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189Create Faith

"After all, I'm not a very kind person." Tang Mo put away the bill, patted the pale John on the shoulder, and said, "Actually, you don't have to be too cautious. If you are in the mood to take care of your

Family, I can give you a discount."

As he spoke, he thought generously and gave a price that he thought was very reasonable: "Let's take 3 million now... After all, it's easier to calculate. If the Augustine family of the Poplar Kingdom doesn't clear the bill next year

If so, the bill will become 6 million gold coins... Tsk, it’s scary just thinking about it.”

These days, loan sharking is not a good job. After all, how to settle accounts is not the focus of loan sharking. The focus is how to ensure that the money will be returned.

"Master... it is obvious that the Augustine family is not able to repay such a large amount of debt... If, I mean if, one day in the future, we go to get back this huge sum of money owed to us by the Augustine family, I suggest

Just confiscate everything in the Augustine family!" In order to express his position, John said to Tang Mo while wiping his sweat.

"Loyalty... is a good word." Tang Mo said this casually without comment, then walked back to his desk and grabbed a report sent by John.

The stuff here is quite exciting: income statistics from casinos, theaters, and brothels in Wangcheng, Beiling, Bunas and other places, as well as consumption lists at these entertainment venues.

This is a big data system from another world. With this file, it will be clear who is lustful and greedy for money in the kingdom, who has his own small treasury, and who has illegal income other than wages.

If you bribe or win over according to the records on this list, it can really be said that you will have no disadvantages. This is why places like casinos and brothels have endured for a long time and have been operated and invested by many big guys since ancient times.

Several nobles decided to submit to Tang Mo. They mortgaged their estates and even their wives and daughters, and owed huge gambling debts to Tang Mo.

As long as Tang Mo needs it, these people can stand up and fight for Tang Mo at any time - Tang Mo dare not count on them in the military, but in the court and among politicians, they can still build momentum for Tang Mo and help Tang Mo.

Making noise and shouting.

For nobles like this who don't need real money and only need to find a few gamblers to play with them, Tang Mo doesn't even want to see them and just sends his men to beat them, and they become Tang Mo's minions.


And he also knows that the empire he has built that now seems to be taking shape is actually very fragile.

The human heart is the simplest thing. It only needs to be watered and manipulated before it can be used for one's own purposes. The human heart is also the most complex thing. If one is not careful, it will be destroyed by the betrayal of relatives and friends.

What Tang Mo relies on now is his own favor and the advancement he represents. Those Dandelions who left and took away some of Tang Mo's technologies and ideas were in awe of Tang Mo's profoundness and power, and chose to be loyal to Tang Mo.

A master worth following.

However, as an experienced person, Tang Mo knew that in order to unite people's hearts, the most important things are nothing more than two things: faith and money.

Currency includes everything from food, clothing, housing, transportation, income, happiness, etc. As long as you have money, you can get these things. The American empire that runs rampant in the world relies on this set of things.

Tang Mo can get these things. As long as he has gold coins, these things are indeed easy to get. After all, there are not many things in this world that cannot be bought with gold coins.

But what really unites people's hearts, Tang Mo knows, is something that doesn't exist in this world, or has never really appeared before - faith!

There is no universal god in this world who can convince everyone and convince everyone. Likewise, there is no doctrine like capitalism in this world.

In this world, although there is already the concept of capital, as well as plutocrats and various classes, there is no supporting theory.

It was naturally impossible for Tang Mo to come up with a theory that would definitely stand against him, so it was also impossible for him to play Brother Ma's game.

Although he knew that once that set of things was discovered, his younger brother would definitely transform into an invincible warrior of faith, and he would not betray the Datang Group even if he was burned in flames...

Therefore, Tang Mo could only settle for the next best thing and prepare to develop religion to completely control the spiritual world of his subordinates.

He wants his men to be absolutely loyal and not change their stance even in the face of death.

Creating a god in this world is not a simple thing, so Tang Mo is preparing to enter another field comparable to religion - controlling people's life and death.

In the twenty-first century, or from the beginning of human enlightenment until the foreseeable future, what is the most expensive thing?

A nuclear bomb? A house in the second ring of Shanghai? Running for president of a beautiful country? None! It’s life! Life is the most precious thing!

If they can live one more year, the rich don't care how much they spend - millions are just small amounts of money, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions are not expenses that cannot be considered!

Therefore, medicine or medical security is the most worthy investment and easiest to profit area in the world!

And in this world, where a single case of pneumonia is likely to result in death, Tang Mo can casually come up with some medicines to immediately increase people's lifespan!

This is simply the domain of God! No one will refuse such a condition: by believing in Tang Mo, you can cure tetanus, pneumonia, fever, and even make yourself immune to smallpox...

After having this idea, Tang Mo started preparing to build his own empire of faith on the same day his fleet left the port.

He used chemical experiments to prepare a batch of drugs in his laboratory. Naturally, these drugs did not need to undergo clinical trials because they had been proven to be completely effective in another world.

Then Tang Mo directly conducted an experiment on poor John. The experiment proved that this drug is also effective on the elves and is very useful.

When the miners in Beiling ate the batch of mebendazole prepared by Tang Mo to kill roundworms - when they saw with their own eyes that they had pulled out the worms, and then vomited heartbreakingly.

After half a day, a belief began to spread among the miners.

The general content of the story is all kinds of strange, but there is only one core: in the far east, a black-haired god was born. The locals were afraid of his power, but did not dare to kill the god, so they exiled him to a distant country.

According to the story, this god came to this world to make the world a better place, so after being exiled, he still loved the world and still used his power to save the believers who served him.

This god is Mr. Tang Mo of Datang Group. He uses his magic medicine to save his believers, he uses his own weapons to protect his believers, and he uses his fraternity to send every kind person to the pure land of eternal bliss.

At the same time, a chemical factory in Tangmo that produces drugs quietly started production next to Factory No. 2. The drugs it mainly produces are pesticides and some simple drugs.

The main drug produced by this factory is roundworm killing pills, which can effectively kill roundworms parasitic in the human intestines and clean up the human intestines.

Because it has an immediate effect, and there are not many people in this world who are qualified to pay attention to personal hygiene, nor do they care about personal hygiene, so the effect of this medicine is indeed easy to verify among the poor, or the middle and lower classes.

Everyone could see those terrible bugs that were killed and excreted from the body, so everyone was grateful to Tang Mo for providing this medicine.

Just being grateful is far from proving how much these people admire Tang Mo, because these uneducated civilians completely regard Tang Mo as a god at this moment.

With this thing, Datang Group is no longer just a consortium in the local area. It is a sacred place with an aura. Whenever this name is mentioned, people's tone will become pious.

Just as Tang Mo was preparing to sanctify his body, Roger's fleet arrived at Black Dragon Island and, according to the markings on the map, set down a landing boat at the place where the Yangmu Kingdom's naval sailors landed.

The Army soldiers landed first. After vomiting at sea for seven days, they finally staggered onto the "small island".

Then, a group of people began to frantically unload their supplies - including tents and other messy things, food and cattle and sheep they had brought, as well as steam engines and other equipment for power generation.

As if they were from an alien planet, they started their own reclamation work on this inaccessible island.

These people from Bunas had already experienced something like this once, and their previous work in the vicious forest was exactly the same as the work they were doing here.

So they quickly set up tents, set up a drinking water supply station by the Tamsui River, and then skillfully built a wooden house here to install the steam engine.

With the steam engine, several main tents here have electricity and have rough processing capabilities.

Soon these workers began cutting lumber in batches here, processing the felled logs into planks, and nailing them together to build houses.

Then, the temporarily established telegraph system sent the news of successful landing back to Bunas, and they could immediately send the list of supplies they hoped to obtain to Tang Mo.

With such convenient and fast communication, the work of developing Heilong Island became smoother. Because there are coconuts and other fruits on the island, the number of fruits in Tang Mo's next batch of supplies was reduced by 90%, and all were changed to

Urgently needed cement.

This chapter has been completed!
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