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1517 Dwarf version of self-imposed cocoon

In the dwarf's general headquarters, an officer said anxiously to Moss: "Your Majesty General! The situation has been confirmed. The Tang Army has indeed come ashore, and its scale is not small. The other party has used some special devices, which can be seen clearly in the dark night.

Far away. They succeeded in the sneak attack and the 5th position has been lost."

Although Yongdong Port has not been directly attacked by the Tang army, everyone knows that this is probably a sign that the Tang army is seeking to seize the port.

Everyone is very nervous. The forts in Everwinter Port have been put on alert, and the destroyer fleet deployed in the port has also gone to sea. They don't want to be blocked in the port and annihilated.

Knowing that things were somewhat out of his control, Moss sighed helplessly at Tang Jun's surprise: "It seems that Tang Jun has taught us another lesson... How are the preparations for counterattack?"

After hearing Moss's question, the adjutant immediately reported: "On the second line of defense, we have mobilized 3,000 soldiers and launched a counterattack to retake the 5th position, but so far, we have not achieved any decent results.


This may be an example of cruel self-entrapment in reality. The dwarves built strong fortifications, and then these fortifications were occupied by the Tang army, and now they have become a strong fortress that the dwarf troops cannot capture.

The Tang army relied on those reinforced concrete bunkers to hold on, and the dwarves didn't really have any good way to deal with it for a while.

These bunkers and defense lines are almost circular, with perforations at 360 degrees. They were designed to deal with the situation after being surrounded by the Tang army, so it is not easy to break through these solid buildings from behind.

Easy things.

Although the dwarves had the advantage of being familiar with the terrain, it was offset by the Tang Army's advanced weapons and equipment. In these small places, the Tang Army's grenade launchers and C4 explosives had unparalleled lethality.

"Yes, we have built such a strong defense line, we will definitely encounter a lot of trouble when we counterattack." Moss smiled bitterly. Of course, he knew how terrible his defenses were.

Asking Moss to attack such a defensive line, he had no particularly good way to do it. He could only use human lives to fill this big hole until it was filled.

Even he couldn't fill it: if the siege could not be divided and the siege continued for a long time, the situation would get worse if the garrison stationed in these forts could be supplied.

Of course, the Tang Army has a way. The ground-penetrating bombs that have been prepared long ago can easily penetrate the ceilings of these fortifications, even if the thickness of the ceiling is sometimes as high as 3 meters or even 5 meters. Moreover, the Tang Army's bombs are very accurate.

Generally, TV guidance can be used, and some are equipped with laser seekers that can track laser indicating signals.

The special forces of the Tang Army have laser pointing equipment in their hands. They can indicate targets for their own aircraft to attack, especially those immobile turtle shells.

The dwarves or other countries do not have such precision-guided munitions, so even if there are artillery that can destroy such fortifications, their accuracy may not be sufficient.

Those heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 200 mm can only rely on railway maneuvers in most cases. If they are to be used in critical battles, they must at least wait until the railway is connected and close to the front line. With the construction capabilities of the dwarves, if they want to deal with similar bunker groups,

It is estimated that it will take two to three months.

The officer on the side knew that the number of losses on the front line was staggering, and he asked Moss nervously: "Then, General, do we still need to continue to fight back?"

For Moss, the casualties of soldiers are just a statistic. He doesn't care about the losses, but he cares about whose hands the position is.

So he immediately said firmly: "A counterattack is necessary, but it is not all bad for the enemy to attack the shore. As long as the opponent comes ashore, it means that they have no possibility of retreat. We did not wait for the paratroopers of the Tang Army, but

When the landing troops arrive... all this seems to be within our expectations."

Moss was waiting for the Tang Army's three-blade ax at first, but now that the airborne troops have not arrived, the Tang Army has simplified the three-blade ax into two-blade axes, which is not beyond Moss's expectation.

Since only one step has been simplified, it seems that the countermeasures do not need to be modified. We just need to wait for tomorrow morning and let each force continue to respond according to the original plan.

What he didn't know was that the Tang Army's paratrooper airdrop was not cancelled, but only slightly delayed. Because the Tang Army used a new type of transport aircraft, the range was much longer than Moss had inferred, so the aircraft formation had more time in the air.

After hearing that the artillery fleet on the southern flank of the Tang Navy had been attacked and that the dwarves' preparations were relatively good, the Tang Army's airborne commanders immediately decided to postpone the parachute jump for half an hour.

Therefore, the paratroopers who were originally expected to start parachuting around 4 o'clock now have to wait until around 4:30 to start taking action.

Bernard's meaning was also obvious. After learning that the dwarves discovered the special forces' landing, he planned to let the beach attract the attention of the dwarves first.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Moss, the dwarf's frontline commander, indeed began to shift his attention from waiting for the Tang Army's paratroopers to annihilating the Tang Army's landing.

He began to mobilize troops and mobilized troops from the rear to concentrate on the front line. In the process, the Tang Army's air raids continued. The terrifying destructive power destroyed a large number of dwarf troops who were forced to start moving, causing them heavy losses.

At around 4:35, a 76 transport plane loaded with Tang Army paratroopers arrived over the dwarf defense forces, and then they began a large-scale parachute drop.

The number was even greater than Moss estimated. The Tang army invested three divisions of paratroopers in one go, and almost 30,000 people were directly thrown into the corresponding positions.

Because there are detailed satellite reconnaissance photos, the landing locations of these Tang troops were chosen relatively well. They were not very close to the key defensive areas of the dwarves, making it easier to gather; but they were not too far away, which allowed them to organize an attack and capture as soon as possible after gathering.

Important transportation node.

The large number of parachutes naturally attracted the attention of the dwarf troops. The dwarf air defense troops, who had been alert all night, began artillery bombardment. However, they did not achieve very good results and only shot down a dozen Tang Army transport planes.

Most of the anti-aircraft gun positions had been cleared by the Tang army before the paratroopers started taking action. Enough cluster bombs covered the suspicious area, and the dwarves' anti-aircraft firepower was also weakened a lot.

Now, Tang Jun's three-point ax attack has been completed...

This chapter has been completed!
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