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1635 running

"Boom!" There was a new explosion in the distance, and two women with nowhere to go stood helplessly on the street, feeling despair. Air raid sirens kept echoing, and a series of anti-aircraft gun counterattacks came from invisible places.

the sound of.

"Do you know where the nearest air-raid shelter is?" Shirin looked at her neighbor named Fran. The young Fran recognized it before pointing in the direction with some uncertainty.

Shireen didn't care so much anymore, she pulled Fran and walked in that direction. After turning a corner, she saw the black smoke column rising in the distance.

The smoke column was indeed very far away from them, but because the black smoke was so thick and tall, they could still see it clearly from several buildings away.

"Boom!" Another explosion came, and Shirin and Fran could even clearly feel the ground under their feet shaking obviously before the sound of the explosion came.

The nearby manhole cover even jumped up and made a clanging sound. Farther away, a plume of black smoke rose up and rolled into the sky, as if a huge monster was stretching its body.

Shirin withdrew her gaze. She knew that now was definitely not the time to watch the excitement, so she grabbed Fran's arm and continued to run in the direction Fran pointed just now.

Behind her, between the gaps between the buildings, a row of tracer bullets could be seen rising into the sky and disappearing into the distance.

In fact, the anti-aircraft guns on the ground did not find their target at all. They were just firing randomly, proving to everyone that they were still fighting back desperately.

As for what they are fighting back, no one actually cares at all: people who know all the truth no longer care about anti-aircraft artillery and air defense nets.

There is no subway in Refeng Port. When Datang Group left here and handed over the port to the elves, there was no subway technology.

However, the Tang people still built many underground facilities here, giving this city some of the prototypes of a modern city.

Later, due to the war with the dwarves, the elves carried out large-scale expansion of these underground facilities, forming a relatively complete air-raid shelter system.

But most people actually have no experience of hiding in air-raid shelters: who would go to a place like that? A year ago, most of the dwarf bombings were child's play, and not even a few bombers could fly over Rewind Port.

At that time, the elves had absolute technological advantages. How could the Saab bombers equipped by the dwarves be the opponent of the elves 262 jet fighters...

But now, the guided weapons used by the Tang Army can launch attacks outside the air defense network. The airport in Refeng Port was paralyzed by the Tang Army's air raid yesterday.

How else could it be that in yesterday's air raid, not many bombs fell into the city and caused panic among the elven civilians? Because most of the bombs flew to the airport, radar stations, port warehouses and other places.

Not many civilians would see the bombs that hit suburban airports and radar facilities, so most people just knew their port warehouse area had been bombed.

As Shireen ran, she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her throat. She had not run so desperately for a long time.

Although the development of Rewind Port has been stagnant for several years, there is still public transport such as buses. Unfortunately, Shirin and Fran really don't dare to take such a thing now.

There were still explosions in the distance, but the sounds were getting farther and farther away. Shirin finally stopped. She really couldn't run anymore.

This is not the way to go to an air-raid shelter: didn't everyone hear the air-raid siren, pack up their valuables, walk all the way to the entrance, and then hide in an underground bunker to wait for the air raid to pass?

What the hell is the operation of sounding the air defense siren after all the enemies are coming after explosions like this have started? How can everyone run away? No matter how much they run, it's too late.

Because she was too tired, Shirin simply stopped running. She pulled Fran, who was also out of breath, and the two of them walked towards the air-raid shelter in her memory.

As they walked, the two of them saw the telegraph office. The place where they lived was indeed not too far from the telegraph office. The air-raid shelter that Fran thought was actually near the post office, and was probably specially set up for the post office.

But the two of them were dumbfounded when they saw the telegraph building: In other words, they were stopped by some soldiers before they could get close to the yard of the telegraph office. Behind the soldiers were fire trucks and some busy people.


The telegraph office building has collapsed, and the magnificent gate that looked before has long lost its former momentum. The dark ruins and half of the roof cannot be distinguished, making the place look desolate and terrifying.

"It is forbidden to pass here!" The elf soldiers carrying rifles were very polite. It was not that the army moved quickly and got here first, but that they were sent here yesterday to maintain order.

Who would have thought that they had set up a checkpoint here and had only been stationed for a few hours before they were attacked by a precise missile.

Fortunately, the missile was very accurate and only destroyed the building, destroyed the radio equipment inside, and killed about 100 telegraph office workers.

The soldiers stationed outside had almost no casualties. They got up from the ground. Apart from tinnitus and dizziness, they didn't seem to have much serious problems.

"Isn't there an air-raid shelter here... We are looking for an air-raid shelter." Aunt Shilin was a little nervous. There was a smell that made her uncomfortable in the nearby air. She couldn't describe the smell, but it was very special.


The soldier has long been accustomed to the burnt smell after burning, which is also mixed with the smell of corpses. He waved his hand, pointed to the still smoking building and said: "Sorry, you have also seen it, there is already

There is no way to get in... Let’s find other air-raid shelters nearby.”

"There are explosions everywhere, where is the safest place?" Shirin continued to ask aggrievedly. She was just a woman. Even though her two children were serving in the army, she was still just a woman who had never seen a war.

"I don't know... maybe going home... is also a good choice." The soldier became a little impatient because he saw some other civilians walking over. So he shouted an order to those people: "Hey!

You! Get out of the way! It’s dangerous here!”

In the distance, another explosion occurred somewhere. The earth trembled, and then there was another explosion. The smoke pillars rising from the buildings were one after another, and the high-rise buildings in Rewind Port could no longer block it.

This chapter has been completed!
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