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266 latency too high

When he changed the battle order and caused chaos, he felt more and more that he was going to lose this crucial naval battle.

Because his opponent has entered the battlefield at the weakest point of his fleet and is gradually cannibalizing his fleet!

Maybe the word "cannibalize" is not accurate, because the opponent's attack speed is simply swallowing! Swallowing his fleet!

Four warships in the Talon Kingdom's fleet were not in good condition and did not participate in this battle. Wallen ordered these four warships to protect his own transport fleet further away.

So this time, the Taron Kingdom's naval fleet actually participated in the battle with 66 warships, with a squadron of 21 warships on one side and a main fleet of 55 warships on the other.

Now, what Warren can be sure of is that the squadron of 21 battleships has basically been wiped out. Even if he has won now, it is unlikely that too many people can be fished out of the sea.

What's more, he hasn't stayed overnight to fight yet... His fleet is being chased by the enemy, which is something he has never experienced before.

"This is not the way to go! General!" Even his adjutant saw it and said with some uneasiness.

"Shut up! Of course I know this is not the way to go!" Warren stared at the sea in the distance angrily, and yelled at his adjutant in a rude manner.

Originally, he thought that attacking Rewind Port would be a simple matter, but now it seems that it is completely different.

Refeng Port is not a soft persimmon, and it is not a place that can be manipulated by others. This time he seems to have hit the iron plate.

The problem is, you don't know the pain until your feet hit the iron plate, and his fleet had to face destruction only after it collided with a fleet that it couldn't win... There is no regret medicine for this thing.

"Do you want to reorganize the battle line?" The adjutant hesitated, but still expressed his opinion.

He felt that if he did nothing, he would remain passive, and eventually everything would be beyond his control.

"If we give any more orders, our formation will completely collapse!" Valen lamented desperately.

He didn't want to issue an order to revitalize the fleet, but his order had to be passed on to several nearby warships, and then continue to spread out.

This takes time. He has never seen anything like a wireless telegraph machine, and of course he has never imagined that his orders can be smoothly transmitted to all battleships in one second.

Since it takes time to transmit an order, the execution of the order needs to be delayed. The operation of sliding the mouse on the computer screen to frame your own troops and then issuing orders at the same time can only be realized in the game.

In reality, there will not be such smooth command transmission, and there will always be exceptions, especially in chaotic battle conditions.

In today's battle, Wallen's fleet has actually lost effective dispatch and command. The formation of the fleet is too complex, and it is completely divorced from the pre-war tactical arrangement.

There is no way, this is a direct problem caused by the backwardness of tactical communications, just like the story of the Japanese bombing of bunkers that many puppet army fans do not understand today.

In an environment where there is no individual communication system and effective communication on the battlefield cannot be achieved, the Charge is the order, and the prior plan is the truth that must be implemented.

Once a problem occurs in a certain link, it will immediately cause a large number of casualties, and it is necessary for soldiers or small teams in the grassroots units to solve the problem and bring the plan back to the pre-deployed track.

If the enemy does not sacrifice his life to blow up the enemy's bunker, then the general attack here can only be launched on time, otherwise the flanking troops will have to retreat or be flanked by the enemy from both sides, and the flanking troops will have to give up the attack to avoid losses.

This will result in an attack being completely abandoned and everything having to be started all over again.

So he chose to sacrifice himself at a critical moment to preserve the victory achieved by an attack - such a tragic choice proved his greatness.

At this moment, Wallen faced the same problem - he could not unify his troops and let all the warships respond immediately.

The warships following him can receive the order immediately, and the warships farther away are in disarray. At this moment, the troops who are being beaten at the rear are even still performing the task they received before the battle began: encirclement.

enemy ship...

Yes, they are still executing the order to encircle the Tang fleet, although now it seems that this order is a bit inexplicable.

At this moment, most of the warships in Warren's main fleet were executing seemingly inexplicable orders.

"Are you kidding?" Near the end of the queue, a captain saw the flag bearer on the mast of the battleship not far ahead waving the flag in his hand.

As he was familiar with flag language, he knew that the command conveyed by the flagman was: speed up and turn left to prepare to meet the enemy.

He frowned, not knowing what this order meant, because the enemy was on his right, and was coming from behind him.

If he turns left now, won't he expose the stern of the ship to enemy fire? And after he turns left, won't he run away in fear of the enemy?

"Captain! What should we do?" Apparently, the adjutant on board the battleship also saw that the order was wrong and asked with some confusion.

"The battleships in front are all turning, and I don't know what is going on." The captain replied somewhat depressedly: "According to the situation at this time, shouldn't we collectively turn to the right and double-team the opponent?"

"But the order is to turn left!" The adjutant confirmed several times that the order was indeed to turn left. The battleship in front was indeed turning left, so the formation was very chaotic.

As he spoke, he looked at the turning friendly warships ahead, and then reminded with some anxiety: "Captain! If we don't make a decision, we will be out of touch with the fleet."

"Turn left!" After thinking for a while, he finally did not have the courage to disobey the military order and turn right alone. The captain also issued the same order as the previous captain.

Judging from the current situation, although turning to the left does not provide a better counterattack angle, it can still avoid the sharp edge of the enemy warships and somewhat reduce the pressure on some fleets.

As a result, the adjutant breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly conveyed the order loudly and asked his warship to deflect the bow along with the friendly warships in front.

On the Datang Group's warship Wolf 1 following them, Bernard saw the enemy ship on the side, slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea in flames.

"Report! The lookout confirmed that the enemy fleet is turning." At this time, the adjutant sent the enemy fleet's movements.

"Turn? Full right rudder, another encirclement?" Bernard asked with a smile.

The adjutant shook his head and said: "The enemy fleet is turning to the left. I don't know what the plan is. It may be that they want to escape from us, or they may be preparing to reorganize their formation."

"..." Bernard really didn't speculate on other aspects of the other party's reaction, because he had a telegraph machine and had long been accustomed to instant communication during training and exercises, and had long forgotten the problem of communication delays.

The naval battle completely changed from this point on. Bernard began to guess what magic operation the opponent had, so he was forced to make cautious command decisions.

He thought for a few seconds and finally gave the order: "No matter what his purpose is! We can still chase and bite them! Anyway, we have the advantage in terms of speed, no matter what tricks they play!"

This was a relatively safe tactic, so the adjutant had no objections and immediately went to convey Bernard's order.

The Tang fleet then continued to move forward along the opponent's starboard side. When all the remaining battleships of the opponent began to turn, they turned together.

It was as if the two sides had drawn half a concentric circle on the sea. The Datang fleet relied on its speed advantage to turn around in the outer circle, maintaining a distance of about 800 meters, biting the tail of the Talon Kingdom's naval fleet, and continuing to maintain a coherent attack.

Seeing the Tang fleet following behind them calmly and sinking a sailing warship from time to time, the fleet commanders of the Talon Kingdom were completely speechless.

From time to time, huge water columns are stirred up on the sea surface. This is a spectacular sight caused by Datang Group's artillery shells that deviated from the target due to the shaking of the ship's hull and exploded in the water.

Those water columns higher than the masts raised the salty seawater onto the deck of the Talon Kingdom warship, and the sailors, whose clothes were soaked by the seawater, turned pale with fear.

On many battleships that had just completed their turn, the commanders turned pale and watched in surprise as the enemy ship attacked them again menacingly.

Their efforts to get rid of their opponents were in vain, and the opponents were like gangrene in their bones, like a nightmare, following them around.

"Fire! Fire! We can't wait! The opponent's warship is sailing too fast! We can't close the distance!" On the last warship, the captain of the Talon Kingdom shouted in panic and loudly.

The side cannon, which had been impatient for a long time, immediately let out a roar, and more than a dozen shells flew towards the target in the distance, and then deviated one after another, with almost no hits.

Finally, a solid bullet hit the side of the armored battleship, leaving only a small dent on it and unable to penetrate the side steel plate of the battleship.

It was only at this time that the sailors of the Talon Kingdom truly confirmed that the opponent's warship was really made of steel.

"Them! Their battleships are made of iron!" A sailor screamed in fright when he saw the shells he fired bounced off the opponent's battleships.

Along with his screams, on the armored battleship opposite, the two bow main guns spurted out flames, and two shells flew over with a whistling sound, and then the sailing battleship here instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.


As flesh and blood flew everywhere, the sail warship that had just fired its guns turned into two parts, with its head and tail raised high, and it was about to sink into the bottom of the sea...


There is another update, which is written more slowly and will be delivered after about 12 o'clock.

This chapter has been completed!
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