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1558 Tough Half

The arrival of new soldiers is already good news for Moss: in addition to the 4th Group Army arriving in the theater one after another, he also received more than 10,000 additional reinforcements.

These supplementary soldiers are veterans and reservists recruited nearby. Their training level is barely considered high, so they still have some combat effectiveness.

Moreover, these troops are not used directly as cannon fodder to fill the lines. They will be replenished to the frontline troops. With veterans to adapt to the battlefield environment, their combat quality will improve very quickly.

Along with the arrival of these troops, there were also a large number of weapons, ammunition, and food supplies. These things gave Moss some confidence again, and he began to be full of confidence in guarding Everwinter City.

In addition, 20 jet fighters provided by the Lions Empire and 20 pilots who volunteered to fight have also arrived at the front line.

Although it doesn't seem like much, at least this represents a trend: as time goes by, more and more reinforcements will arrive on the battlefield, and the dwarves are not fighting alone.

"During the day, someone saw the Tang Army's armed helicopter. The type with a circular cockpit that appeared on the battlefield of Qin." The adjutant reported a new situation on the battlefield to General Moss.

"This means that the Tang Army repaired an airport in less than 2 days, and some aircraft that did not belong to the navy have arrived at the frontline airport to participate in the war." Moss's good mood suddenly disappeared due to the arrival of reinforcements.


In order to prevent misunderstandings from other human empires that supported the Ice Empire in its fight against the Tang Dynasty, the Ice Empire's official requirements no longer use the discriminatory terms "human" and "Tang people", but instead use the official name Tang Army to refer to the Tang invasion force. Therefore.

Now the dwarves are accustomed to using the term Tang Jun.

"The other side will have more and more planes, which is also expected... We will only become more and more passive, but we can't give up." He said while grabbing a form.

That was the Tang Dynasty’s material consumption statistics that he and some staff officers roughly deduced based on the Tang Army’s combat intensity. Moss never believed that his troops could defeat the Tang Empire’s army. The only thing he could hope for was that the Tang Army would collapse due to its own consumption.


In his opinion, no matter how fiercely the Tang army attacked, it would eventually slow down and then gradually stagnate as supplies were consumed.

This is an objective law, an experience summed up by Moss. He believes that as long as he holds on to every position and allows the Tang army to continue to be consumed, then victory will belong to the Ice Empire: "But our reinforcements will arrive soon,

The Tang army will be passive! We will win, we will definitely."

Harf was sitting in the underground headquarters, staring at the positions on the map that were constantly being encroached upon by the Tang army, with bitterness written all over his face.

If he had insisted on following the battle plan drawn up by General Moss before the war, stuck to it, and consumed the Tang army's strength bit by bit, then his life would have been much easier now.

At least he should have enough reserves now. When the frontline troops apply for support, he can send some troops to help the troops holding their positions stabilize their positions.

But he now has no reserves, and those positions that requested support will no longer receive large-scale support from him.

More than 10,000 soldiers and dozens of precious tanks have become prisoners of the Tang Army. Now Position 3 has been lost, and Position 2 where Harf is located has become the front line.

Although the terrifying sound of cannons could not be heard deep underground, Harf heard the judgment of history on himself: he was the sinner of the dwarves, and he was responsible for the failure of this battle!

This is a bit too heavy for one person.

"General! We received a telegram from Everwinter City..." An officer walked in and handed the telegram he had just received to a somewhat decadent Harf.

Harf numbly took the message and found that it contained an order for him to hold on until the last moment and not surrender.

"Heh...hehe." Harv threw the message at his feet, snorted a few times and said to the officer: "The communication has been restored?"

"No! General, it briefly recovered for tens of seconds and then was interrupted. The message we sent... General Moss doesn't know whether he received it or not." The officer shook his head and replied.

"It's harmful." Harv began to blame his telegraph equipment again, but he also knew that it was useless, so after complaining, he changed the subject and said: "I am not a coward, I know what to do...

Know what to do."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and drove the embarrassed officer out. The lights above his head flickered, and the generator seemed a little unstable.

The dwarves' defensive positions have stored food, a large amount of ammunition, spare parts for weapons and equipment, and even spare parts reserves.

Unfortunately, before these things could take effect, the Tang Army's fierce offensive caused the dwarfs' defense to collapse. It was not that the Ice Empire was not sufficiently prepared, but that there was already a generational difference between the two sides. This thing is really not just some trenches and tunnels.

Can make up for it.

Above Harf's head, on the main peak of Position 2, which is dozens of meters high, in a hidden observation headquarters, a dwarf officer looked at the flames burning in the darkness in the distance, with solemnity written on his face.

What exploded and burned was Dwarf Position No. 2 close to Position No. 3. The artillery fire of the Tang Army was ravaging there. The explosions occurred one after another, turning the place into a sea of ​​fire.

Even at night, everything could be seen clearly. Such a doomsday scene shocked every dwarf soldier. Originally, they thought that the defenses they built were very strong, but when they saw the hell in the distance, they realized that they were

Not enough has been done.

"Division Commander! The 2nd Regiment wants us to send support..." Just as the dwarf officer was staring into the distance, a subordinate hurriedly walked in and reported.

"Didn't I already send someone over during dinner?" The dwarf commander stationed at this position frowned and asked, "How many hours have it only been?"

"The attack of the Tang Army was too fierce, and our people suffered heavy casualties..." The subordinate explained a little embarrassedly: "Moreover, the support sent out before was only one company."

"How many companies do I have here? There is only one company." The division commander himself was also in a dilemma. He couldn't send all the troops to the 2nd Regiment, could he?


I'm not in good shape today, only two updates.

This chapter has been completed!
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