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1545Two divisions that cannot move

"What do all the idiots on this road do for food?" Before it was completely dark, Moss received a definite message: Benn was attacked by the Tang Army.

He walked to the map in his headquarters and carefully looked at the distance between Benn and the coastline - it was really a straight line distance of nearly 30 kilometers, and the Tang Army completed it in less than three days.

Such a long distance!

It is less than 10 kilometers from Position 5 to that damn field airport, and this field airport is more than 20 kilometers away from Benn.

As a result, such a long distance and so many defenses were not able to hold up for even a day, and were destroyed by the Tang army.

The more serious problem is that because the Tang army advanced too fast, the dwarves were not prepared for everything that followed. There was a large amount of valuable military supplies hoarded in Benn City, and there was no time to distribute or destroy them.

Originally, these supplies were stored here, and were prepared to be replenished to the defenders on the front line as the war progressed. The result is now good, the Tang army has already reached Benn!

There were no explosives planted in Benn's supplies, and there was no time to destroy them. When he first dispersed the supplies, he did not consider the problem that the Tang army would directly take away the supplies so close to the front line.

"General, we must find a way..." the adjutant persuaded with some worry: "Once the Tang army takes the initiative, Yongdong Port will not be safe."

This is a problem that the Ice Empire has always been worried about: the Tang Army's landing operations have always been a routine. This routine is not only limited to the battle for the beachhead, but also applies to the methods and methods of subsequent landing operations.

After the Tang Army captured the beachhead, they would often immediately set their next target at a nearby port. As long as the port was captured, the Tang Army would have more solid logistical support, and subsequent battles would be easier.

Obviously, within the steel barrier of the Ice Empire, the only port worthy of attack by the Tang Empire was the Everwinter Port.

"In the direction of Benn, let the nearby 4th Armored Division deploy troops to support it! Even if there is only half of the city, I must hold it! Hold it at all costs!" Moss ignored the matter of Everwinter Port and spoke.

An order was issued to fight for Benn.

He couldn't bear the consequences of losing Ben. If the Tang Army really took control of Ben, then the Tang Army might receive support from the frontline air force in the future. This would undoubtedly make the situation worse for the dwarves.

"In addition, when will the Air Force reinforcements start fighting? I need a lot of planes! A lot of planes! Destroy the Tang Army's armored forces at all costs! This is our only chance!" Moss said something like

Roaring, he had been waiting for his own air force to launch a counterattack, but in three days, the dwarf's air force had almost no effect.

Originally, he did not rely so much on air power, but his ground troops were really unable to hold the position as planned, so he could only pin his hopes on others.

The Tang army's attack on this day focused on the deep areas of the dwarves. Many cities were bombed, and many airports were further damaged.

The Dwarf Air Force risked their lives to dispatch, but only 110 aircraft were dispatched on this day, which was completely incomparable with the number of aircraft of the Tang Empire's navy and air force.

In this day, more than 60 dwarf pilots were killed and more than 80 aircraft were lost. The Ice Empire's air force could already be described as suffering heavy losses.

They lost at least 400 aircraft in three days of combat, and this number did not include the Saab bombers and other types of junk that were destroyed on the ground.

This kind of loss speed is no longer something that the air force of an average country can bear, and the Ice Empire cannot bear such a terrifying loss speed.

"General, the Air Force has suffered heavy losses, and more than half of our torpedo boats deployed in the bunker have been lost... The current situation is already very passive." The adjutant reminded again in frustration.

Moss was also very irritable. Almost all of his pre-battle judgments were wrong. The Tang Army's three axes were not launched in sequence, and the Tang Army's landing operation was hardly obstructed.

The dwarves' pre-war preparations have all failed, and all that is left is that the troops on both sides of the battlefield fight with their lives to achieve a result.

Moss felt that his mouth was about to turn into desert. He grabbed the water glass next to him and drank all the boiling water in the glass. Then he felt better: "Order the 15th Infantry Division near Benn to counterattack! No matter what

What are they doing? Immediately counterattack in the direction of Benn! Drive the Tang army out of the city!"

The 4th Armored Division of the Ice Empire had been fighting against the Tang paratroopers before. It was not too far away from Benn. This was an elite unit of the dwarves and its combat effectiveness was pretty good.

As for the 15th Infantry Division, it can be considered a relatively elite combat force in the hands of the dwarves. They are to the west of Benn, close to positions 1-3.

According to Moss, these two troops are both near Benn, and the longest distance is no more than 5 kilometers. As long as these troops take action immediately, the Tang army that is attacking Benn will inevitably fall into a hard battle.

However, as Moss issued orders one by one, feedback was quickly sent back to the headquarters of Everwinter City: the 15th Infantry Division was attacked from two sides and was unable to move; the 4th Armored Division was also suppressed by air strikes, and there was almost no way to reinforce it.


Starting from position No. 4, the 1st Marine Division of the Tang Empire, which broke into the dwarf defense line, was attacking the defense line stationed by the 15th Dwarf Division.

It is already very difficult for the dwarf troops of the 15th Division to hold the defensive line. How can they still have the ability to dispatch troops to support other places?

The Dwarves' 4th Armored Division had been closely following the Tang Army's paratroopers, and had long been on the radar of the Tang air force: whether it was a combat requirement or simply to vent their hatred, the Tang Army's aircraft launched a ferocious attack on the Dwarves' 4th Armored Division.

The 4th Armored Division, which originally had more heavy weapons, suffered heavy losses and lost half of its tanks. Although they still did not retreat and were still fighting Tang Army paratroopers, they no longer had any extra troops to support Benn.

What's more...does Ben still have the value of support?

At this moment, the voice of Commander-in-Chief Tiger was heard on various channels of the Tang Army: "Brave soldiers of the Tang Dynasty! Benn is already under our control! Long live our emperor! Victory belongs to the Tang Empire!"

"Long live my emperor!" Cheers echoed in every corner of the battlefield, and the soldiers of the Tang Army celebrated their victory with the loudest voices.

This chapter has been completed!
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