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1753 Go home and see your daughter

As long as we cooperate and work hard, everyone will have a bright future... This is undoubtedly the greatest good news for the surrendered dwarf officials.

The surrender document signed by the Emperor of the Ice Empire, Binghan I, was announced immediately. All the dwarves in the ruins of Ironforge breathed a sigh of relief at this second.

The dwarf soldier, covered in dust, threw the Mosin-Nagant rifle at his feet, which had scratches on the butt and was wrapped in starch, and knelt on the ground with his face in his arms, crying bitterly.

He finally made it to the day when the war ended, and he could finally go back to reunite with his family. Countless dwarves like him had already become corpses at this time, and had no way of seeing their families again.

"It's over...it's finally over." In the corner of the ruins, a dwarf officer found that his hands had been shaking and there was no way to stop.

After he sighed with emotion, he could no longer speak: God knows how he lived these days.

The deadly bombardment of the Tang Empire was always present, and the sound of tank engines seemed to linger in my ears. Every night I woke up in fear, fearing that my neck would be wiped by a monster with all eyes in my dream.

He dared not fall asleep easily but could sleep peacefully and soundly in an environment under continuous gunfire. This contradictory state became his life, and he could not even believe that it was all over.

Wrapping up his coat tightly, he got out of his hiding place and faced the dazzling sunlight. At this moment, he felt like he was alive again.

"Sir!" The adjutant who had just been promoted for two days came over and showed a bright smile that had not appeared on everyone's face for a long time: "The war is over."

"Yes, knot, it's over." The dwarf officer, who had only been promoted to company commander for a few months, subconsciously agreed, and then walked through the snow under the not-so-warm sunshine.

This is something he has always wanted to do but did not dare to do. A dozen hours ago, if he had walked out like this, he would have been killed by a sniper within a minute...

At this moment, he finally saw the sniper hiding in the ruins opposite. The man was wearing a coat as fine as a beggar. He was sitting with another man wearing the same clothes, enjoying steaming food.

"Sir." "Sir." When passing by several soldiers in the bomb crater, several dirty soldiers stood up one after another. They had not stood at attention and saluted formally like this for a long time. For these people hiding in the rubble

For me, standing up is actually a risk and a challenge.

Therefore, now these soldiers are not expressing their respect to their commanders, but feeling the joy of being able to stand up suddenly.

Signaling the soldiers to relax, the company commander walked past his position and walked to the defensive position of the next company.

The person leading the team there was a "deputy company commander", because the company commander of this company had just been killed a day ago, and he unfortunately died at the last second of the war.

"It's all over. I can't even believe that I'm still alive." The acting company commander handed out a cigarette as he spoke. The snow-white rolling paper made it hard to believe that this was something he could take out.

Then he explained: "It was given to me by a Tang Jun across the street just now. He came over and asked us for some souvenirs. I gave him my pistol, and he gave me this."

Ever since, two smokers who had quit smoking for a few days were standing in the sunshine on the snow, puffing away their smoke. The cold wind was still blowing, but it didn't feel as biting as yesterday.

"Yeah, I can't believe it either. I just want to go home and see my daughter." While smoking, the dwarf company commander who came to the door nodded and said.

"I don't know yet, where do you live?" the acting company commander asked curiously.

The company commander who fled the door worriedly replied: "In Darkas... I heard that the fighting there was pretty brutal. I don't know what happened to my father and daughter."

"I hope they are all well." The acting company commander sent his blessing.

For others, the war is far from over. On the contrary, perhaps their war has just begun.

In an elf town belonging to the border, there are piles of various supplies. In a supply point with dozens of trucks parked, seven or eight logistics officers are counting and distributing these goods.

Transport trucks from surrounding troops are waiting. Tens of thousands of soldiers need to eat and drink. The daily logistics supply workload is huge. This is definitely not an easy job.

While they were busy, above their heads, an aerial bomb with a seeker flew down in the wind, constantly correcting its trajectory.

The Intruder attack aircraft that dropped the bomb was still 30 kilometers away, and its target could not even hear its roaring engine.

Without warning, the precision-guided bomb fell from the sky and directly hit a pile of gasoline barrels piled in the middle of the town. The logistics soldiers at several supply depots passing by had no time to make any move to lie down, and were lifted up by the explosion. engulfed in flames.

All the people who were affected further away fell down, and they didn't know whether they were overturned or they chose to lie down. The people further out all subconsciously shrank their necks, and then looked at the explosion in shock. location.

The explosion of the oil drum ignited a raging fire, and the surrounding materials were not spared. A few seconds later, the truck transporting oil parked nearby also exploded due to the high temperature. The secondary explosion caused the fire to turn into countless pieces of flying objects. fireball.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" No matter how stupid a person is, they know that they are being attacked at this time. Some people kept shouting, and some people were thinking about something else: "Quick! Rescue... rescue... Supplies! Hurry!"

"What are the air defense troops doing? Where's the air defense siren?" An elf officer rushed out of his house, looked at the oil storage area that was still exploding, and shouted through gritted teeth.

This time he could no longer run away from his responsibilities. For the elf, precious gasoline and precious oil trucks were things that could not be easily lost.

It's not that the elves are short of fuel. In fact, no matter how short of fuel they are, the coalition forces will still have enough fuel to use for the time being. The problem is that it is not that easy to deploy the fuel to the front line.

And those damn trucks that transport oil, those things are much more expensive than ordinary trucks... Losing just one of them is a big deal that requires a report!

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