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1,700 poor Dornish reinforcements

Binghan I didn't know the news that the Tang Army had occupied the West Station. He even thought that most of the Tang Army's troops had been expelled from the outskirts of Ironforge. After all, the last time he learned about the real battle situation, Marshal Xie Ke was in

"Ready" to fight back.

But Xie Ke actually had no ability to fight back. Almost all the new tanks he got were blown up by the Tang army in just three days, and the remaining tanks were also lost one after another.

Now most of the troops in his hands are light infantry, and even anti-tank weapons are extremely lacking. If it were not for the new reinforcements, he would not be able to fight at all.

The new reinforcements were Dorne's troops. The arrival of these humans did relieve some of the pressure on the dwarves, and also somewhat surprised Feng Kezhi, who was attacking Xie Ke's troops.

The battle has reached this point, and there are still troops filling a hole as big as Ironforge... It's really surprising.

These troops from the southern part of the Eastern Continent use rifles produced by Cyric Company, and the ammunition is completely different from the Mauser rifles that the dwarves are replacing. The ammunition they carry is not much, which also adds to the logistical troubles.

There was no other way. When they set out to go north, the Tang Army had just landed at the Iron Barrier. By the time they got here, the Tang Army was already besieging Ironforge.

To be honest, these Dornish troops have looked strangely out of place since they entered the Ice Empire: their weapons and equipment are incompatible, food supplies and the like have been exhausted, and the commanders don't even know it.

What exactly are you here to do?

The order I received before was to help the Ice Empire counterattack and drive the Tang army into the sea. But in the current situation, the order to rely on tens of thousands of people to fight back the Tang army is obviously no more than a joke.

Then, after reporting the situation, the orders of these troops were changed to help the dwarves defend Ironforge and buy time to prepare for the subsequent counterattack.

Putting aside whether there will be a follow-up counterattack, even defending Ironforge doesn't look that easy: the dwarf troops are on the verge of collapse, and the hundreds of thousands of troops have not even begun serious preparations for winter.


The weather is already very cold, and Dorne is a country in the south! These soldiers can almost see snow all the way up here, but their military uniforms are still summer style.

Although Dorne's military uniforms do not use short-sleeved shorts to prevent mosquitoes, they do not have cotton-padded clothes...

What's even more tragic is that they can't use the dwarves' military uniforms: the size difference between the two sides is too big. The dwarves are stronger and shorter, so only a few can barely use them.

The dwarves don't have enough cotton-padded clothes themselves, and they can't share them with Dorne, so Dorne has to figure out how to get them for winter.

They also walked all the way to the place, only to realize that the geographical gap between the north and the south was so huge that their previous preparations were like child's play.

Since the days of the Kingdom of Dorne, their army has never fought in the north, so it is not surprising that many details have been ignored. At that time, Dorne also sent troops to support the Ice Empire in a hurry, and there was no time to prepare anything before setting off.

Along the way, they actually considered the coming winter, but many commanders naively believed that as guest troops, the dwarves would definitely give them enough help.

Who would have thought that when they arrived at the capital of the dwarves, they would find that the dwarves no longer cared about them.

Of course, it's not that they didn't care about it at all... the dwarves found a lot of autumn clothes, most of which were recruited from civilians or simply stolen. They gave these clothes to the Dornish troops who were almost dying of cold.

After all, these humans came all the way to fight for the dwarves, and it was not a problem to care about them at all, so the dwarf prime minister still provided help as much as possible.

As a result, the Tang Army encountered a group of human soldiers who looked like beggars on the front line. They were wrapped in messy things and started fighting with the Tang Army.

From the corpses of these soldiers, Tang Jun could see dwarf-style sweaters or leather jackets that did not fit at all but were tied to the body with ropes. Some people even had colorful sheets stuffed inside their single clothes...

Later, after interrogating the prisoners, it was determined that these humans actually came from the distant southern empire of Dorne, and many of them actually walked all the way from the City of Neverwinter to the City of Everwinter...

Originally, they could travel by sea at least several months faster, but because the Tang Empire Navy almost wiped out all the coalition fleets, basically no one dared to take the sea route, leaving only the land route as an option.

"We were almost able to put pressure on the city center of Ironforge, but now it's good. The two divisions of Dornish troops will have to be exhausted for a while." Feng Kezhi walked around the headquarters with some annoyance.


Judging from the time, it is very likely that his troops will spend this winter outside Ironforge. Although judging from the supply speed of supplies, even spending the winter in the wild will not be a big problem, but he still does not want to

Too willing to let his troops suffer in the wilderness.

"There is no way. According to the prisoners' accounts, more Dornish troops will arrive one after another. I heard that there are at least seven or eight divisions." The chief of staff of the 9th Group Army was also helpless about this information.

Although they have surrounded Ironforge on three sides, they still have no way to extend their tentacles to the south of Ironforge. The dwarves are still able to replenish personnel and supplies from the south of the city and strengthen Ironforge's defense.

Speaking of which, they are indeed preparing to launch an attack to completely seal this pocket, completely surround Ironforge, and cut off the dwarf troops here from the outside world.

But in this case, the two armies would have to deploy troops to attack in a detour, and the attack on the city of Ironforge would inevitably be affected.

Speaking of which, it is because there are too few troops. If there are two more armies, the Tang Empire's attack speed on the Eastern Continent will definitely be faster.

But everyone knows that this kind of thing is still impossible to achieve. After all, the transportation capacity is there, and it is impossible for Datang, whose capital is in the Western Continent, to place all its troops on another continent.

Until now, the elite 2nd Army of the Tang Empire has remained stationary for this reason. It is impossible for all the top main group armies to leave His Majesty's side. This is the bottom line of the Imperial General Staff.

Marshal Loew, Marshal Redman, Bolton and other famous generals were not sent to the Eastern Continent. From this point of view, it is probably understood that the empire only contributed half of its efforts.

In other words, even with only one hand, the giant Tang Empire was still beating the entire Eastern Continent...

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