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1398 Dorn's Radar Company

For countries around the world, jet engine technology is no longer difficult to understand. Jet engine technology, at least in principle, has been reached by many engineering and technical personnel.

However, it is still a very difficult technology, and processing and materials restrict almost all countries that want to develop their own engines.

The Tang Empire can export corresponding technologies to some friendly countries, but these technologies are obviously backward, and relying on them can only produce engines exported by the Datang Empire.

Even so, the engines that the Tang Empire agreed to export were still advanced, at least to these countries.

Using these imported equipment and materials... the Yangmu Empire assembled and produced the first Elf jet fighter: the F-104 fighter jet.

The speed of this fighter can easily exceed 2 times the speed of sound. Compared with the ME-262 fighter previously equipped by the Yangmu Empire, it is simply an alien technology.

Everyone in the Yangmu Empire is very satisfied with this new type of fighter jet, and this time the business was still negotiated by the Grand Duke of the Yangmu Empire, Reibert.

Relying on the good relationship with the Tang Empire, the Yangmu Empire has indeed obtained many technologies that other countries cannot obtain. No way, who allowed the Yangmu Empire to have a princess who became a princess in the Tang Empire, and also had a duke?

His son holds a high position within the Tang Empire.

Only this time, while the Tang Empire sold the F-104 fighter jets to the Yangmu Empire, it also provided the Binghan Empire with its own model of advanced fighter jets, the J-6!

The dwarves also like this brand new fighter jet very much. Their air force suffered a lot when fighting against the elves, so this time they are determined to strengthen their shortcomings.

In addition to these two countries, the Susus Empire purchased the Phantom Fighter. For this new fighter, the Susus Empire spent a lot of money.

After all, compared to the J-6 and Widowmaker F-104, France's Mirage fighter jets are obviously better in performance and other aspects.

And Lions II, who had just succeeded to the throne as the emperor, also spent huge sums of money to purchase Hunter fighter jets from the Tang Empire after making peace with the Tang Empire.

Compared with the previous fighter jets, this fighter jet designed by John Bull has a unique appearance and decent performance, so the Lions Empire is also very satisfied.

Dorne was in a worse situation this time. They had no way to negotiate with the hostile Tang Empire to purchase fighter jets, so they could only turn their attention to another arms company: Cyric.

In fact, everyone knows whose subsidiary Cyric is now, but since this kind of thing is not made clear, you can pretend to be stupid when necessary.

Sure enough, Dorne found what it wanted in Cyric: a jet fighter called the 86.

Although compared with aircraft from other countries, this type of fighter, called the Type 86, uses an older nose air intake and cannot compete with aircraft such as the J-6 and 104 in speed, but it is still better than many

The plane in my hands is much more advanced.

After all, if Dorn did not purchase this technologically backward jet fighter, they would have to use the even more technologically backward ME-262 fighter jet.

Even this kind of fighter was stolen from the Yangmu Empire and had to be modified in appearance, otherwise it would be recognized by the Tang Empire...

In this way, Dorn spent a large amount of money to purchase the technology of the F-86 Saber fighter from Cyric and produce it together with the existing ME-262 fighter.

That's right, they were produced together. Dorn, who was in urgent need of fighter jets, had no choice but to seek medical treatment in an emergency, hoping to quickly expand the size of his air force fighter force.

Because they had to face the threat of the Tang Empire's naval carrier-based aircraft, they urgently needed enough jet fighters to solve the problem of air supremacy.

Moreover, Dorne's Air Force also believes that the ME-262, which they call the Type 262 fighter aircraft, is relatively easier to produce despite its backward technology.

In addition, this kind of aircraft can install a large amount of equipment on the nose, and may be converted into a night fighter, or equipped with a new type of radar, so the production of the 262 fighter cannot be abandoned.

As for where the advanced radar comes from...

"Don't worry, we have reduced the size of the radar to the point where it can be stuffed into an aircraft." Pan Yiping sat in his seat and talked to Dorn and the procurement envoys from other countries.

He is now in hot demand, because the radar factory Pan Yiping invested and built in Dorne mastered advanced technology "stolen" from the Tang Empire.

With these valuable technologies, Pan Yiping's equipment company really prospered in Dorne, and he himself became the most popular rich man in Dorne.

With this identity, Pan Yiping obtained countless important intelligence information about Dorn, including the locations of all radar stations along the coast, the types of radars installed, the frequency bands used, and even the training level of the personnel operating these radars.

At the same time, Pan Yiping also mastered information such as the number of Dornish military fighter jets produced and the progress of research and development of related technologies. He could learn this top-secret information with just a phone call.

Even, because his radar technology is slightly better than the radar sold by the Tang Empire, other countries will also purchase radar products from him.

In this way, Pan Yiping can even grasp other countries' aircraft production numbers, radar equipment quantities, frequency bands used, and other information.

The spy seeds that had been planted in Dorne sprouted and blossomed at this moment, allowing the Tang Empire to know everything about the military preparations of various countries in the Eastern Continent.

As for why it is necessary to update the radar technology for the countries on the Eastern Continent, it is because the various advanced weapons that the Tang Empire will put into use in the future will need better opponents to be effective.

It is naturally cost-effective for you to use Tomahawk cruise missiles to attack Scud missile launchers, but if the opponent only has anti-aircraft guns, then using Tomahawk is obviously a losing business.

Now, there are too many low-value targets on the Qin frontline, which seriously affects the attack speed of the Tang Empire: using missiles to attack these targets is too cost-effective, and in the end, artillery has to be used to bombard them bit by bit, which in turn

This caused the Tang Empire to waste a lot of time.

Regarding the strategy of the Eastern Continent, Tang Mo plans to change his thinking: find a way to let the countries in the Eastern Continent have some high-value targets worth attacking, and increase the opponent's war cost in a disguised way, so that the tactics can be brought back to the Eastern Continent.

The state that the Tang Empire was best at.

After all, no matter how rich the Tang Empire was, they were not willing to use anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes, right?

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