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1504 Give leniency to the enemy

Yilin doesn't need to go to work because she really can't find a suitable job. The imperial concubines are already involved in politics enough. Whether it's Alice who controls the finances or You Lin who controls the Ministry of Interior, they are all in the Tang Empire.

Have strong influence.

Yingyue and Qin Guogong have begun to make a name for themselves in the sports circle, and Leer has her own voice in the entertainment and news fields.

If another imperial concubine were to participate in the distribution of the power cake, even Tang Mo would probably feel it was inappropriate. So Yilin could only be a full-time housewife.

Yilin is smart. She doesn't miss power. She plays more of an independent role in the royal family of the Tang Dynasty. She has no ambition to fight for power, nor is she jealous and annoying. In short, everyone likes her very much.

She and Tang Mo are no exception.

After all, they are elves, and Tang Mo is a time traveler... Who doesn't want a pink and tender elf girl?

It's just that Yilin doesn't need to work, she only needs to show up occasionally to represent the royal family as a mascot and attend some events, but Tang Mo has to work.

If the emperor rests, then many tasks in the entire empire must be put on hold, which is obviously something Tang Mo cannot bear.

A situation where the Minister of Defense fell ill and was hospitalized, and the President only found out three days later, was unlikely to happen in the prosperous Tang Empire.

After having a hearty breakfast with Yilin, Tang Mo took his secretary to the conference room. Four marshals and four generals were already waiting inside. The heavy door was closed, and Tang Mo's secretary opened the door.

The map hanging behind Tang Mo.

That's what he posted yesterday. It basically covers half of the North Island area and the "Steel Barrier" area of ​​the Eastern Continent across the North Endless Sea.

"Long live my emperor!" Seeing Tang Mo walk in, the four marshals and four generals stood up in unison, stood at attention and saluted. Although there were only eight generals, their shouts were full of energy.

Majestic and solemn.

Tang Mo waved his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down: "Gentlemen, when I washed my face this morning, I found that I already have white hair on my temples."

He pointed at his temples, then looked at Love, who was already in his fifties, Tiger, who was in his fifties, Bernard, who was almost sixty, and Redman, who was almost fifty:

"You are no longer young, so you must speed up on some things."

Although Burton and Strauss are still relatively young, they are already in their forties, and Xiao Yun is also in his thirties, not much younger than Tang Mo.

As he spoke, Tang Mo raised his arm and pointed back at the hanging map casually: "I want to get back my things, the things we lost because of our weakness, the things that belong to us!"

"I have read the battle plan for attacking the northern part of the Eastern Continent and made changes. Everyone, please tell me now, when can this plan be realized?" He looked at the four marshals and four marshals sitting in front of him.

Admiral, asked.

Everyone who can sit in this room is a ruthless character who is enough to make other empires fearful. Each of them has secured a vast territory for the Tang Empire, and the power in each of their hands has made other countries fearful.

The monarchs stayed awake all night.

Bernard glanced at Loew, and then was the first to express his position: "Your Majesty, the navy has made sufficient preparations, the new ship formation has been trained, and the combat plan can be implemented at any time."

"The elite troops have been secretly assembled according to the plan for several months... Judging from the intelligence agencies monitoring the communications and mobilization of various countries, our intentions have not been truly discovered, and the other party is still just speculating that we may be in the East

Launch a landing attack in the northern part of the mainland." Loew continued to add.

"Feng Kezhi's 9th Group Army has determined the second batch of landings, and the first batch of troops has been determined, including the 1st Armored Division, 2nd Armored Division, 1st Infantry Division, 2nd Infantry Division, 1st Marine Division...

Including logistics and supply personnel, the total strength is close to 180,000." Tiger continued.

The marshals spoke, and the admirals sitting behind just listened quietly. Strauss had been selected as the commander-in-chief of the landing because of his naval command experience. Assisting him was the naval admiral Lu Qianshan.

Support the commander of the fleet.

The commander-in-chief of the naval frontline is Marshal Bernard, who is aboard the command ship "Marshal Bernard". The commander-in-chief after landing is General Tiger.

The reason why Marshal Tiger was chosen as the commander-in-chief was also a deliberate arrangement: he was a general from Beiling. He left Bunas back then and now returned to the Eastern Continent, which symbolizes that the Bunas forces that left that year have returned.


"Feng Kezhi's 9th Army will begin landing on the 10th day after the operation begins. By then, our total military strength will exceed 300,000. After taking control of Yongdong Port, supplies are expected to meet combat needs."

"Are there any details that need to be changed in the staff department?" Tang Mo looked at Loew again.

Loew immediately replied: "Your Majesty, the details have been demonstrated secretly more than ten times. Even in the most passive situation, our attack will still be successful."

"What is the most passive situation?" Tang Mo asked curiously.

"Among the ten exercises, we chose the most passive mode to start three times. Our fleet lost five aircraft carriers while fighting for sea control, and the main fleet suffered more than 50% battle losses." When Loew answered, he almost

This made Bernard very happy. God, the navy lost more than 50%, and half of his navy is there. Which country dares to come?

"The landing force encountered strong resistance from the enemy's main force. We only succeeded in landing after losing 5,000 people. The follow-up force was suppressed by the enemy's beachhead artillery fire..." Loew said while the marshal and general beside him touched their noses in embarrassment.

Wipe your chin.

"Teacher Loew, your staff just hopes that we will do better...Intelligence leaks? The enemy troops in the landing area have deployed five times their troops in advance? What the hell is this?" Redman couldn't help it.

He laughed and complained.

The Air Force had no marshal, and the two generals were embarrassed to speak, but their expressions had betrayed them: the staff actually gave a 50/50 air superiority officer even though they knew that the Air Force had invested at least 200 Yinglong fighter jets.


Good guy, two hundred Yinglongs have never defeated the Dwarf's powerful Five-Fighter-6... Is there any royal law for this? Is there any law?

"You should be lenient if you anticipate the enemy..." Loew touched his nose embarrassedly, and the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed: "Actually, the probability of this happening is almost zero."


My daughter-in-law is going back to her hometown these two days and is quite busy, so the make-up will be postponed and will be made up in a few days.

This chapter has been completed!
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