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1580The city in front of you

More and more Tang army forces were freed from the complicated tasks of supporting landing operations, and more and more Tang army forces began to appear in the deep areas of the dwarves. This was not a good thing for the Ice Empire.

From the beginning, their fragile strategic system was not strong enough to withstand such heavy pressure: this was true for field airfields and the same was true for railways.

When the Tang Army's aircraft began to no longer focus on attacking targets close to the front line, the Dwarves' strategic targets were knocked out one after another, and these knocked-out strategic facilities further made the Dwarves' decision-making passive.

The closer a field airport is to the front line, the better it can guarantee air superiority. The farther the airport is from the front line, the smaller the role they can play.

The Tang army was too late to attack the dwarves' field airports at the beginning, at least they did not have the ability to completely suppress the dwarves' field airports. But as the battle progressed, some mid-range airports had been cleared by the Tang army.

Without the cover of these airports, the dwarves could no longer take off planes nearby to threaten Tang's beachhead. The Ice Empire's air force had to take off from farther away, spending an hour or even two hours flying to the war zone.

Join the war.

This greatly reduces their range of activities in the combat zone and also reduces their stay in the air.

By the same token, when the Tang Army's bombers began to shift their focus from supporting the landing troops to secure the beachhead to bombing strategic transportation routes, it would not be so easy for the dwarves to calmly transport troops to the front line as they had done a dozen days ago.

Once the railway line is destroyed, the troops will have to rely on roads to mobilize, and the efficiency of this mobilization will drop several times or even ten times.

The more the Tang Empire's air force played a strategic role, the more strategically the dwarves were in a passive position. It was not just railway transportation lines and airports, but also various other aspects.

For example, the radar system, which was built by the dwarves and was incomplete, was also destroyed. Anti-radiation missiles destroyed most of the civilian radar stations that might have worked.

Originally, most of those radars were only civilian versions, and their daily function was to guide the flight of civilian airliners. They had no ability to resist the interference and attacks of the Tang Army.

Without the support of these radars, the dwarves' warning system completely collapsed. They didn't even know if there were enemy planes overhead, let alone dispatching planes to harass and intercept them.

In addition to the radar, communication nodes were also destroyed on a large scale, which slowed down the dwarves' information communication speed and made the dwarves' scheduling arrangements even slower.

With scheduling difficulties, poor communication, and huge equipment losses, the situation facing the dwarves gradually became unfavorable.

A series of losses made the front line more and more tight, which also led to supply difficulties. Untimely replenishment resulted in many remaining troops having to rush into battle, which in turn caused a large number of losses. Such a vicious cycle was out of control.


At this moment, the Ice Empire is like a giant with a fever. Although he is still alive and still has a brain and can transmit signals to his limbs and body, his movements are getting slower and slower, and the strength he can use is very weak.

Save one.

As the Tang Army destroyed the main artery of the North-South Railway of the Ice Empire, the 6th Army of the Dwarves heading north was also paralyzed on the road.

The main force, which was originally planned to arrive at the front within ten days, now has to rely on its own two legs to walk the rest of the way. Without the support of railways, the failure rate of vehicles and other transportation vehicles has increased significantly.

The marching speed of the 6th Army became very impressive.

When he learned that the railway had been cut off and that the Tang Army's air force began air raids on airport transportation lines in the hinterland of the Ice Empire, and even began to attack industrial cities, Moss became even more restless.

He really felt that he could not hold Everwinter Harbor. Although he had turned this place into a huge fortress, he knew that no matter how strong the fortresses were, they could not hold on for too long when foreign aid was cut off.

long time.

But he still has to defend here, because he must defend here! As long as he persists here long enough, he can wait for the situation to change.

In his view, the empires in the south could not sit still and wait for death. They would send enough troops as soon as possible to prevent the Tang army from further expansion.

At noon today, the Tang Army launched a tentative attack on Eternal Winter City. They advanced about two kilometers to the northwest and drove out the Ice Empire troops stationed in the outlying villages.

The 4th Army's troops stationed at the outermost edge of Everwinter City abandoned the village after losing about 400 people and retreated into a woodland.

Both sides made adjustments after a brief contact. The Tang army began artillery bombardment in the afternoon, seemingly wanting to use firepower to force the dwarves to abandon the woodland they were holding on to.

The dwarves did not abandon that forest, because they built many bunkers and trenches in it in order to use this terrain to resist the Tang army's armored assault tactics.

Until this moment, the battle there is still going on. The Tang army is still shelling continuously, and the dwarves are still holding on to the forest. Although the artillery fire has cut down many trees, it is still a natural place.

Anti-tank position.

Moss didn't care, because it was just the forward position of his peripheral position, and the matter was far from enough to warrant his nervousness.

The Tang Army did not attack with all its strength, but was making adjustments: the 1st Group Army, which came from the west, was spreading its front. They took over some positions from the 9th Group Army, which also reduced the 9th Group Army's pressure.


The division of labor between the two sides seems to be clear: the 9th Army of the Tang Army is increasingly inclined to solve troubles from the outside. Their main combat targets are the 5th Army of the Ice Empire on the flanks, and the 6th Army that may follow.

The mission of the Tang Army's 1st Group Army was to attack Yongdong City. After being replenished and resting for a few days, General Hogg resumed the attack and began to advance towards the city center of Yongdong City.

The battle in front of us is just a warm-up, and the 1st Army is obviously still in the adaptation stage. The follow-up troops of the Tang Army are also coming ashore. The arrival of the third Army soon will definitely surprise all the commanders of the Ice Empire.

The naval victory inspired everyone, and everyone was looking forward to victory. Capturing Everwinter Harbor was the best symbol of victory.

Now, this city, which has been mostly surrounded, is right in front of us.

This chapter has been completed!
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