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The familiar and annoying smell in 1763 station

Binghan I looked at the scenery outside the car window and felt a little panicked, because he could not recognize the city that once belonged to him.

The last time he came here for inspection was more than a year ago. At that time, he was very ambitious and thought he had done something great.

The dwarf newspaper made a big deal about His Majesty the Emperor's trip, and the entire page was full of praise for the great Emperor who had given Everwinter Harbor new life.

Because after taking back Rewind Port from Datang Group, the dwarves expanded the port on a large scale for the first time and renovated some port equipment.

Yes, you read that right. After Eternal Winter City returned to the hands of the dwarves, there was no effective investment for many years. They had been using the equipment and construction left by the Datang Group until more than a year ago.

A round of expansion and renovation was completed.

For this world, this is actually a common phenomenon: the nobles are sitting on nothing, exploitation and oppression are common, and development and progress are rare bright colors.

No one cares about the profits brought about by improving productivity. They are more persistent and sensitive to the cake in front of them. Everyone is desperately grabbing the leftovers left by the Datang Group, and their mouths are full of oil.

The amount of money required to invest in improving and expanding a modern port is so much that even the emperor cannot bear it. Since the port can still meet the export needs of the dwarves, there is no need to expand investment anymore, right?

What's more, the investment left by Datang Group was too advanced. Many infrastructure projects were built according to the development needs of ten or even twenty years, including sewer drainage systems, the scale of ports and terminals, and supporting cities.

Regional planning, etc... Then, wouldn't it be okay to continue making small repairs and make do with it?

In fact, the dwarves did not invest in Everwinter Port at all. They also purchased some new generators and built some supporting power plants and factories, but the systematic expansion and renovation only happened more than a year ago.

That time it was because the dwarves needed to export a large amount of minerals and oil, and found that the throughput capacity of Everwinter Port was somewhat tight, so they reluctantly increased some investment.

But now, right now, Binghan I is sitting on the changing train, looking at the city outside the window, it seems as if he has returned to ten years ago.

That was the time when Datang Group had just obtained the development rights of Everwinter Port and fully supported the expansion of the Bingbing Kingdom. At that time, Binghan I also came to Eternal Winter City and formed deep friendships with many humans...

Recalling that time, he was even a little dazed. The humans he met at that time were full of a strange aura that he didn't like very much. They were hard-working, smart and hard-working, exuding confidence, as if they were illuminated by light.

People can't open their eyes.

Under the leadership of those people, it can be said that Refeng Port has new changes every day: today a chimney was erected here, a pipeline was buried there...

Thousands of Guangxia are lined up in rows, and roaring factories are rising from the ground. At that time, the streets were always dug up, and traffic was often very inconvenient. Pedestrians detouring around the big holes were always in a hurry, and they always had

Endless work.

I vaguely remember that at that time, the workers of Everwinter Port always had smiles on their faces, and their lives were getting better day by day. Even some tropical fruits from Neverwinter appeared at the port of the Ice Kingdom.

Now, through the car window, Binghan I once again felt the familiar smell, and once again smelled the unfamiliar smell that made him somewhat disgusted.

When the train entered the platform, he saw some scaffolding and workers standing on it, including dwarves and elves. Those who had fought life and death worked together here to build a huge train that he could not imagine.


And he heard that this was just a passenger terminal, and a huge freight terminal that was ten times larger than the railway station in front of him would be built here, and would connect to the mining areas in the north and other important cities.

Products from the Western Continent will be transported to the original ruled area of ​​the Ice Empire through here, benefiting the hundreds of millions of people living here.

At the same time, Binghan I also heard that the originally damaged oil refinery had resumed work, resumed production in just a few months, and even started a new round of expansion.

He originally thought that Everwinter Harbor was still in ruins. He originally thought that Marshal Moss held on here until the end, leaving only human ruins. But the reality is that the place is now full of life, and there are almost no traces of the war.

The station where fierce battles took place before has been rebuilt, and its scale is five times that of the last time Binghan I arrived. The huge station has not been completely renovated, but the scale can already be seen.

There are still a large number of workers inside the station, and welcoming Binghan I, this somewhat special guest, did not cause the mayor of Yongdong City in the Tang Dynasty to suspend the construction of the station.

It was a sunny day here. The elven prisoners of war and the dwarf craftsmen who were working saw the slowly stopping train, and then withdrew their gaze as if nothing had happened.

They were used to seeing the trains coming and going here, some going to Benn in the north, and some going to St. Lo in the south. In short... they were so ordinary that they couldn't arouse any curiosity.

Little did the workers at work know that in this seemingly ordinary train was sitting the former Emperor of the Binghan Empire, now the Marquis of Binghan of the Tang Dynasty.

The weather at this moment is still cold. Due to the continuous snowfall last month, the weather this month has been very good. Construction has resumed. The Datang Empire has shipped a large amount of snow removal agents, which can ensure that the ice and snow in key areas are quickly removed.

Ablation, many tasks can be carried out normally.

Wearing orange overalls with reflective strips and thick cotton or down inside, these workers are treated much better than soldiers on the front lines of the coalition forces.

So they look more decent. The actual situation is that the workers who can work here with peace of mind are all excellent prisoners of war with good performance. As long as they continue to work for another half year, they can improve their labor reform treatment and enjoy every Monday.

Days of rest are given.

While serving their sentences, their basic human rights are also guaranteed: they have labor protection, can receive treatment if they fall ill, and those with skills can even be transferred to relatively free corresponding jobs.

Soldiers recruited from various countries were engaged in the work they were good at in the areas controlled by the Tang Empire. This had to be said to be a great irony for the coalition forces.

This chapter has been completed!
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