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1767 Tang army rests

On the vast territory of the Tang Empire, there was now another dwarf region. Groups of elite human soldiers began to orderly take over the southwest region that was originally guarded by the remaining dwarf troops.

These well-equipped soldiers of the Tang Army entered the barracks where the dwarf warriors who had not even been trained were left behind. With their arrival, the red dragon flag of the Tang Empire also flew over these areas.

Not only that, those cities still under the control of the dwarves were also controlled by the Tang army. A series of military operations at the end of winter allowed the Tang Empire to occupy the remaining dwarf-controlled areas as quickly as possible.

At the same time, the coalition forces confronting the Tang Empire did not take the opportunity to go north to try to seize these strategic locations. They knew very well that even if they could temporarily occupy them, they would not be able to withstand the powerful offensive of the Tang Empire, so they chose a more conservative approach.

The strategy is to wait and see what happens from a safe distance to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

In fact, the Tang Empire tried to conduct several small-scale offensive battles in the Rewind Port area, causing the coalition forces to shift their attention in that direction.

These combat operations of Hogg's 1st Group Army indeed effectively cooperated with the frontal military operations of the Tang Empire troops, allowing them to more smoothly complete the task of taking over the dwarf-controlled areas.

Behind the solid fortifications of the coalition forces, the soldiers could only watch helplessly as the Tang Empire's troops easily occupied the defense area that was originally empty of troops. Those flying red dragon flags not only symbolized the authority of the Tang Empire, but also foreshadowed these

The region's governance has changed hands.

As for the dwarf civilians, they did not show much resistance to the arrival of the Tang Empire. Nearly a year of war had already exhausted them, their economy was in ruins, and their people's livelihood was withered.

They were tired of coping with daily life, looking for food, and finding jobs to support their families. The war caused a large number of young and middle-aged dwarves to lose their lives or be captured, and their families were forced to survive with a lack of social resources.

However, with the arrival of the Tang Empire's army, much-needed supplies in the dwarf areas also arrived. Food, clothing, medicine and other daily necessities followed the Tang army and entered the dwarf cities that had surrendered. The dwarves were pleasantly surprised

They discovered that their lives were returning to the way they were before the war at an alarming rate.

What is even more exciting is that the governance methods of the Tang Empire seemed to be more effective than expected. The Tang army not only brought food and stabilized prices, but even began to repair houses and public buildings damaged by the war.

In sharp contrast, in the past, neither the rulers such as the dwarf nobles nor the coalition forces that later dominated these places had ever cared about the well-being of the dwarf civilians.

Today, the good deeds of the Tang Empire make the dwarf civilians feel extremely gratified and grateful, as if they have seen the dawn of hope in the darkness. As time goes by, the quality of life of the civilians in the dwarf areas occupied by the Tang Empire has significantly improved.


The originally desolate and dilapidated city was gradually renovated, the dust on the streets was swept away, shops reopened, and people's faces showed smiles again. Tang Jun brought not only material assistance, but also a positive attitude.

The attitude towards life has made the dwarf civilians feel unprecedented stability and happiness.

In order to make better use of the huge human resources in the dwarf region, the municipal officials sent by the Tang Empire set up various schools as quickly as possible, providing free education opportunities for dwarf children, giving them the opportunity to

A wider world of knowledge.

At the same time, Tang Jun also trained those dwarf women with few skills so that they could serve various local factories as soon as possible and do some men's work. They could support the local economy and development before the dwarves came back.


These measures not only improved the cultural literacy of dwarf civilians, but also laid a solid foundation for their future.

Economic changes are the strength of the Tang Empire. As long as local people are organized to provide some services for the Tang garrison, they can easily earn the first pot of gold for development. The troops of the Datang Empire have high salary levels, and there are also soldiers.

Willingness to consume, so you only need to get whatever you want to get income from these soldiers.

In terms of culture, the Tang Empire also respected and protected the traditional culture of the dwarf areas. They did not interfere with the dwarfs' way of life, and even provided some money and materials to support the local dwarves in organizing a traditional festival celebration.

This did gain the favor of most dwarves. They invited senior officers of the Tang Army to participate in local activities. The harmony between the two parties was enviable. But those envious dwarves, landlords, gentry, and old nobles were already dead, and they were hung up by the Tang Army.

On the street light.

Politically, the Tang Empire implemented a just and equitable governance method. They respected the rights and wishes of the dwarves, and promoted some local people to govern the local area through elections and recommendations, so that the dwarves could participate in the construction of their own country.

This new, transparent political system allows dwarf civilians to feel unprecedented respect and trust.

In general, the arrival of the Tang Empire brought earth-shaking changes to the dwarf region. But because the time was still short, most of the changes were only beginning to take shape.

Those who are familiar with the Tang Kingdom know that the Tang Kingdom's rule will not only bring material prosperity and cultural progress, but also allow the dwarf commoners to feel unprecedented happiness and peace.

As time goes by, the local dwarf civilians will definitely support the rule of the Tang Empire more actively and look forward to a better life in the future.

Because there were so many places that had just changed hands, the Tang army had no intention of continuing to move south. They consolidated their defense lines, began to repair the railways and roads behind them, and built field airports closer to the front line. At the same time, they launched a large-scale

of rest.

They continued to fight for ten months. They were exhausted physically and mentally and had reached their limit. In this long battle, the Tang army also made huge sacrifices. Now they urgently need a precious rest time to relieve their fatigue.

, restore energy.

They knew that only by taking adequate rest could they maintain their best condition in the next round of military operations and face greater challenges. Therefore, they began to plan how to use this time to effectively recover and adjust. They needed

During this short period of time, allow yourself and those powerful weapons and equipment to fully rest and recuperate to ensure that you can perform even better in future battles.

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