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1409 Huaishan Street Fighting

Tuesday Dog is just an ordinary coolie. He works hard to make a living in the city where he lives. He has to do a lot of work every day to survive.

Later, the war broke out and the situation became increasingly tense. He was arrested and sent to the front line. As a Qin citizen, he had the obligation to protect his family and the country.

But he had not received any military training. After simply practicing some queue walking, he was sent to the front line, distributed a rifle, and became a soldier.

Contrary to what he imagined, he didn't see an enemy on the battlefield. Hiding in the trench, he only heard the rumble of artillery, and then his captain yelled at them to run, and he ran to the enemy behind him with his gun in hand.

In the ruins.

He fled from one ruin to another, from a new soldier to a veteran. The Tang army did not see him, and the troops he belonged to changed one after another.

Now, he was lying in the ruins, and he still didn't see the so-called enemies mentioned by the officers. He could only see the collapsed buildings, and his comrades who were reinforcing the defense line not far away.

Everyone followed the order and desperately piled rubble and bricks together to form some relatively strong bunkers to resist the Tang army's attack.

But in fact, most of the time, the Tang Empire's offensive was just to bombard the Qin Army's positions with artillery. After a few rounds of precise bombardment by the opponent, the Qin Army itself collapsed.

It was really a precise bombardment: I don’t know how the other party discovered it, but the shells fell as if they had eyes, hit the Qin army’s defenses, and exploded into the sky together with the people inside.

He once saw people who had been hit by artillery shells, their uniforms dyed red with blood, their broken arms hanging on steel bars in the distance, and the fishy smell in the air and the choking smell of exploding artillery shells could not cover up.

A veteran once told Tuesday Dog not to change the state of the ruins easily, just hide in them... He said this was the secret to his ability to survive until now.

The dog learned this trick on Tuesday. He was very grateful to the veteran who taught him the trick. Unfortunately, the veteran died more than a month ago. He was hit by a rocket in the hiding place. When the body was found, it was still in pieces.

The Tang Empire's attacks were sometimes not so accurate, especially those from armed helicopters. They were like epileptic patients. As long as they suspected that the Qin army was hiding somewhere, they would shoot wildly.

"A bunch of idiots, can those bricks stop artillery shells? It's a waste of time and your position is exposed." In his heart, Tuesday Dog despised the recruits who were seriously building trenches, because half of these people would die today.

In most cases, the new soldiers recruited by the Qin State could only survive less than 10 days on the battlefield. This mainly depends on the intensity of the Tang army's attack.

Recruits who have not been well trained at all often die on the first day of fighting. Randomly falling artillery shells and bullets fired from machine guns may take away the lives of these idiots.

They can't help but raise their heads while running, and then their heads will be shattered by bullets flying from nowhere.

Some bullets came from the Tang Army's strafing, and some bullets came from the Qin Army's strafing. No one on the battlefield would recognize the target or actively avoid their own people, and bullets cannot have eyes.

Therefore, it is actually very stupid to raise your head on the battlefield. No matter what the situation, lowering your upper body is a very wise choice.

The combat style of snipers in the Tang Empire is quietly changing. In the past, they preferred to kill an unlucky enemy with one shot and then show off their accuracy and professionalism.

Now, these Tang army snipers will not reveal their positions easily. They will direct the artillery fire from the rear to accurately hit the trenches where the Qin army gathers, destroying the ruins and bunkers filled with people.

I heard that those terrible gods of death can directly contact aircraft in the sky, and their attack efficiency is much higher than that of the Qin army.

"Yo...!" A piercing scream pierced the air, which was the sound made when the Tang Army's large-caliber artillery shells fell.

After a short neighing sound, the shaking of the earth almost made Tuesday Dog bounce off the ground. He only felt that his internal organs were churning, and everything around him seemed to be moving away from him.

He didn't even notice the dust falling on him, and his ears no longer functioned after hearing the terrifying sound. He felt that the world was shaking constantly, and there was only a buzzing in his ears.

"Damn..." He cursed, but even he couldn't hear clearly what he was saying. The dust swirling in the air rushed into his mouth, but he couldn't care less about the feeling of his tongue.

Fortunately, the Tang army's artillery attack only fired one round. The very accurate shell landed on the left side of where Tuesday's dog was, and hit the Qin army soldiers who were building a machine gun position.

In an instant, the position just turned into a big pit. The place that was crowded with people just now was lifeless, and no one could be seen moving.

"Medic! Doctor!" someone yelled at the top of his lungs, but Tuesday Dog couldn't hear his voice because the sound of the explosion still echoed in his ears.

"My arm! My arm!" Farther away, there were wounded soldiers shouting in pain. He was lucky, because after all, many people couldn't even shout.

The huge shock wave shook nearby buildings, making the already dilapidated ruins even more miserable.

Bricks fell from time to time, and a wall was overwhelmed and then collapsed. The dust raised made it very difficult for the Qin officers and soldiers inside to breathe.

"Medicine!" Someone shouted again, and a Qin Army company commander hunched over and rushed behind the bunker next to the bomb crater. Looking at the corpses and struggling wounded on the ground, he was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Fortunately, the Tang army did not continue the artillery bombardment. This sudden falling artillery shell had already caused heavy losses to an infantry company of the Qin army.

An old Maxim machine gun that was finally issued was completely scrapped, the machine gunner was also dead, and a dozen supplementary soldiers died together.

There were even more injured people, many of whom were even vomiting blood. Tuesday Dog was already unconscious. He lay on the ground, and the vibration of the ground seemed to hurt his lungs.

Even if a platoon was basically wiped out, it would be very dangerous for the remaining troops to stay here. The Qin Army's company commander was a little confused whether he should order a retreat or continue to hold on to such a position.

It's a pity that he has already retreated to Huaishan Mountain. If he retreats again... I'm afraid he will have to go to Shushan Mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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