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1430 failed to save

In the hospital building, a doctor looked at a civilian injured who was rushed in and said helplessly: "There is no more medicine. Just hold him down and I will suture him directly."

The nurses on both sides were covered in blood, and they didn't care much at this moment. They immediately held down the injured man's arm and told him not to move.

But as soon as the doctor put his hand on the wound, the injured began to struggle because of the pain, and then screamed like a slaughtering pig: "Ah! Ah!"

The sound echoed in the crowded corridor, making the patients who were still waiting for the doctor even more nervous. They didn't know what happened, they just heard the terrifying scream.

"Thud, tug, tug!" Soon, gunfire from outside spread into the building, and everyone became even more uneasy. No one knew what was going on, and everyone was looking around nervously, hoping to learn more about what was happening.

"What's going on? Why are there gunshots?" In the hospital director's office, a Qin nobleman frowned and asked displeasedly.

The housekeeper next to him walked to the window and carefully stuck out half of his head to look outside. He saw the scattered crowd trampling each other on the outer wall away from the hospital.

"It's nothing, sir...it's just a group of rioters. They have been dispersed, and the army can ensure your safety." After seeing that the crowd was indeed dispersing, the housekeeper came back and reported to his master: "I believe it will be soon.

Someone from the army will come and report what happened."

"The people of Tang Dynasty have attacked at the door of our house. Now this is the only place that is safer. I don't have a daughter in Emperor Tang's bed, so I can only avoid the limelight here." The nobleman teased disdainfully, obviously not too much.

Take Emperor Qin Yingduo seriously.

The war has reached this point, and there are indeed not many Qin nobles who still support Emperor Qin. Many people are discussing privately whether they should change the emperor to calm the anger of the Tang Empire.

The bigger reason why these people still exercise restraint is that Ying Duo also has a daughter who is a favored concubine in the Tang Dynasty. The nobles like them are still not sure whether Ying Duo's life is important or not.

Everyone did not take action because they were afraid that if they killed Ying Duo and replaced the emperor, they would arouse the dissatisfaction of Princess Ying Yue and become the unlucky punching bag...

"Don't worry, sir, you can live here." The director of the hospital said with a flattering look: "There is food and drink here, and the building was constructed by the Tang Dynasty engineering team. The standards are very high, and safety is guaranteed.


"I heard that the Tang Dynasty never bombed hospitals, so it is much safer here than hiding in a bomb shelter." The housekeeper also comforted him proudly.

"Actually, the safest place is the palace. It's a pity that no one dares to live there." The nobleman sneered and started telling the inside story that most people didn't know: "Before, when the Tang State launched missiles, they would notify the palace in advance. It's really true.

Having a good daughter is better than anything else."

What he said was no longer a secret in the aristocratic circle, because many nobles knew that before the missiles of the Tang people fell, they would try to make Emperor Qin Yingduo hide in the air-raid shelter.

Even though there are huge craters on many streets in Wuyang City, and many buildings have collapsed and been damaged by missile hits, the safety of Yingduo is indeed guaranteed at all times.

There was still lively chatting and laughing in the room, and the dean even took out a box of tea leaves that he had collected and showed the nobleman in front of him his superb skills in addition to medical skills.

It's not that he has no medical ethics, but that he has nothing to do. Flattering the noble man in front of him can at least ensure the safety of the hospital. As the dean, he must ensure the personal safety of hundreds of doctors and hundreds of nurses under him no matter what...

Moreover, he really had no medicine to use. The entire Qin State was in urgent need of medicine and medical supplies, and there was no place to find them.

Gauze, sutures, alcohol-iodine for disinfection, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, and anesthetics that are indispensable for surgery...all are gone!

The army requisitioned most of the production capacity of such items, leaving the hospital with a meager salary. After Wuyang became a frontline city, the army took away all the remaining reserves in the hospital.

Without medicines, the army has no way to treat the wounded, and its combat effectiveness is out of the question. Therefore, they have the right to occupy any medical resources, leaving only a few medicines for hospitals to "emergency".

As for those emergency medicines, hospitals can only reserve them for nobles, wealthy businessmen, and officials. Otherwise, these people will not be treated with medicines when they arrive, and the doctors will not be able to offend them if they cause trouble.

"Don't worry, no one can take away the remaining diesel fuel and supplies." After taking a sip of good tea, the Qin nobleman finally gave his assurance.

As long as he is here, the people in the army will not dare to make mistakes. Even if Zhang Xuan comes, he will be treated a little less favorably. Since he lives in the hospital, the hospital cannot have a power outage, and the diesel used in the generator cannot be used.

Take it away, that's the rule.

Outside, bright red blood flowed down the courtyard wall along the railings. Civilians killed by bullets lay scattered on the ground. Next to them were shoes, luggage, clothing and other messy things that someone had dropped.

There were many people here before, but now there are only corpses. The accident caused by trampling on each other directly caused the death of hundreds of people, and at least thousands more were injured. However, these injured people did not dare to come near the hospital to seek help.


When soldiers with automatic weapons face a crowd, they are still more lethal than those who only have rifles. And the civilians crowded outside the hospital are all old, weak, women and children, and have neither the ability nor the courage to rebel.

, so it was easily suppressed.

The streets were full of blood, and soon military vehicles parked in these places full of corpses. These were soldiers who came to reinforce the place, and they were also soldiers who came to collect supplies from the hospital.

The enemy was already in sight, and all supplies had to be gathered to supply the troops. The officer who entered was very polite. He did not ask for supplies from the nobles and deans, but was more direct.

"We need to transform this place into a temporary headquarters, and we need to free up at least one-third of the room to arrange personnel and equipment... In addition, according to the orders of the Prime Minister and General Zhang Xuan, 200 doctors and 200 nurses have been recruited.

...Follow the army to join the war." As he spoke, he handed the document with the Prime Minister's seal to the dean.

The noble nobleman who was so arrogant just now stepped aside in silence after seeing the document. The director of the hospital looked pale and did not say a word for a long time.

After all, he still couldn't save his subordinates...

This chapter has been completed!
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