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165Benefit Exchange

If it weren't for the fact that the first four legions were equipped with new K1 fast guns and revolvers, the elves' offensive formation would actually be too conservative.

Now the elves are able to maintain their offensive state entirely because the spearheads composed of the four legions in front are too sharp, not because Augustine Tural's arrangement is so clever.

In fact, as the head of the Augustine family and an important minister of the kingdom, Augustine Tural's skills were not focused on military matters at all.

This time he was able to come to the front line to command the battle. The main reason was that among the four legions that were the main offensive force, three were controlled by the Augustine family.

On the one hand, the king felt that he had no confidence that Augustine would hand over his private army to fight this battle; on the other hand, it was also because with the support of new weapons, this battle was indeed a sure thing.

Augustin Tural himself had the idea of ​​grabbing the credit, and His Majesty the King also wanted to push the situation along, so Augustin Tural became the commander-in-chief of the elves in this battle.

In fact, everyone knows that this arrangement is inappropriate, but there is nothing to say: the gun was obtained by the Augustine family, and the troops also belong to them. They have obvious advantages and do not pay much attention to command and dispatch... So if they get some military glory, who can

Can you still have an opinion?

Augustin Tural is not a fool. On the contrary, he actually knows how many tricks he has. This time he came to the front line. On the one hand, he really wanted to take credit, but on the other hand, he really didn't trust his direct troops.

Therefore, he was very self-aware and set up a 344 formation, just to be safe and avoid making mistakes, and completely gave up those adventurous ideas.

It is precisely because of this arrangement that the offensive pressure of the elves falls entirely on the shoulders of four legions equipped with new rifles.

We fought all the way here and disabled 4 orc legions in a row. One of the elves' legions also suffered heavy losses and had to withdraw for a while.

There was the roar of artillery in the distance, and the cannons of both sides fired at each other, killing each other for a while. The corpses of orc soldiers could be seen everywhere on the battlefield. They were wearing armor, and long swords or shields fell on their corpses.


Only about two-thirds of the orc soldiers are equipped with Cyric muskets, and the rest are heavy shield bearers and spearmen who are responsible for covering the musket troops.

However, when facing the K1 gun, these soldiers basically can only act as cannon fodder. They stay to cover the retreat of the main force, and they will lie here forever.

"Sir, the officers have drawn up a battle plan. The fastest way for our army to win is as you have judged, which is to ignore the enemy's troops on the left and right flanks and concentrate superior forces to attack the enemy's center. It is expected that it will only take two attempts.

If we attack, the opponent's central defense line will collapse!" A deputy general rode forward and presented Augustine with a plan signed by several generals.

"Tell the commanders on the left and right that I am going to concentrate my superior forces and defeat the center of the Kingdom of Galles in one fell swoop! Order them not to rush forward for credit, but to keep up steadily! Remember! Don't rush for credit!"

"Yes!" The officer immediately pulled the reins and urged the horse to run wildly in the direction where the messengers were waiting.

He pulled out the telescope from the cylinder on the side of the saddle, pulled it open and put it in front of his eyes. Augustine continued to admire the frontal battlefield.

His troops were chanting the slogan "Long Live the Kingdom", holding rifles and marching forward with great momentum amidst the sound of war drums.

Opposite these elven troops, the orc troops in the distance are desperately trying to maintain their defense line.

White gunpowder smoke was floating everywhere on the battlefield, and the artillery shells whizzed past the crowd, knocking away seven or eight elven soldiers at once.

Because the formation was still dense, the elves suffered considerable losses when advancing under artillery fire. This was the main reason why Count Tural tried so hard to defeat the frontal enemy.

The main casualties of his troops came from the enemy's artillery fire. As long as the opponent's artillery was eliminated, victory would be easy.

Sure enough, just as he had estimated, in front of the orc phalanx, the elves finally waited for the opportunity to fire. The attacking battalion picked up their weapons at the command of the commander, and then fired a round at the orcs.


Intensive gunshots echoed across the battlefield. The armored soldiers in the front row of the orcs fell down, and the phalanx immediately became sparse.

The elven soldiers who had gained the advantage swarmed forward and used their fastest speed to close the distance to less than 30 meters.

Next, the revolvers equipped in the Elf troops began to show their power. In conjunction with the even rarer improved revolver rifles, the Elf melee gunners fired a round of intensive rapid fire.

Dense bullets flew towards the orc soldiers like hail, and more soldiers immediately fell down screaming.

Blood spattered in all directions, and the orc soldiers, who had the blood of their companions on their bodies, rushed towards the elven gunners with their swords raised high.

Unfortunately, they didn't even have a chance to fight in close combat. Even if they could only fire six times in a row, the power of the revolver was not comparable to that of a long sword.

The gun is faster seven steps away, but within seven steps... the gun is really fast and accurate! As the distance gets closer, the firepower density advantage of the Elf troops is fully demonstrated, and another orc battalion is defeated.

However, just when the orc battalion suffered heavy losses and fell back, another orc infantry battalion rushed up shouting "Long Live Gales".

The elves' troops had almost exhausted their loaded bullets, and dozens of them were shot down by artillery. Before they could gain a firm foothold, they had to give up the position they had just captured.

The orcs took advantage of the chaos to patch up the hole, and used a long-prepared volley to drive the elves back to a place a hundred meters away.

There is no way, the reloading of the needle gun is indeed fast enough, but the reloading of the revolver and revolver rifle, which are more powerful in close combat, takes a long time.

Despite the intense firepower during the initial attack, these people were equipped with weapons from 1860, not 1940... Those were not submachine guns, so just change the magazine and you'd be done.

The Orc troops, which have been fighting fiercely with Augustin Tural's troops for 6 days, have actually found some patterns. Under normal circumstances, they will endure the troops in front to be massacred by the hail of enemy firepower, and then wait for the opponent's firepower to gradually become sparse.

, and then counterattack to regain the lost position.

Relying on this method, they have persisted to this day and to this moment by sacrificing the lives of soldiers.

Putting away the telescope, Augustine ordered with gritted teeth: "Advance the whole army! Assault on the enemy's center!"

Those were his direct troops, and every loss of one made him feel heartache! What's more, yesterday afternoon, he had already had to let a legion that suffered heavy losses withdraw to rest.

Another round of attacks on the front line was blocked, which reminded Augustin Tural once again of the damn envoy of the Cyric Consortium.

The other party threatened to sell weapons to the Kingdom of Gales or even support the private army, forcing him to agree to Cyric Company's request.

After learning that the Augustine Family had the production technology for fire hats, the Cyric Consortium took up the idea of ​​the Augustine Family. The two sides were tit-for-tat and refused to give in, even to the point of starting a war.

In the end, His Majesty the King of the Yangmu Kingdom came forward to mediate the overt and covert fighting between the two sides. In terms of new weapons, the two sides reached a reconciliation.

The price was that Cyric guaranteed the independent operation rights of the Augustine family's factories in the Poplar Kingdom and voluntarily gave up the future arms market of the Poplar Kingdom.

At the same time, Cyric also promised not to sell any arms to the Kingdom of Gales, and mobilized its own forces to inflict further damage on the Kingdom of Gales. They sold a lot of artillery to the elves, allowing the elves to also gain in artillery.

Gained advantage over the Kingdom of Gales.

As for all the interests of the Kingdom of Gales after its defeat, Cyric will no longer interfere... Cyric even promised that they would be willing to help if the Yangmu Kingdom continues to expand in the future.

Correspondingly, Cyric also got what they wanted: they confirmed that the new weapons indeed came from Bunas in the Kingdom of Wright, and that Tang Mo was the developer of these new weapons.

After confirming the source, Cyric generously gave up his interests in the Yangmu Kingdom - this was a compromise they prepared against Tang Mo's forces in the Wright Kingdom.

In the view of Cyric's senior officials, as long as Tang Mo is destroyed, it is equivalent to eradicating the source of new weapon research and development, and it is obviously easy to deal with the end of the Yangmu Kingdom.

In addition, in order to deal with Tang Mo's restriction on providing flash caps, Cyric purchased 100,000 paper-cased custom-loaded ammunition from Count Augustine and booked one-third of the production capacity!

With these extra ammunition that Tang Mo could not count, Cyric felt that his side would be more confident in launching a local war against Tang Mo.

The biggest price Augustine needs to pay is that he must hand over the production technology of the flash hat - this is what the Cyric Consortium really wants.

In short, after taking out an orc from the Galles Kingdom, giving away almost all the industries in the Poplar Kingdom, and providing some support to the Augustine family, Cyric finally got the coveted formula for the fire hat.


But this has also caused the problem that Count Augustin Tural currently has a slightly insufficient amount of ammunition.

While Tural was secretly cursing the Cyric Consortium in his heart, two orders came from the orcs' central army command camp.

Seeing that the 17th Legion was about to be completely wiped out, the Orc generals and commanders finally could not withstand the pressure and sent out signal troops, asking the Wolf Knights who had been lingering on the wings and wandering around the edge of the battlefield to immediately launch an attack.

This chapter has been completed!
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