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199 Neptune

"They were eating in the cafeteria. They looked hungry for a long time." Weiss returned to Tang Mo's office and saw Tang Mo playing with a pile of copper coils.

Tang Mo has been working on this thing whenever he has time recently, but he has no idea what its use is.

Anyway, he understood that Tang Mo was an inventor, and a terrifying inventor at that. The things he created, except for cigarette cases and lighters, seemed to have powerful effects that could change the course of civilization.

Seeing that Tang Mo was silent, Weiss continued to ask: "Are you really planning to keep these orcs?"

Tang Mo put several parts together without raising his head. Only he knows now that he is making the world's first telephone.

He put together the parts he wanted, and then asked Wes: "I even stayed with John, why don't I give them a chance?"

"Maybe they can be of some use." Weiss thought for a moment and nodded in agreement with Tang Mo's words.

These orcs seem to be quite easy to fool, and if used properly, they can even achieve miraculous results.

For example, if they were asked to kill an enemy, and the enemy would check the identity of the orcs, they would probably not find Bunas, a port that has little to do with the orcs.

"If used properly, it will have miraculous effects." Tang Mo also felt that these orcs would definitely be of great use.

But what he thought was completely different from Weiss. What he wanted was to use these orcs to cultivate an orc force, and then divide and disintegrate the opponents, so that the orcs could not be monolithic.

Only in this way can he exert his influence on the orcs and build a perfect puzzle.

The two people stand at completely different heights, so the imagined directions for using these orcs are completely different.

Weiss curiously continued to ask Tang Mo: "Then what should we do now?"

Tang Mo put down the parts in his hand, scratched his head, and thought for a while before saying: "Now? Since the Yangmu Kingdom is so smooth, how can I not add some trouble to them?"

"It seems that the good days of the elves have come to an end." Weiss had a bad smile on his face. He knew that once Tang Mo took notice of him, the elves' bullshit Poplar Kingdom would definitely not have an easy time.

Tang Mo also felt that the Yangmu Kingdom could not be allowed to do whatever they wanted in the Novice Village. When the time comes, the situation would be even more difficult to deal with than it is now.

Therefore, he decided to use his own power to somewhat delay the rise of the Yangmu Kingdom: "It's time to ask the Yangmu Kingdom to recover some interest."

He thought about it and felt that it would be better to use his sea power to stop the expansion of the Yangmu Kingdom quickly and effectively.

So he ordered: "Call Bunas 1 to leave the waters of Black Dragon Island, follow the proven route, and intercept the Yangmu Kingdom fleet that may be returning north! Don't let one ship go!"

Judging from the time, it is probably time for the maritime trade of the Poplar Kingdom, as well as the fishing boats and fleets sent to the surrounding areas, to return home.

These fleets are fully loaded with cargo, and many of them also carry resources that the Poplar Kingdom is in urgent need of. It is definitely a mouth-watering piece of meat.

Sinking these battleships and merchant ships would be an absolutely huge blow to the Yangmu Kingdom. Coupled with blocking the Yangmu Kingdom's ports and destroying the opponent's coastal facilities, the expansion of the Yangmu Kingdom would definitely be stalled for a period of time.

At least, the other party will definitely want to divert some of their energy to coastal defense. At that time, they will know how stupid they were to owe this debt back then.

"In addition, find a way to send our people to other countries around the Yangmu Kingdom and let them move around there. Since I have attacked the Yangmu Kingdom and shared the pressure for them, what can I do if I don't let them pay?


"Understood!" Weiss nodded, and then walked out of the room to convey Tang Mo's order.

Off the coast of Black Dragon Island, aboard the Bunas 1 armored battleship that was cruising near the anchorage, the first mate walked up behind his captain with a telegram: "Sir!"

"What's wrong?" The captain saw the message in the first mate's hand and asked casually.

They are actually quite relaxed here. Apart from daily training, everyone does almost as much as traveling.

We go to the islands in batches to stroll around, eat fruits and game, and climb mountains to enjoy the scenery. It’s so enjoyable that you don’t want to miss it.

But happy days are always short-lived, and now...the order has come.

The first mate replied directly: "Telegram from Bunas."

"Read it!" the captain ordered.

After hearing the order, the first officer opened the telegram and read it loudly: "The telegram orders Bunas 1 to immediately leave the waters of Heilong Island, intercept all Yangmu Kingdom warships found along the route, and sink them all!"

The captain's expression suddenly became serious, and he ordered the first officer: "Call back! The order has been received, Bunas 1 will execute the order immediately!"

"Yes!" The first officer stood at attention and saluted, equally solemn. As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes a moment to use it. The time has finally come for Datang Group to use them!

"Report the coal mine replenishment situation!" The captain looked at the liaison officer on the side and asked.

The liaison officer immediately shouted to the liaison microphone next to him: "Report the replenishment situation of the coal mine!"

The petty officer on the lower deck immediately responded to the question: "Ninety-five percent coal load!"

The captain continued to confirm the situation of the battleship: "The operation of the boiler!"

Soon, confirmation came from the lower deck: "The boiler is running normally!"

"Power transmission system!" He looked at the officer next to him who was responsible for monitoring the dashboard and confirmed.

The officer looked at the slightly shaking instrument panel pointer and replied loudly: "The power transmission system is in good working order!"

"Speed!" the captain continued to confirm.

"Speed ​​is 35 kilometers, economy status." The helmsman replied loudly.

"Course correction! Left rudder 21!" The captain looked at the compass and corrected his course.

The helmsman immediately turned the steering wheel and loudly synchronized the command: "Course correction! Left rudder 21!"

The bow of the Bunas 1 battleship immediately cut through the waves and sailed towards the distant sea level. Behind it, two rows of separate tracks were left.

In fact, Tang Mo had certainly considered that once a warship emitting thick smoke appeared on the sea, the elves who knew about steam engines and used steam engines on a large scale would definitely understand what the Datang Group's warships relied on.

What drives it?

These elves will definitely start thinking about using this power to drive their own warships - or in other words, the other party is already thinking about it.

After all, trains are no longer a secret. As long as the other party wants to plagiarize or is willing to research, they can definitely make a replica.

However, Tang Mo also knew that doing so would take time! A lot of time, time for experimentation!

As long as they can't get the drawings and design ideas of the armored battleship, the other party will definitely not be able to successfully imitate it.

After all, if you want to figure out the propeller, it will definitely take decades. That thing works underwater, so it cannot be copied casually.

Therefore, even if the other party thinks of using steam power, what they can quickly prototype in the end is just a junk like a paddle steamer.

The warships produced by the Datang Group, which has already made a leap to propeller propulsion, cannot be defeated by garbage like a paddle steamer. The two sides are not in the same dimension at all!

The elves who have lost their control of the sea will become the best advertisement for Datang Group's naval equipment! All countries will hope to buy Datang Industry's warships to protect their thousands of miles of sea territory!

This is another business! Sitting in his seat, fidgeting with the phone with both hands, I felt a burst of emotion in my heart: It's not shameful to make money.

Now he lets his warship wander around the sea area of ​​​​the elves, and he will definitely be able to confuse these elves.

He can even let his warships block the opponent's port and sink all the ships passing by.

Tang Mo felt a little regretful. If his warship had a radar, he could definitely hunt down the Elf ships with greater efficiency.

Unfortunately, he has no radar and no way to detect the position of enemy ships from a long distance. However, he has a speed advantage. Once he finds his opponent, he can give him a good surprise.

He can even use his own artillery advantage to blockade the opponent's port and destroy the opponent's port, making it temporarily impossible for the opponent to obtain any sea supplies.

This is interesting. If the Yangmu Kingdom cannot use sea transportation, then the factories they deploy on the coastline will not be able to operate.

It takes time to change transportation to land transportation, and the time lost by the Yangmu Kingdom will definitely cause them to miss good opportunities when expanding externally.

In fact, if Tang Mo is determined to deal a cruel blow to the Yangmu Kingdom, he can mobilize three warships to cause trouble together and turn the coastal area into a battlefield.

But Tang Mo's base is on Black Dragon Island, so it's impossible for him to put aside his base to dig a hole for the Yangmu Kingdom.

Of course, proper digging of holes is certain. On the one hand, he sent his own warships, and on the other hand, he also sent his own people.

These people can quickly help the kingdoms around the Yangmu Kingdom establish connections with the Tang Group. Tang Mo can also use his sea control to provide arms to these kingdoms in the future.

One thing goes another, and it will not be so easy for the Yangmu Kingdom to continue to expand. Looking back, Tang Mo is using the orc Gales IX to cause some trouble in the occupied areas of the Yangmu Kingdom. The Yangmu Kingdom

But it's not that comfortable.

Soon this naval battle that breaks out in the coastal areas of the Elf Poplar Kingdom will shock the world and make the world realize that their naval warfare weapons are completely outdated!

He wants to use actual results to announce to the whole world that he is the world's largest, newest, and strongest... Aquaman!


I'm not in good condition today, so I won't make up for the update now. Another update will come later, so you can watch it tomorrow morning.

This chapter has been completed!
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