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There is no way to confirm the results of 1101

The two Dragon-Slaying bombers dragged long plumes of smoke towards the sea. In the cabin of the pirate fighter that intercepted them, Sun Rui frowned.

He has seen this happen twice today. The other party knew that it was impossible to achieve any results, but they just flew the plane crazily, trying to get close to the Tang Army's landing site.

Frankly speaking, this approach is actually stupid. No matter what, precious pilots should not be wasted like this.

But the Mirage Air Force is doing such stupid things: they keep taking off planes and try to get close to the landing site in various ways. No one knows what they want to do, but the other side just enjoys this thing.

"Are they desperately looking for our aircraft carrier fleet?" Sun Rui asked his wingman as he looked at the Dragon-Slaying bomber that hit the sea under his feet and gradually sank.

"I don't know." The wingman answered honestly: "They never revealed their intentions... they just kept getting closer and then were shot down."

The two pirates circled around the wreckage of the Dragon Killer bomber that was gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea, and climbed up again in boredom.

These planes are here to die! The Dragon-Slayer bombers have machine gun turrets on their spines and abdomens. These self-defense weapons did not fire at all during the previous battle.

In other words, there were probably no gunners on the two downed Dragon-Slaying bombers, only pilots! In Sun Rui's view, this behavior can only be explained by death.

The other party is executing its own pilot? This ridiculous idea flashed through Sun Rui's mind. He even laughed: obviously this idea is really unreliable.

From the morning until now, there have been about 40 aircraft from Mirage trying to approach the Tang Army's landing site from various directions and at various altitudes.

It's a pity that they were all shot down without exception. After all, they could not compare with their opponents in terms of quantity and quality.

Normally, the Tang Army would have four pirate fighter jets intercept two Zero fighter jets under the guidance of radar. With such a gap, the Zero fighter jets would not even be able to get close to the Tang Army fleet.

Of course, there are not without successful cases: some Mirage pilots can still get through the layers of interceptions by Tang Army aircraft by virtue of their superb skills and incredible luck.

But the pilots of these planes never imagined that there is something called an anti-aircraft missile in this world...

The Tang Army's anti-aircraft missile destroyers are unable to deal with a large number of enemy aircraft saturation attacks, but when they deal with the occasional fish that slips through the net, their efficiency is really high.

Today's anti-aircraft missiles are guided by radar. When the electromagnetic environment is very good, its hit rate is really surprisingly high.

There is no way, who makes Mirage's fighter jets and bombers fly so slowly that it makes people feel distressed? For early anti-aircraft missiles, targets with a speed of about 400 to 500 kilometers were simply tailor-made for them.

Coupled with heavy warheads and advanced proximity fuzes... the probability of these anti-aircraft missiles intercepting mirage aircraft is almost 100%.

To have such a high hit rate, on the one hand, it really requires the full cooperation of the Mirage pilots: they have no idea that their opponents have anti-aircraft missiles, and they don’t have any countermeasures equipment on their own aircraft, so they just do it without any

Without knowing the situation, he broke into the preset position of the Tang Army's anti-aircraft missile destroyer.

There is no radar warning system on Mirage's aircraft, so Mirage pilots have no idea that they have been locked, so it is impossible for them to make any maneuvers before they are shot down.

Because they were hit so suddenly, it was impossible for these crashed Mirage pilots to report their experiences to their friendly forces until they died. Such a sophisticated closed loop of death made the suicide attacks that Mirage had been busy all day completely useless.


What makes people laugh or cry is that the Mirage Air Force itself does not know whether its suicide attack has any results... They cannot confirm the effectiveness of the attack, nor can they confirm whether the operation really failed.

"We can't contact him again!" In the Great South Bay, a goblin officer sighed and looked at Mirage Wu Zhong standing beside him.

Because the only way to counterattack was the "suicide strike" ordered by the base camp, Mirage Takeda also personally came to pay attention to the suicide attack situation of the Mirage Air Force.

But it was a pity that he had been standing here for a long time, and there was no definite result to make him happy. This morning and noon, the most news he heard was that the fighter plane was shot down.

Just a few minutes ago, two Butcher bombers that detoured around the Great South Bay and flew close to the sea were shot down. In order to reduce the losses, there were only pilots on board and no gunners were carried on the planes.

Mirage Wuzhong personally heard the radio conversations between the pilots in the two planes. Two enemy planes attacked them and shattered their wings with cannons. The two planes made an emergency landing on the sea, and then the communication was interrupted.

Immediately afterwards, a formation composed of two Zero fighter jets approached the enemy-controlled area. After sacrificing his wingman, the experienced lead pilot luckily broke through the Tang Army's peripheral interception and reached the core area of ​​the landing site.

Unfortunately, after the pilot reported seeing the enemy's "sea airport", there was suddenly no response.

"Call Victory No. 31! Call Victory No. 31!" The radio liaison officer on the side was calling the plane tirelessly, but still did not receive any response.

"He didn't report anything. He just said that he broke away from the interception of the opponent's fighter jets, and there were enemy warships under his feet... and then he lost contact." An Air Force officer was explaining everything that had happened before to the newly arrived staff officer.

"Jusheng No. 31! Call Jusheng No. 31! Please answer! Please answer!" The radio liaison officer on the side was still holding the intercom and kept trying.

Mirage Wu Zhong, who was already very irritated, looked at the air force commander who was explaining, frowned and asked the other person: "Did he hit him or not?"

The air force officer quickly answered his superior's question: "Your Majesty General, we can't confirm it yet! But it is certain that he flew further than other pilots. We... saw his trajectory on the radar."

There is a radar station in the Great South Bay. Because it is relatively concealed and the Tang Army has no intention of bombing the port at the end, the Mirage still has certain aerial perception capabilities until now.

It's a pity that the performance of their radars is really not that good. They are all technologies from the early Tang Dynasty. They are easily susceptible to interference and may malfunction from time to time.

Originally, this set of equipment was sold to Mirage as civilian navigation radar equipment. Who knew that Mirage found some so-called experts and modified it, and then used it as a warning radar.

Because the performance of the radar was not very good, the air force officer of the Mirage country could only report what he knew to Mirage Wuzhong: "On the 31st of the decisive victory, he did bypass the enemy fighter jets... But the place where the signal disappeared was complicated.

The wave was so severe that our radar couldn't see it clearly."

"Please answer! Please answer! Call Jusheng No. 31! Call Jusheng No. 31! Please answer if you hear it. Please answer if you hear it!" While the two people were talking, the radio liaison officer on the other side was still calling over and over again.


Everyone here has a fantasy, what if exciting news appears on the channel one second? However, as time passes, such expectations become more and more unrealistic.

The reason why everyone still has a little bit of hope is because in the morning, before losing contact, another pilot reported exciting news: he shouted "Long live the Mirage Emperor" at the end, and he had rushed towards the enemy.


It was this cry of "Long live the Mirage Emperor, I have rushed to the enemy ship!" that gave hope to everyone in the Mirage Kingdom. Although they did not know the outcome of the battle, they thought that they at least had the outcome, or at least...

It is possible to achieve results.

"That means there is no way to confirm whether he hit the enemy ship or not?" After listening to the other party's explanation, Mirage Wuzhong could no longer suppress his irritability.

However, his current condition is much better than yesterday. At least he took advantage of the opportunity to fall asleep and get some sleep.

"There's no way to confirm, General." The commander of the Goblin Air Force shook his head and replied. He really had no way to confirm. It would cost you your head to report random results...

Mirage Wuzhong was finally irritated by his subordinates' ignorance. He yelled: "Damn it, how can we fight like this? We have lost more than 50 pilots, but we don't even know whether they have completed their mission!


The scene suddenly became quiet, and only the radio liaison officer, who was wearing headphones and could not react for a while, was still calling affectionately: "Jusheng No. 31! Call Jusheng No. 31! Please answer! Please answer!"

"Stop calling!" Mirage Wu Zhong angrily pulled off the other party's earphones and threw them on the table. The liaison officer was startled, then quickly stood up and stood aside and lowered his head.

"Waste! They are all waste!" Remembering that it was precisely because the Air Force lost air supremacy that his situation became so passive, Mirage Wu Zhong's anger became even higher.

He stretched out his hand and pointed at the air force commanders who had their heads lowered. For a moment, he couldn't find any curse words to express his anger.

"Send more planes! Take off a few more! No matter what, on the one hand, we must really crash the enemy's warships, and on the other hand, we must confirm the results of the battle! Confirm the results of the battle!" Mirage Wuzhong slapped his palms on the table with all his strength.


The sound of "Puff" echoed throughout the headquarters and did not dissipate for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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