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1187Childhood Memories

The goblins who were attacked from the flank were already in disarray, and their commander sent dozens of soldiers to launch a counterattack from the flank again.

They tried to drive away the flanking enemies approaching the village, but behind them there was a Lion armored reconnaissance vehicle with a powerful 75mm cannon.

When the orc troops on the front advanced through the smoke-enclosed area, the visibility of both sides gradually became better. The smoke bombs were gradually dissipating, and the firepower points of both sides began to take effect.

The orc machine gunners who had been impatient for a long time began to fire, and the chainsaw-like sound of the MG42 machine gun began to sound on the battlefield.

Tracer bullets swept towards the goblin trenches like raindrops, and the outcropping goblins were forced back into their own tunnels. The wooden frame in the distance that looked like a horse was smashed to pieces by the No. 4 tank.

When they saw the No. 4 tank, the goblins stationed in the village obviously started to become confused. Some soldiers began to jump out of the trenches and escape, but these mindless recruits would soon be knocked down by bullets.

But there were still soldiers fleeing in panic, and even the goblin law enforcement teams were unable to stop these farmers who had not received a few days of training from continuing to stick to their posts.

There was no way, the shock that a No. 4 tank brought to ordinary people was so great that they simply did not dare to approach such a twisting behemoth.

In the trenches, the goblin soldiers who were preparing for an anti-tank attack unscrewed the safety of the sting mine. This type of weapon had a huge explosive package with a collision fuse installed on the front end, which could blow both the tank and the person using the sting mine into the sky.

Those who dare to use this thing are some fanatics, and the army will distribute these people to various units, and they will assume the anti-tank tasks of the unit.

Of course, these suicide "thunder attack experts" cannot guarantee a 100% success rate, so the anti-tank capabilities of each unit are actually unreliable.

Some experienced mine-thrusting attackers have participated in actual combat as infantry before, so they have better access to tanks, so the attack success rate of such soldiers is relatively high.

But if this fanatic is just bolder and dares to seek death, but doesn't know much about actual combat, then 80% of his success will be in vain... The anti-tank capability of this goblin unit may be weaker.

The first goblin soldier jumped out of the trench, holding the long mine-piercing pole with both hands and ran quickly towards the Tang army's tank. But before he could take two steps, he was shot by an orc soldier who was covering the tank attack on the flank, and fell down.

On the way forward.

The second goblin soldier rushed out immediately, shouting and rushing towards the orc tank. However, he also failed. The orcs' firepower was too dense, and there was no way to get close to the tank at this risk.

"Boom!" A ball of flame erupted from the front end of the No. 4 tank's turret, and the short-barreled 75mm cannon fired a shell, which directly hit the collapsed wall of the village and exploded, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Feeling the tremendous pressure, the goblin soldiers finally couldn't hold it back any longer. They ignored their commander's scoldings, discarded their weapons and began to rout.

No one dared to look back, and hundreds of goblin soldiers fled into the village. The orc troops jumped into the trenches, cleared out the few soldiers who were still resisting, and then had no choice but to cooperate with the tanks to continue attacking the village.

Their movements were very skillful, and the coordination between infantry and tanks was very well organized. The goblin soldiers who were still preparing to rely on the ruins of the house collapsed again. They lacked heavy weapons, and they only had a few thorn mines, but they couldn't find anyone who had the courage to use them.


Although the RPG rockets occasionally captured in Dingcheng provided some ideas for the goblin engineers, their weak industry and almost scrapped production capacity did not allow them to copy the Tang Empire's new individual anti-tank weapons.

The battle soon came to an end. About 300 goblin soldiers fled, leaving more than 200 corpses scattered throughout the village.

A battalion of troops was defeated by an orc tank, two armored vehicles and a platoon of infantry. This clearly reflected the serious decline in the combat effectiveness of the goblin troops.

The orcs did not continue to attack. They were just ordered to capture the village. With their small strength, they really could not continue to advance forward.

After all, not all troops can be like the troops of the Tang Empire, who have the courage to organize attacks and advance forward with scattered troops and very few troops.

"Report!" An officer walked into Mirage's office, stood at attention and saluted and handed a document to the army general: "General! I just got the news that the orc troops have been installed on Mirage's outer defense line!"

"Oh?" Phantom Vuk grabbed the message and lowered his head to read the content: "It's finally here! How is the battle going?"

"The other party captured one of our villages and then had no intention of continuing the attack. An armored force is moving on the flank of our army and seems to be preparing to enter the defense area of ​​our 1st Armored Division." The officer immediately replied.

"Surround us...it's still the same old routine." Feng Wu Ke gave an evaluation with a wry smile. He felt that the orcs had no tactics at all and were just relying on the unlimited resources provided by the Tang Empire to act recklessly.

Unfortunately, this kind of siege is fatal to him. Now that the mirage army has left the solid defenses, there is really nothing the orcs can do.

As long as the supplies are cut off and the mirage army is surrounded, the mirage army will have no choice but to sit back and wait for death if it lacks weapons and ammunition. He has used this trick so many times that even he has almost learned it himself.

But this time he was a little prepared. As Mirage City is the royal city of Mirage Kingdom, the food reserves and ammunition reserves are still sufficient.

Moreover, they have the sea at their back and a river running through the city, so they cannot be completely blocked and there is no shortage of water! They will not be as passive as the central fortification area.

Come on! Then come on! Let’s see if we can let the orcs here always remember how powerful the goblins are! Mirwuk clenched his fists and ordered: “Let the 1st Armored Division stabilize! Don’t leave your own.

Fight in the defense zone! To avoid being attacked by the Tang Air Force!"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! What he is afraid of is not the orcs, but the Tang planes behind the orcs! Those planes are really powerful, and the current Mirage City is about to become a ruin.

Now it is just the outer defense line of Mirage City. When those bastards of the orcs get close to the core defense line, they will know how difficult the defense line prepared by the goblins for humans is!

Between these lines of defense, he also laid a large number of mines against all odds. As long as the orcs passed through these minefields, they would pay a heavy price.

Although he has lost air superiority, some hidden airports in the northern part of the Mirage Island can still take off aircraft to interfere with the Orc Air Force! The few remaining goblin pilots will still fight bravely and fight for the Mirage Emperor until the last moment.

"Inform His Majesty the Mirage Emperor... The enemy is moving towards the flanks of Mirage City, trying to encircle our army. For the sake of your Majesty's safety, please consider leaving Mirage City and moving to the northern area." When the officer was about to leave, Mirage Wuk said,

He added.

"Yes!" The officer stood at attention, lowered his head, turned and left.

Mirage looked through the window at the thick smoke that had not dissipated in the distance. He didn't know what he was thinking: that smoke column was left by a Scud missile just now. The Tang Empire still maintained its policy of launching one missile every day.

good habits.

The fire alarm bells can still be heard clearly. This city has been devastated by nearly a hundred Scud missiles and is in dilapidated condition. It is like a ruins, but it is crowded with refugees and troops, making it more lively and not desolate.


He can no longer remember clearly what this place looked like in the past. The busy port, which was full of naval warships, now has only dilapidated docks. The factories and large chimneys that used to emit thick smoke are now

It is no longer visible at this moment.

Mirage used to hate the smelly streets, but now he feels that such a scene is extremely friendly... but he can no longer see it.

The city is now full of bomb craters, the power plant is no longer working, and the water plant is in ruins. People in the city have returned to the life they had decades ago, the life Mirvuk was familiar with when he was a child.

Everyone crowded around the well, the vicious subordinates shouted and cursed in vicious words, and the horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts left piles of excrement on the street...

Phantom Vuk spent his childhood in such an environment. At that time, he really didn't expect that the war could develop to the point it is today.

As a child, he often fantasized about becoming a general, so when he stood out for his military exploits at the age of thirty-four and became the "Military Governor" of the Mirage Kingdom, he was really satisfied and fantasized about becoming a famous general of the Mirage Kingdom.

Who knows, later under the influence of the Tang State, the Mirage State carried out a series of military reforms. The position he was familiar with became "major general", and later he was promoted to "lieutenant general" because of his strong support for military reforms.

By the time he became the first military general in the Mirage Kingdom, flintlock guns had been replaced by machine guns and bolt-action rifles, and front-loaded cannons had been eliminated by large-caliber breech-loading cannons—war had completely changed.

Before he could get used to it, planes and tanks had already appeared, and his status as a general of the Mirage Kingdom began to be surpassed by that of the Navy Admiral! There was no way, just looking at the super battleships of the Navy, there was no way he could argue with Mirage Haiping.

Which is more important, sea or land?

In his childhood, Mirage Wuk grew up in Mirage City... He will not leave here! Absolutely not! Even if this place becomes a ruin, he must stand here!

Thinking of this, Mirwuk cheered up and walked back to his desk, ready to continue handling official duties.

But before he could pick up his pen, the piercing air defense siren sounded again. Soon, the adjutant broke in and reported the enemy air attack to Mirwuk: "The radar detected the intrusion."

Fleet! General! Please enter the air raid shelter!"


I will update one chapter in July. Counting this chapter, I still owe you 16 chapters.

This chapter has been completed!
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