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Only then did I remember the plan in 1776

The radiant pearl of the Poplar Empire - Joslina, this city was once known as the most beautiful city in the world for its unique elven style. As the heart of the Poplar Kingdom, its status is very important, however,

Now it is immersed in a heavy cloud.

The ballistic missiles of the Tang Empire were like furious dragons, swooping down from the high blue sky, tearing apart the originally peaceful sky, and heading towards the city with destructive power.

Although the accuracy of the missile is not perfect, its power is enough to shock people. When a missile hit a skyscraper that had just been built more than three years ago, the whole building instantly let out a deafening roar, followed by bricks and stones.

Shards of glass fell like raindrops, shrouding everything around in chaos. The frame of the building twisted and deformed under the impact of the explosion, and finally collapsed, stirring up a cloud of dust and smoke.

When this building was built, it was considered the pride of the elves. It was built entirely with steel bars and concrete produced by the elves themselves, which means that the elf construction industry is completely self-sufficient.

But now it has collapsed, countless civilians are buried under the rubble, air raid sirens are still echoing, and gunpowder smoke is still spreading around.

Another missile landed in the traditional elven building area, where every house was carefully constructed of precious wood. The impact of the missile made these fragile buildings collapse instantly as if they were made of paper.

The wood crackled in the flames, intertwined with people's cries, forming a tragic scene. The once exquisite carvings and decorations were also reduced to nothing in the aftermath of the explosion, leaving only ruins

and endless sorrow.

Like Ironforge, this place is full of historical witnesses that have lasted for hundreds of years, but now they have become history due to the ravages of war.

The people who live in these places are often the real nobles of the elves. Now these people who think that the war has little to do with them finally know that they are wrong, and they are very wrong.

On the street in the distance, the crater left by the missile was bottomless, like a wound in the earth, constantly exuding the breath of death.

The newly laid asphalt road was completely damaged, with horrific cracks spreading. The surrounding buildings were also shaken to the point of collapse, and some even collapsed, pinning the civilians inside underneath.

Cars that happened to be passing by were overturned by the shock wave, traffic was completely paralyzed, and the bodies of the dead pedestrians were still lying in the middle of the road. Fires were everywhere, and the air was filled with a strong smell of burnt and blood.

The public facilities that were finally built were also in danger. The power lines were blown down, and most of the city lost power. It was not night yet, so the damage was not obvious. After nightfall, the terrifying darkness spread to everyone.

neighborhood, people will realize that they are almost back to twenty or thirty years ago.

The water supply system has also been severely damaged, and large areas have lost their water sources. A city without running water can destroy itself. Just the excrement that has no way to deal with it is enough to give the residents of Joselaina a headache.

Fortunately, gas pipelines were not widely popularized, so there was no large-scale secondary explosion. But this did not alleviate people's fear and despair. They could only watch their homes being devoured by the flames of war, but

Nothing can be done.

A fire truck finally arrived at the scene. Facing the still burning building, the firefighters who got off the truck had no good solution.

The water they brought was definitely not enough to deal with the disaster in front of them, and the fire hydrants on the street were just decorations - God knows when the construction cost of that thing was embezzled by someone.

Now the problem came, and they had only one choice: standing there helpless: even though the caller was a noble count, there was nothing they could do without water, right?

The sound of sirens in the distance gradually became clearer. An ambulance passed by the place where the missile was hit. It hurried away, followed closely by a military truck.

Soldiers jumped out of the truck one after another. These elf soldiers wearing M35 helmets and carrying Mauser 98K rifles were responsible for martial law in the entire area, maintaining law and order and ensuring the safety of the lives and property of the powerful... although it was no longer safe.

And those public facilities that once brought convenience to the city, such as hospitals, schools, etc., are also trembling in this second missile attack. There are no protective measures in these places, not even air defense bunkers.

The city develops too fast, does too much superficial work during development, and cares too little about the security facilities behind the scenes. In the end, there is only such an ugly result.

If it doesn't rain heavily, who can know whether the city's drainage system is good? If it doesn't go through a war, who can know whether there are air-raid bunkers around them?

The difference between them is that it may rain every year, but the air-raid shelter may not be used once in ten or twenty years...

Although the equipment in the hospital was not blown up and the missile did not hit the hospital at all, fear still spreads here. The patients were lying helplessly on the hospital bed, and the nurses and doctors had no time to care about these poor people at this moment.

Every place is in a mess. Some nurses are asking if the missiles will fall again. Some doctors are planning how to evacuate the patients in the hospital, but no one can answer such questions. The elves don't have any wartime hospital commanders.

Managed backup plans.

The same is true for schools. The children in the school sit in the classroom in fear and have no choice. They have no safe refuge at all. The teachers hope that these children will go home quickly, but the parents of these children cannot

At this moment, there is no contact at all.

You can't just let the children go back by themselves, right? What if there is no one at home? Everything is a question mark, which makes the already anxious teachers run around in circles.

This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Finally, a fire truck came next to the collapsed building. Although there was no good solution, the firefighters wearing heavy protective clothing,

At least it can make those around you feel more at ease.

Soon, these firefighters began to work, weaving through thick smoke and flames, trying to rescue those buildings and personnel that were still salvageable.

The orange fire uniforms brought a glimmer of hope to the surrounding civilians. These orange figures looked so small in the smoke, but their spirit was so great. Firefighters in any world are worthy of praise, these lovely

The people guard the last glimmer of life in the city with their sweat and persistence. They are the last barrier between disaster and life.

The good news is that the missiles did not continue to fall. After ten missiles fell from the sky, the second missile attack seemed to have stopped. More and more civilians also spontaneously joined the rescue work. This is their home, and they are competing with each other.

They don't want their homes to be destroyed.

These civilians organized themselves spontaneously and used the tools at hand, such as shovels, buckets, etc., to help the firefighters clean up the surrounding area. Neighbors helped each other, moved the injured to safe areas, and provided them with food and shelter.

Some residents with special skills also came forward. They used their professional knowledge to repair damaged electricity and water lines. However, they lacked tools and equipment, and their progress was very slow.

The damage control center that should have been established and the backup communication system that should have been established were never established because of the slow response of the elves.

There was also a long time between the last attack and this attack, so many people felt that the Tang Empire's missile attack might only be that one time, and there would not be a second one.

What happened now was undoubtedly a slap in the face to everyone. It was almost exactly the same as last time. The elves were not prepared in any way. Everyone was still panicked, everyone was still at a loss to do anything, and everyone still seemed to be beaten for the first time.

Compared with the last time they were attacked, the top management of the Yangmu Empire has not made any progress. So everything is still the same, everything is still disorganized.

Sitting in the car, Yang Mu I's expression turned extremely ugly. He really didn't expect that the Tang Empire's second missile attack would come so quickly.

According to original speculation, such a missile that can span thousands of miles cannot be cheap, so similar attacks are likely to be symbolic and not too frequent.

It was precisely because of this judgment that Yang Mu I ignored the last attack and put aside many countermeasures plans.

In fact, in the past ten days or so, the top leaders of the Yangmu Empire have still focused their attention on the vicinity of Rewind Port.

The local attack launched by the Tang Army here seemed to be looking for weak points in the coalition's defense line. This round of tentative attacks made the coalition very nervous. Almost everyone believed that the Tang Empire would launch a new round of offensive in the spring.


This round of offensive is also likely to be launched around Refeng Port. After all, after nearly two months of repairs, Refeng Port has probably restored its throughput capacity. It is naturally easier for the Tang Empire troops backed by the port to obtain supplies.

Compared with the troops deployed in inland areas, these coastal troops have a supply advantage. Isn't this what the Tang Empire wanted when it continuously moved south to seize a series of ports such as Saint Lo and Rewind Port?

Now the problem came. The Tang army attacked Ruosilaina again. The elves were in chaos and the power plant was paralyzed again. Yang Mu I had to go to the power plant to inspect it in person after the missile attack was over.

After all, the damage to the power plant not only meant the interruption of energy supply, but also dealt a heavy blow to the industrial stability of the entire city. At the same time, he had to consider the mood of the people across the country. Yangmu I's personal inspection was undoubtedly a great blow to the country.

It was a kind of inspiration and encouragement from the people, which more or less restored the hearts and minds of some civilians in Josilaina.

Yang Mu I was accompanied by Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Barron. He can be said to be the target of public criticism right now. His air force's crotch-stretching performance will probably be scolded to death by the ministers in the hall soon.

So he accompanied His Majesty the Emperor Yang Mu I on an inspection of the power plant that he was supposed to be guarding, and saw the power plant building that had been blown away by a missile.

Frankly speaking, the damage to the entire power plant was not serious, but the repairs still took about two days. During most of this time, Slenna was unable to enjoy lighting at night.

In order to protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor, the place is already full of palace guards, and all the idlers have been driven out. At this time, there is no need to worry about emergency repairs or anything else.

Yangmu I stood in the distance and looked at the factory building that looked similar to a dilapidated building. He vaguely saw the damaged transformer equipment and some auxiliary facilities, and asked some slightly more professional questions.

For example, what are these devices, what role do they play, are there any spare parts, and when can they be repaired...

"Your Majesty, I think we should build a backup power plant. In this way, if there is a problem here, at least there will be another power plant..." The director of the power plant who accompanied Yangmu I carefully put forward his suggestion.


He was really scared. If the next round of missiles directly hit their core factory, it would not be a problem that could be solved in two or three days. If the power was really cut off in places like the palace, maybe

I can't save my own head.

When he heard the suggestion put forward by the factory director, Yang Mu I remembered the response plan proposed by the young air force staff officer before: Although the other party mentioned all the methods of being passively beaten, it is obvious that having a method at this time is better than having no method at all.


So he looked at Barron and reluctantly ordered: "Didn't the Air Force have a series of response plans before? Build more underground bunkers, build backup power plants and water plants, etc..."

"Uh, yes, Your Majesty, there is a plan." Barron was a little surprised when Yang Mu I asked about this matter, but he quickly nodded and admitted.

"Implement the planned part first. You will watch it personally and build a backup power plant to ensure the power supply as much as possible..." Yangmu I ordered as he looked at the power plant building in front of him.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I understand." Barron lowered his head and agreed. He could only agree: now that as the commander of the Air Force, he had no way to intercept the enemy's attack, so the only option left was to comply with the emperor's order.

Although he has no plan and no idea about building a power plant, doesn't he have a lot of subordinates who have studied abroad in the Tang Empire? If he goes back and asks that talkative staff officer, he must have an idea, right?

Anyway, didn't he come up with that damn plan? Just let the young staff officer take charge then... Well, then find a few people to supervise him and don't let him cause any collaboration problems.

It's absolutely foolproof.



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