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1061 Ambush Convoy

When Xiang Ziyu led his troops toward Leping along the highway, the reinforcements from the Mirage Kingdom were also advancing toward Leping and Dongshan.

After receiving the order, these mirage troops immediately organized troops to reinforce the areas where the Tang army might attack. Their speed was very fast, and some even drove away.

However, because the main attack direction of the Tang Empire's landing force was not determined, the armored troops of the Mirage Kingdom were not dispatched. They were still deployed in deep areas, waiting for Mirage Wuzhong's orders.

Xiang Ziyu, who was walking on the road under the moonlight, was thinking of rushing to Leping, but as he was walking, he vaguely heard the sound of a car coming from behind him.

The paratroopers had cars, and the first batch of about twenty cars should have been dropped along with the paratroopers: but the noise of the cars behind them was really too much.

"There are enemies!" Xiang Ziyu turned around and lowered his voice and ordered his soldiers: "Spread out on both sides! Get ready for battle! Ambush! Ambush!"

The paratroopers who heard the order immediately walked off the road, hid on the sloping roadbed, and took off their weapons.

Soon, under the moonlight, a car drove over staggeringly with its lights on. Then came a second car, and a third car... The cars driven by these mirage people were connected in a straight line, along the

The road moved forward slowly.

It was obvious that these Mirage soldiers were going to reinforce Leping Village. It seemed that the other party had guessed the attack direction of the Tang Empire paratroopers and made adjustments according to the situation.

"Do you want to hijack a few trucks?" The platoon leader of the second platoon, who felt that it was very inconvenient to move around with so much luggage, asked Xiang Ziyu in a low voice.

Xiang Ziyu replied without thinking: "You don't have to keep it deliberately. If you can, use it. If you can't, forget it! Get ready to fire! Catch them off guard!"

Soon the tenth car also passed the Datang paratroopers at the rear. Although there were cars behind them, Xiang Ziyu knew that they really couldn't eat any more.

So he jumped up, shouted and opened fire, then picked up his assault rifle and pulled the trigger at a truck in the middle.

"Boom, boom, boom!" A series of gunshots startled the goblin soldiers who were driving, and then they were severely beaten by bullets from both sides.

A truck driving at the front was lifted into the sky by an RPG shot from the anti-tank crew of the third row in front. The explosion of fire suddenly illuminated the battlefield, and the flying bullets made the whole fireworks even more spectacular.

The goblins in the truck jumped out one after another, and were killed by bullets before they even hit the ground. The goblins in the truck did not dare to show their heads, but they were soon hit by bullets that passed through the body of the truck.

There were screams and explosions everywhere. The paratroopers of the Tang Empire attacked from both sides, taking full advantage of their weapons at close range.

Most of the goblin soldiers only have Cyric Type 1 bolt-action rifles. What's even more tragic is that they actually don't know where the enemy is.

"Get off the truck! Get off the truck!" Goblin soldiers shouted loudly in the crowded carriage. Unfortunately, they were shot through the head by bullets just as they opened the curtain of the truck compartment.

"Ah!" The soldier at the carriage was hit by a bullet and fell out of the carriage and fell to the ground. The goblin standing next to him was also hit by a bullet, and his blood sprayed on the curtain hanging at the entrance of the carriage. It was shocking.

The place where they were was illuminated by car lights and firelight, but the hiding place of their opponents was completely dark, with only the flickering light of the muzzle of the gun flickering in and out.

The goblins, who were not prepared for battle at all, could only struggle amidst screams and cries, and finally managed to fire a few shots without even looking at the accuracy.

The goblin in the carriage didn't know where the enemy was. The goblin who jumped out saw the enemy but had no chance to shoot. The dense bullets from the Type 56 rifle were like a storm, sweeping across the entire battlefield.

The goblin soldier who had just wanted to jump out of the truck saw that the goblin in front of him was beaten into pieces by bullets, and he lost the courage to get out of the truck, so he could only lie down in the truck, not knowing what to do.

But they were not able to dodge those fatal bullets. The Tang Empire soldiers kept firing at the carriage, leaving no chance for their opponents to survive.

"Reverse! Reverse!" Seeing that the car in front of him was blown up, the goblin officer in the car behind loudly ordered the driver to reverse quickly.

But just as the truck at the back was about to reverse and escape, a rocket flying from the side hit the front of the truck directly. The flames engulfed the engine and cockpit of the car. Before the two goblins inside could do anything,

The reaction becomes coke.

The goblins in the car were ignited by the spreading flames before they had time to jump out of the truck. The goblin on the outermost side jumped out of the car with flames and rolled back and forth on the ground in the hope of extinguishing the flames on himself.

The goblins driving outside the encirclement quickly reversed, and the two cars collided with each other and fell directly under the roadbed. The car further behind also reversed quickly and fled the battlefield desperately.

The goblin's truck, which was sandwiched between two cars that exploded and caught fire, could only stay in place, and the goblin on the truck could only become a target.

They screamed and howled as they struggled in the hail of bullets. After just ten minutes, the only sound left on the battlefield was the sound of burning flames and the whistling of the wind.

Xiang Ziyu changed a magazine and stuffed the empty magazine back into the magazine bag on his chest: "A few people go up and clean up the battlefield. Others, please be careful!"

"Let the troops at the rear pay attention to the fleeing enemy, and don't let the other party make a comeback!" As he said this, he climbed onto the road and stood next to a goblin car full of bullet holes. He looked through the car lights that had not been extinguished.

Looking at the goblin corpses lying on the road.

"See if there are any cars available!" Lao Chen loudly reminded his men with an assault rifle: "Be careful! Don't be attacked by someone pretending to be dead!"

"Thud, tut, tug!" At the end of the team, there was suddenly intensive gunfire, and soon there was the explosion of a grenade.

Everyone was very alert. They leaned on the car and watched the situation in the distance without making any noise.

Soon someone came over with a message: "It's okay! Two goblin trucks overturned under the roadbed. There were a lot of live people hidden inside, and they were killed by our people."

"There were about 10 cars left, and they ran away without looking back." The soldier who came to deliver the message pointed to another direction on the road and said, "It seems they don't have the courage to take this road tonight."

While he was talking, several soldiers from 3rd Platoon also had good news: "This car looks like it still works! We can put our luggage on the truck and drive away!"

"Is anyone injured?" Xiang Ziyu walked past the trucks holding an assault rifle and asked the paratroopers who were kicking the goblin corpses off the roadbed to clear the road.

"We don't have any here, company commander." A squad leader shook his head and took the time to light a cigarette for himself.

There is firelight here, so there is no so-called light control. If he leaves here, he will not have the courage to smoke.

"Damn it, why are these goblin cars so poorly built? Damn it, this seat is too high." The Tang Empire paratrooper who tried to get into the cab of the car that smelled of blood couldn't help but cursed.

He had never seen such a crudely made car. Not only was the space in the driving position extremely small, but even the position of the gear lever was unreasonable.

What made him even more depressed was that the clutch and brake accelerator pedals were surprisingly high, and the entire cab seemed to be prepared for a junior high school student.

In addition, when they killed the goblin driver in the cab of this truck, they left several holes in the door, the front windshield of the truck was also broken, and there was blood hanging on it, so the driving environment

It's really miserable.

"Okay, stop complaining, at least he can still drive." After checking the engine compartment in front of the truck and taking out a flashlight from his mouth, another paratrooper said: "It would be good to have a car that can drive to help us transport equipment.


"Can you keep driving?" Xiang Ziyu also asked with concern. Because if this truck can continue to be used, their marching speed will undoubtedly be much faster.

"There should be no problem." When the soldier who was complaining just now heard the company commander's question, of course he replied solemnly: "I'll drive slowly, and I'll be fine."

"Let the people in the 1st platoon throw the unnecessary daily necessities into the truck first." Xiang Ziyu immediately asked the 1st platoon, who had fought once before, to throw their luggage into the truck: "Then the other platoons do the same! Only carry combat equipment.

!Hurry up!”

As he spoke, he shouted to his men who were still inspecting the battlefield: "3rd Platoon! Clear the road ahead and see if you can find a way around the burning truck wreckage at the front."

"More than 180, almost a company... those who ran away... should be about the same number, probably a battalion." The soldiers who had counted the battlefield came over and reported a quite detailed number.

"There are no useful seizures. They are all infantry and there is no heavy equipment." Then, the soldier added.

"Then hurry up and move on! It will be dawn in two hours, and we don't have much time." Xiang Ziyu looked at the stars in the sky and ordered.

The cars behind were still burning, and those unused cars were also set on fire by the soldiers of the Tang Empire. They left the goblin corpses on the ground and drove away, continuing towards Leping Village.

An infantry battalion of goblins that was originally preparing to reinforce Leping Village was defeated. During their defeat, they encountered some paratroopers from the Tang Empire and were beaten again. Then they fled back to the barracks where they started and reported that all the Tang troops were on the road.

News from soldiers.

The commander of this mirage army was also very cautious. He decided to wait another two hours for daybreak before taking action...

This chapter has been completed!
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