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1461I want to build a palace

"You still need supplies? I'll give them the throne!" Lions II banged the table and yelled at his ministers.

He was really angry, because his men were about to hand over his empire to Dorne I! Ever since he took the throne, nothing had gone his way, and his role as emperor had become increasingly meaningless.

"I want to build a palace! You guys keep saying you have no money! Now, you are planning to send so much food, steel, oil... to Dorne! Are you ministers of the Lions Empire, or Dorne?

Minister? Huh?" Lions II asked sharply, causing all the ministers at the court to lower their heads and not dare to speak.

This is questioning their loyalty, and it is also the most serious accusation. If it is really proven that they are traitors to the country, they will really lose their heads.

"Your Majesty! We are also striving for a safer environment for the Lions Empire." The Foreign Minister glanced at his colleagues who were pretending to be dead, and could only stand up and said: "Once Dorne is in chaos, the Tang Empire will take advantage of it.

If we enter, we will have no natural moat to organize the expansion of Tang State."

"As long as we have good relations with the Tang Empire, do we need to worry about Tang's invasion?" Lions II angrily asked the Foreign Minister: "They have already occupied the Western Continent, so the territory is so vast? Do we need to come to the Eastern Continent?


Although his short-sightedness made many ministers look down upon him, being partial to peace is indeed a method of compromise. As long as you act like an ostrich and pretend not to see, the many difficulties are indeed not worth mentioning.

Moreover, if the sky falls and there is a tall man to hold it up, even if the Dorne Empire breaks into chaos first, the Tang Empire will only invade Dorne first and annex Gobl and other areas. It is still far away from attacking the Lions Empire, at least for another

Wait a year or two.

But to support Dorne and now have to cut flesh on the Lions Empire, this feels completely different.

"I said I wanted to spend money to choose some beauties, but you said you had no money! I said I wanted to spend money to repair the palace, but you also said you had no money! Now if you want to support Dorne, you can spend millions and tens of millions at once

Money? Minister of Finance, you come and explain! You come and explain to me! What on earth is this?" Lions II stood up, walked in front of a minister, and asked sternly.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer did not dare to answer and lowered his head to pretend to be dead. In fact, he could not spend much money to support Dorne. Most of the money was actually allocated from various projects.

Everyone knows the truth of the situation, so they would rather take less, but also support Dorne. Let Dorne continue to support it for the time being, which can be regarded as buying more time for everyone.

But the emperor of his own family... When he wanted to spend money before, no one agreed. This strong contrast really made the emperor unable to accept it.

If it were a sensible emperor, then if everyone could explain a few words, they might be able to fool this matter. But now we have encountered someone who is not very wise, so it is difficult for everyone to deal with it.

"Your Majesty! The lips are dead and the teeth are cold..." Foreign Minister Suomi tried to reason. After all, if the Tang Dynasty attacked, the country would be gone. This is the most unacceptable thing for an emperor, isn't it?

But as soon as he said a sentence, Ryan II's spittle came over him: "I'm so cold now, why should I still use my lips to feel the coldness of my teeth? Tens of thousands of barrels of fuel! One hundred thousand tons of food! My people

You are still starving, so you take out all the food and give it to others?"

At this time, he finally thought of the people of Lanes... He didn't feel sad when the people were starving before. And when he was preparing to renovate the palace, he didn't feel that it was a waste of people and money.

"I don't care! Since these things can be squeezed out to aid Dorne, some of them can be kept for our own use! Ten thousand barrels of fuel, twenty thousand tons of food! No more!" Lions II stretched out two

He pointed his finger and said firmly.

In his opinion, there are Susas Empire, Poplar Empire, and Ice Empire further north anyway, so everyone should contribute anyway...

Everyone takes money...

But in fact, as the Tang State left all the countries on the Eastern Continent aside and showed an attitude of not caring about the east, all countries began to slack off in supporting Dorne.

This is also one of the reasons why Dorne began to be unable to support itself: they were able to obtain fewer and fewer supplies from various countries around the world, and these supplies were provided more and more slowly. In the end, of course, there was no way to make up for Dorne's national preparations for war.

of consumed.

In fact, there was no way to refute the emperor on this matter, and the ministers stopped talking. Ministers including Suomi also knew that this was almost the limit.

They really had no way to provide Dorne with too much charity without letting the emperor spend a penny.

So these ministers gradually dispersed, leaving only Lions II sitting on the throne panting.

The same goes for the Yangmu Empire. After spending millions of gold coins in supplies, the elven nobles and ministers also began to express their dissatisfaction with the support for Dorne.

They believe that the Lions Empire should take more. After all, they are located relatively north of the Eastern Continent and are closer to the Tang Empire in terms of international relations. There is no need to fully support Dorne.

The Ice Empire further north was willing to provide more oil, but the dwarves were worried that their aid would cause the Tang Empire to turn its attention to the north.

After all, besides Dorne, the most suitable place to land is their Ice Empire: because there is a springboard called Mirage Island between them and the Western Continent controlled by the Tang Empire.

It really made the Tang Empire anxious. It would not be impossible to directly declare war on the Ice Empire and then land near the Everwinter Port...

Therefore, the Ice Empire's assistance to Dorne was also reduced to a relatively small level. However, they gave it more happily and more frequently.

Because of Mo Kangsen's influence, the Nanla Empire has always maintained a relatively good relationship with the Tang Empire. Therefore, Nanla's aid to Dorne is not much, and it is better than nothing.

Dorne did not count on the Nanla Empire. They relied more on the aid of the Lions Empire and the Yangmu Binghan Empire.

The Susas Empire did not give them less, but because they had no sea territory, they were not very active in resisting the Tang Empire's landing.

These empires have various reasons and have begun to reduce their support for Dorne. As a result, it has become more difficult for Dorne.

This chapter has been completed!
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