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160 alternative jobs

Recently, Beiling has actually changed a lot.

Under Tang Mo's influence, Alice successfully inherited everything in Beiling, was recognized by the kingdom, and became the new countess. Alice is currently renovating her mansion.

She got a new set of equipment from Bunas, and then started extensive construction work to build a steam engine boiler in the count's mansion, which originally looked very shabby.

That's right, she installed a steam engine in her home. It has been installed and debugged and is being connected to new equipment.

An officer looked at the busy workers and asked his companions with some pain: "Steam engines are very expensive! Do you know how much it costs to use this thing specifically to drive this thing?"

In fact, he visited the bullet manufacturing factory in Beiling. A steam engine can make a large number of bullets, and its production efficiency is much higher than that of humans.

Beiling is an industrial base that Tang Mo fully supports. It can get much more support than the distant Yangmu Kingdom.

Tang Mo had almost no reservations in technology. Except for the big killer Maxim, almost all the technology was transferred to Beiling.

There was no way, who could shamelessly trick the former earl's daughter into sleeping with him during the former earl's funeral... Well, maybe the current earl tricked him into sleeping with him... In short, that's what it meant.

After having another relationship, the industrialization process in Beiling has entered the fast lane. Alice likes to write letters to Tang Mo, and she always likes to call Beiling her dowry in her letters.

Anyway, she wants something, and what she wants now is a matter of course. In the end, these are all mine, and what's mine is yours... Well, Tang Mo can only pay for it.

There were not even many telegraph machines in Bunas, so Tang Mo sold them to Beiling as soon as possible...but the price was a bit expensive.

There is nothing wrong with this. When the United States sold F35 fighter jets to Japan, it was also at a sky-high price, but don’t think it’s too expensive. It’s not discounted! Those who can buy it are firm allies. No matter how rich the rabbit is, they won’t sell it...

His colleague, another officer standing aside, was a strong man, looking at the steam engine that was undergoing trial operation with a pretentious look, nodded and said: "Absolutely, maybe you have a better way.

,For example...you ride this bicycle yourself?"

The bicycle is now linked to the steam engine. As long as the steam engine rotates, it will rotate accordingly.

Because there is no real power plant in Beiling, we can only use such a primitive method to drive the power generation system of this telegraph machine.

In fact, after learning that Alice had bought a steam engine specifically for generating electricity for his mansion, Tang Mo sent over the relevant equipment for the light bulb - but that was all a matter for the future.

Tang Mo has now implemented electric lighting in his factory. All factory buildings have been equipped with electric lights, so Tang Mo's factory can operate around the clock.

This improved efficiency cannot be described as amazing. The two shifts of workers created huge profits for Tang Mo.

In the newly built No. 2 Factory in the Vicious Forest, Tang Mo's several new bullet production workshops are already producing at full speed, barely meeting Tang Mo's almost endless demand for bullets.

The factories in the forest are all new factories, and they produce metal fixed-load ammunition, so Tang Mo can finally do something bold and increase the number of Maxim machine guns he holds to double digits.

This is already a very great achievement, because in this era, a factory can produce enough bullets to fire ten machine guns, which is definitely an amazing production capacity.

Therefore, with the support of the new factory, Tang Mo installed 4 Maxim machine guns on his new warship, which could shoot at the enemy's deck when approaching the enemy warship.

Do you still remember the design standards for new ships? Yes, when the Navy's new warships were designed, they planned to use six Maxim machine guns, but in the end only four were installed!

Still due to production capacity issues, Tang Mo finally decided to cancel the two machine guns and allocate the saved machine guns to the No. 2 battleship.

There was no way, the landlord's family didn't have any surplus food. Although Tang Mo was wealthy and his factory's production capacity was already very large, he couldn't possibly invest all the supplies in the navy.

The officer had never seen a telegraph machine, so he still expressed his pain: "Are you kidding me? I just don't understand why a whole expensive steam engine is spent on this thing?"

After all, he has seen steam engines drive equipment to produce various weapons - if one more steam engine produces C64 field guns, wouldn't Beiling be able to have more field guns?

As a soldier, he doesn't care whether the three legions in Beiling are already equipped with 30 C64 field guns! In his opinion, 20 C64 field guns for one legion is not much!

Anyway, he doesn't care about logistical supplies, anyway, he doesn't care about the number of artillery personnel, anyway, he just wants more artillery! And... more artillery shells!

Under Tang Mo's suggestion, Beiling used military exercises to show its strength to the Kingdom of Wright and the Kingdom of Susas after the new count came to power.

A regiment of ten artillery fired a total of 30 rounds of new artillery shells, directly flattening a hilltop. Whether it was the precise artillery skills or the exaggerated range of the cannon, the officials of the Kingdom of Wright and the representatives of the Kingdom of Susas who came to watch the ceremony were impressed.

Made a deep impression.

Then, representatives of the Kingdom of Susas ordered 3,000 needle-fired guns from Beiling, and also ordered 10 C64 artillery pieces at a sky-high price.

Pay attention to the sky-high prices here. They are really sky-high prices... Since everyone knows that when Susas buys it, he will definitely dismantle it and study it, so Beiling will definitely make a huge profit.


In fact, Beiling used this huge sum of money to replace all the C64 field guns used by its field troops with C80 field guns.

That's right, the artillery currently used by Beiling is the same as the artillery used by Datang's security forces, which are C80 120 mm caliber field guns.

This thing is not as simple as a slightly larger caliber, but a comprehensive surpass! Cannonball charges are not the same.

On the other hand, after the envoys of the Wright Kingdom returned, they also tried their best to promote the purchase plan of the Wright Kingdom from Datang Group for 20 C64 retired field guns.

Of course, in terms of price, it will definitely make the listener sad and the listener cry. After all, the C64 field gun can definitely be regarded as a big killer in this era...

With this huge sum of money, Tang Mo fully expanded his No. 2 factory and began to invest in the second phase of construction.

What made Tang Mo so wealthy was actually the successful experiment of the wireless telegraph machine. He had a new economic growth point, so he didn't care about his savings and could spend as much as he wanted.

"It's expensive? You may not understand yet. Do you know how much this equipment costs?" The officer who knew the inside story curled his lips and was very dismissive of the price of the steam engine.

Although the price of steam engines in Beiling is still high, the steam engines purchased from the best Bunas have better quality and lower failure rate, and the price is also very expensive.

Beiling's own production is inferior. After all, the workers who make imitations have less experience and do not have comprehensive technical support from the R&D team, so the commercial performance of Beiling's steam engines is generally worse.

But even the inferior Beiling steam engines are sold in Beiling, and the price is 9,000 gold coins per unit, without any discount! A year ago, who would have thought that a pile of steel could be sold for so many gold coins?

The officer who felt that his steam engine was being used indiscriminately opened his eyes wide and looked at his colleagues: "What? Mr. Tang is asking for a high price again?"

"No! This time, it's worth every penny!" The sturdy officer had seen the power of the telegraph machine, and naturally he was more inclined to have a high-quality and low-price telegraph machine.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then looked at his colleague in disbelief: "What did you say? Great value for money?"

"That's right, such a good set of equipment is only priced at 30,000 gold coins. Mr. Tang simply gave us Beiling a huge discount!" The sturdy officer said boldly, as if 30,000 gold coins was just a piece of cake.

Just a child.

"Thirty thousand? With so many wires and a few broken iron frames, it costs thirty thousand gold?" The officer, who had just been pained by the waste of a steam engine, was completely shocked at this moment: "You must be


He exclaimed, and then the letter was full of malicious speculations that the Earl used his own money to support the pretty boy.

How could someone as simple as him have imagined that a few broken iron frames could be sold for twice the weight of gold?

So he could only imagine a vulgar picture of the countess spending a lot of money to make her lover smile.

But before his imagination could reach the erotic stage, the sturdy officer beside him laughed at him: "Ha, I think you are the one who has never seen the world."

The officer who was brought back to reality looked at the direction of the room where the count was currently guarding, and asked: "Can you tell me what exactly it can do? I see that the count is guarding there with such expectation.

, can this thing produce gems?”

According to his thinking, since this equipment is so expensive, it must be able to produce greater value, such as producing valuable objects such as gems.

As a result, the sturdy officer immediately laughed: "I think it is a gem in itself!"

"...Cough, cough!" The tall and lanky officer, who was still worried about the steam engine just now, almost choked to death on his own saliva.

"In fact, it is a telegraph machine! It can receive the signal sent by Bunas, and it is... real-time." The sturdy officer explained proudly.

"Signal? Instant?" The tall and thin officer looked confused. He had heard of these words, but he didn't understand the meaning of these words together.

"Yes, that is to say, the message sent by Bunas only needs a few seconds of transmission before it can be received by our machine here." The sturdy officer explained very proudly, as if this

This device was invented by him.

The tall and lanky officer understood the explanation, but he didn't believe the other party's explanation even more: "Message? How many seconds? Are you crazy?"

The sturdy officer said firmly: "I'm not crazy, this is true."

He actually witnessed the experiment of this equipment a few days ago, which completely shocked all Beiling senior officials.

Sure enough, just like the reaction of those people before witnessing the miracle, the tall and thin officer shook his head in disbelief and said: "You don't need to brag like this, it's completely impossible!"

"In fact, His Majesty the Earl personally tested this equipment." So, the sturdy officer said while watching the steam engine drive the generator set to rotate.

"Ah? Has it been tested?" The tall and lanky officer then realized that what the other party said might be true.

The sturdy officer nodded: "Yes! In fact, we did receive the signal from Bunas."

"Are you sure?" The tall and thin officer continued to confirm, trying to see the flaw in the expression on the other person's face.

The other party still looked very determined and continued to nod: "I'm sure!"

"..." He didn't see the expression he wanted. The tall and thin officer still had a look of disbelief.

"I was there at that time!" The sturdy officer proudly threw out Wang Zhalai.

As expected, the tall and lanky officer was immediately shocked: "You?"

The sturdy officer felt that the other party's reaction really made him feel happy, so he continued to show off: "Yes, I was there! I saw with my own eyes that the earl excitedly tore off a piece of paper, and then went to check and send it with the machine.

The lexicon is ready.”

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Word book?" The tall and thin officer discovered another blind spot in his knowledge.

His blank and ignorant expression made the burly officer feel even better. He continued to explain like an encyclopedia: "Yes, this thing cannot speak, but it can use the length of the transmitted sound to express special meanings."

The previously agreed-upon meaning and word book are used to translate the sounds, and the previously agreed-upon vocabulary grouping."

"Who came up with such a genius design?" the tall and thin officer asked almost knowingly.

"The God of Wisdom in Bunas." The sturdy officer said immediately.

"Hahahaha!" the tall and thin officer laughed.

"Hehehe." The sturdy officer also smiled proudly.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the tall and thin officer thought of something again, interrupting the laughter of the two.

The burly officer looked confused: "Huh?"

"You said you were present at that time? Why were you present? How could the earl choose a guy like you to participate in such a thing." The tall and thin officer stared at the other person and asked seriously.

"Why can't I participate?" The burly officer frowned unhappily, feeling insulted.

The tall and thin officer crossed his arms and said, "Tell me, what were you responsible for at that time?"

"I am honored to have taken over the job of this steam engine!" The sturdy officer did not realize the seriousness of the problem, but still replied proudly.

Sure enough! The tall and lanky officer immediately became much more comfortable.


Long Ling wishes everyone a happy New Year. In the new year, Long Ling wishes all readers a happy life and abundant financial resources!

This is the only update today, a 4000-word chapter, so you don’t have to wait any longer.

This chapter has been completed!
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