiers will affect the rest space of the sailors on the battleship, and will also occupy the corresponding food reserves.

The adjutant nodded: "You can say that, but not all warships must carry soldiers. The guard fleet responsible for fleet safety does not need to carry army soldiers."

"The fleet is escorted by fighter jets during the day, so the fleet should be safe. The most dangerous thing is at night, when fighter jets cannot take off, and enemy battleships will pose a serious threat to the landing site." The captain was a little worried, as the Tang Empire did not have powerful battleships.

fleet, so it can only rely on small boats such as destroyers to fight.

Although in order to meet the needs of ocean warfare, the destroyers of the Tang Empire were not small in tonnage, but compared to battleships that often weighed tens of thousands of tons, they were indeed too slender.

"We can only rely on radar and torpedoes to fight at night. If the torpedoes are used up, we will be very passive." This destroyer has not been modernized. It only has torpedoes and no anti-ship missiles, so the captain said this.


"However, we cannot leave. The entire fleet must protect the landing site for at least 15 days. If possible, the higher-ups hope that we can persist for more than 20 days." The adjutant shrugged.

"It seems not easy to guarantee 20 days for such a high-intensity operation." The captain was unsure about the 20-day deadline.

The adjutant nodded and agreed: "It is indeed not easy. I prefer the original estimate, which is 15 days. This should be the limit. Any more... we, um, or the entire fleet will be in danger."

"However, if there is a problem with the army's advancement and they are unable to establish a deep position and are still suppressed on the beach, then we will have no choice but to take risks." Later, the adjutant added.

The captain felt that the person who drew up this combat plan was simply a lunatic: "In order to defeat the army, you want to involve the entire navy fleet?"

"Yes." The adjutant nodded again.

"This is really good news." When he squeezed out these words, the captain's mouth almost tilted to his cheek.

"On the day of the airborne landing, the navy fighter jets will clear the way for us to be intercepted by enemy fighter jets! But then they will go to support the landing site, and we can only take care of ourselves." In the camp of the airborne troops, the commander was also doing his final steps.


Originally, the range of the 47 transport aircraft was not enough, and the airborne troops almost missed the combat mission of airborne mirage. But later, with the entry of the 130 Hercules transport aircraft into service, they finally got the opportunity to participate in the war.

This is definitely good news for them who missed the previous war! After several years of preparation, they finally have a place to use it! So this is good news, absolutely true!

"We will persist for 2 to 5 days without air support, heavy weapons, and ammunition supplies! It is better to rely on ourselves than to rely on the army to advance. As long as we fight well ourselves, we can create opportunities for the army to break through the enemy's defense line.

Favorable conditions." The paratrooper commander clenched his fists and loudly encouraged his soldiers.

He seemed to regard everything as a test, a test to test whether they were loyal to the emperor.

Therefore, he is not worried that he does not have enough anti-tank weapons, nor is he worried about them going deep behind enemy lines: "Soon we will be trapped in a tight siege, but it doesn't matter, we are born to be trapped in a tight siege! We will fight to the end for His Majesty the Emperor.

One person! For the Tang Empire!"

"For the Tang Empire!" All the paratroopers shouted.

(End of chapter)

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