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1846 air raid on Tamaki

The violent storm finally died down, the strong wind that had been raging for a long time gradually subsided, and the heavy raindrops turned into light drizzle. The rain in Yucheng finally stopped.

In the sky, the heavy clouds slowly dispersed, revealing a long-lost light, which seemed to bring a glimmer of hope to this devastated land.

The dark clouds that were still thick yesterday have now dissipated. On the wet wall of Jade City, Paul looked expressionlessly at the wet ground and his defenses that had been out of work for many days.

The water on the runway of the airport near Wolf City in Beiling has been completely drained. The puddles on the roadside in the distance reflect the faint light of the sky.

Thunder attack aircraft are ready to go at this moment, like falcons ready to go. Their gray-black fuselage looks even more cold under the wash of rain, and all kinds of weapons are hung under the wings: rockets.

, precision-guided bombs, air-to-surface missiles... exuding cold murderous aura.

Each aircraft has its own attack mission. Some use rockets to destroy identified cheap targets on the ground; some use precision-guided bombs to kill high-value fixed targets near the front line; and some use mounted missiles to destroy targets in Yucheng.

Supply points and command centers.

The ground crew waved their arms to the pilots in the cockpit, and the pilots gave a thumbs up to indicate that the aircraft was in good condition.

In the command tower on the side, the staff are busy working nervously, and there are piles of outdated equipment that have not had time to be dismantled and transported away. Many of the new equipment that have just been deployed can only be placed in inappropriate locations at will, increasing the

reduce the workload of commanders.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, the time is so short and there is so much work that needs to be done. Until now, there are still a few workers from Wolf City squatting in the corner assembling the items sent by the Tang Empire.

What about the equipment storage rack?

"Eagle 1 is in good condition and ready to take off!" The pilot's calm voice came from the communication channel, with a trace of excitement that could not be concealed in his tone.

"Copy that, Eagle 1 is ready to take off!" the commander in the control tower responded, his voice low and powerful: "Long live the Empire! I wish you good luck!"

"Eagle 1 understands! Long live His Majesty the Emperor!" the pilot replied, then pushed the control stick, the engine made a deafening roar, and the Eagle 1 fighter jet quickly slid out of the hangar like an arrow and rushed onto the runway.

"Eagle 2 is ready!" Almost at the same time, another pilot's voice sounded in the communication channel, his voice was full of confidence and determination.

"Eagle 2, please wait!" the commander commanded calmly: "Wait for Eagle 1 to take off before taking off!"

"Eagle 2 understands!" the pilot replied, and then quietly waited for instructions.

As the Eagle 1 fighter jet soared into the sky, the commander grabbed the intercom again and spoke decisively and firmly: "The runway has been cleared! Eagle 2, approval to take off!"

"Eagle 2 received! Victory belongs to Datang!" the pilot responded, then pushed the control stick, and the engine made a deafening roar. The Eagle 2 fighter followed closely behind, like a black lightning, quickly slid out of the hangar and rushed out.

Get on the runway and head straight for the sky.

With the deafening roar of engines, all the Thunder attack aircraft took off one after another, flying straight into the sky, aiming directly at Yucheng.

Further away, at the airport of the Sussus Empire, the Ares strategic bombers have also started their engines. These larger bombers are loaded with bombs. They want to greet their opponents and tell the Lions Empire that they have arrived.


At this moment, the entire Tang Empire Air Force is busy, hundreds of planes are taking off one after another, and all the airspace in the Susas area has been cleared.

The screen of the mobile radar that had just been deployed was full of spots of friendly signals. The fighter jets covering the bombers and attack aircraft groups had already taken off early and occupied the entire airspace.

Yinglong fighter jets were loaded with missiles and penetrated deep into the territory of the Lions Empire, clearing all targets in the sky that did not emit friendly force identification signals. They were like sharks swimming in the ocean, patrolling their territory.

It is a pity that there are very few coalition aircraft that dare to take off to fight. Except for the dozen or so Mirage 1 fighter jets that flew out to kill people at the beginning, there is no coalition air power in the sky above Yucheng.

Most of the pilots of these planes were lucky. They successfully parachuted under the nervous eyes of friendly forces and landed safely on unfinished positions. One of them landed in the city...

The unlucky man who landed in the city almost encountered danger. His parachute was almost interfered by the buildings in the city. In the end, he was pulled by the parachute and hit a street light, and suffered some minor injuries.

At this time, the civilians and garrison troops in Yucheng were still in the mood to watch the downed air force pilot, but soon they no longer had such leisurely moments.

The Tang Empire's air raid arrived ten minutes later, and the harsh sound of the air defense sirens made everyone in Jade City tremble with fear.

Soon one explosion after another began to be heard in the distance. No one knew where the fighting took place, but everyone knew that the fighting had really begun.

Streams of black smoke rose up on the horizon. The black smoke pillars in the north direction of the city were first seen by people in the city, followed by the west and south directions of the city.

Before these people could react, explosions began to occur close at hand in the city. The violent explosions were deafening, as if they were going to tear the whole world apart.

The shock wave swept across, and the buildings on both sides of the street shook violently, as if they would collapse at any time. The glass was rattled by the explosion, and the window frames were shaking violently, and they might break at any time.

I don't know if it was gas or munitions hidden in the city. The explosion made the explosion even more tragic. Some panicked civilians on the street finally remembered that they should squat in the air-raid shelters instead of crowding in the streets to watch the excitement.

The anti-aircraft guns deployed on the edge of the city began to shoot into the sky in vain, and tracer bullets splashed onto the sky. Even in the daytime, it was still spectacular.

But no one cares about this now. Everyone is running for their lives. Behind the fleeing crowd, a raging fire has broken out in the Yucheng Broadcasting Building, and the famous huge metal signal antenna is slowly collapsing in the flames.

The air-raid sirens were still echoing, as if Tamaki was groaning under an air raid. Clusters of thick smoke billowed in the city, kicking off the Battle of Tamaki.

This chapter has been completed!
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