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275The neglected power

In Bunas, the headquarters of Datang Group and Tang Mo's base camp, a meeting regarding the current situation is being held.

The situation is now very clear. The other party is obviously targeting the Datang Group, and the trick they use is to besiege all the forces that the Datang Group can currently radiate.

To the north, the Kingdom of Poplar and Pinewood are both facing border pressure, and to the south, the Kingdom of Dorne is also very passive.

The Kingdom of Leyte in the middle is also at war with the Kingdom of Gemelin, and Cyric has obviously been carefully planning this time for a long time.

"The arrangement is good. Let the Kingdom of Gemelin involve Wright, and at the same time let Dorne and Susas fall into the war. The other side is much more prepared this time than the last time." Tang Mo leaned on the chair and looked at the map.

Know whether it's sarcasm or a genuine compliment.

He shifted his gaze and looked at Harry beside him: "I heard that the profits of the arms department have increased by 300% recently. The situation is gratifying."

"Master, our situation is very unfavorable. A large number of arms orders have consumed our own material reserves. If the war lasts for a long time, we will soon fall into the trap of lack of supplies." Harry reminded Tang Mo.

The other party is also an arms group, so naturally we can guess the accumulation of Datang Group to a certain extent.

In fact, although Datang Group has risen rapidly and appears to be aggressive, it actually has its own weaknesses.

This weakness is materials - although rapid development is very fast, it requires a large amount of consumption of materials, so the amount of materials cannot be hoarded too much.

It is true that Datang Group has more efficient factories that can produce more advanced shells and more powerful artillery, and can even build armored battleships that Cyric cannot build.

But once a war breaks out on a too large scale, or the war becomes protracted and cannot be ended, then Datang Group's supply will have serious problems.

This is almost Cyric's conspiracy. They have determined that the materials stored in Datang Group's warehouse cannot withstand the consumption of a large-scale war.

There was no way, Cyric's senior executives were right, because Tang Mo's Datang Group really couldn't withstand such consumption.

Although Tang Mo purchased a large amount of steel and even built several large-scale steel plants and popularized more advanced iron-making technology, the steel produced by Datang Group was scattered across a large number of related industries.

Rail trains require steel. Even if the carriages are made of wood, the rails are indeed a real consumption of steel.

Steel is also needed to build ships, steel is also needed to make cars, and various equipment in Tang Mo's factory also need steel, so Tang Mo can allocate much less steel to weapons production.

Similarly, most of Tang Mo's metal reserves were used for expansion. The outbreak of the war accelerated the consumption of these metals, and also made Datang Group's metal reserves begin to be tight.

The war on the front line was not only consuming Tang Mo's material reserves, but also consuming Tang Mo's human resources.

In order to cope with the war, countless prime-age labor forces were gathered and concentrated on transportation and military training, which also slowed down Tang Mo's production expansion.

If there was no war, Tang Mo's expansion speed would have increased geometrically. Now his expansion speed has obviously slowed down many times.

These are all problems that make Tang Mo's Datang Group uncomfortable and have to bear it.

"There is no way. In terms of absolute production capacity and material reserves, the Cyric Consortium has an absolute advantage. This cannot be changed in the short term." Tang Mo looked at his subordinates and admitted his shortcomings.

However, he continued: "But we have our own strengths, which were ignored by everyone in the past, but are now more and more important!"

He stood up, walked to the map, and drew a big circle on the entire map with his hand: "It is true that on the whole, Cyric's strength exceeds ours, but why did they lose more than a year ago?

Woolen cloth?"

"Because they can't concentrate their efforts against us! Their size is so huge that they don't even know what is happening in local areas!" Tang Mo said this and smiled sarcastically.

Then he pointed to the war zone on the map and continued: "Their strength needs transportation, and it takes time to concentrate it where it is needed, and we are obviously better than them in terms of transportation!"

"Further away, it is impossible for their supplies to be gathered into the war zone! The consumption on the road is enough for them to collapse, so in fact, the ones that affect the outcome of the war zone are still those areas close to the war zone... these areas!"

His finger slid across the map, narrowing it down to nearby countries.

"Looking at the Cyric Consortium in these areas alone, or the industrial base of these countries, they are completely different from ours!" Tang Mo confidently gave his conclusion: "We are at least 2 of them.

Times, even three times!”

If the things produced cannot be transported to the places where they are used, that is no different from not being produced.

This era is abnormal. Because of the emergence of Tang Mo, the technological development of the entire world is completely chaotic and random.

Science, technology, and theoretical knowledge have completely failed to keep up with the development of technology. Most of the technologies Tang Mo has come up with actually lack sufficient theoretical support in other regions.

To put it bluntly, these technologies cannot be easily copied, and even if they are copied, they are poor imitations, and few people can understand them thoroughly.

Similarly, in areas where Tang Mo had no time to develop, the world's technological level was still lagging behind, to the point of making people laugh or cry.

To give a simple example, the world already has cars. This is a new product launched by Tang Mo and is even used in many areas.

But for gasoline refining, probably only the Kingdom of Wright and Dragon Island have a complete, large-scale production base.

What's even more ridiculous is that Tang Mo's method of transporting oil is basically still in its primitive state. He has no oil pipelines and no special tankers for transporting oil.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Therefore, the gasoline produced on Long Island is actually transported to Bunas on a large scale using wooden barrels and sailing boats.

Similarly, most of all the liquids produced by the refineries in Bunas and Leyte Kingdoms are transported to other places by primitive methods.

Who would have thought that the magical combination of horse-drawn carriages and wooden barrels that originally contained alcohol to support the gas station in Bingjing City and ensure that there is enough gasoline there?

Tang Mo did introduce a square iron gasoline barrel, but this luxurious way of transporting oil could only be popularized in Bunas. After all, iron is still relatively expensive.

In places other than Leyte and Dragon Island, people are not used to using iron as a material. Most of the time, iron is not used in places where wood can be used instead.

"Although the enemy arranged it carefully,... did they forget something?" Tang Mo stood next to the map and asked his men.

"The Poplar Kingdom and the Pinewood Kingdom cannot quench the thirst of the nearby ones. Susus is suffering from internal and external troubles. The Kingdom of Wright is fighting hard on the border. Dorne has too much time to take care of itself..." Loew shook his head, and really couldn't think of anything else he could do here.

Mobilize the power.

"The same is true for Dragon Island. Even if Roger stops construction, he won't be able to help here in a short time." Leo also shook his head.

"We still have a force, but they didn't even count..." Tang Mo laughed and pressed his hand on a place on the map: "I hope they can bring surprises to our enemies!"

"Report!" A Gemelin officer pushed open the door of his general's room and shouted loudly.

The general who commanded the army to invade Leyte raised his head, and together with a group of officers who were studying the battle situation and the person in charge of Cyric, looked at the officer who was responsible for delivering intelligence messages.

"What's wrong?" The general looked at the messenger officer who looked a little unhappy and asked, "What happened?"

"News from the officers on the flank! They said that we seem to be flanked by Wright's army!" The officer who sent the order hesitated to tell the news from the flank.

"Huh?" The general frowned, unwilling to believe this kind of thing: "This is impossible! How can the Wright Kingdom still have a large army? How many people are there on the other side?"

"The person who sent the message said that the other party has two legions... it is very possible that... there is another legion behind..." the officer stammered.

"This is impossible!" This time, it was Cyric's turn to be the person in charge and shouted loudly: "Where did they come from with so many troops?"

The officer who delivered the order was also embarrassed. He looked at his general and saw doubts in the latter's eyes. Then he looked at the Cyric man again and said, "No, the news is true.

The person who came to deliver the message said... said that the troops were fighting... wolves, wolf flags."

"Beiling!" The person in charge of Cyric suddenly turned pale. Only then did he remember that the Kingdom of Wright seemed to have an "autonomous zone" that was disobedient to the government.

On weekdays, everyone only remembers Beiling, which is undergoing rapid industrialization, but they always habitually ignore the military strength that actually exists in Beiling.

What everyone doesn't know is that Beiling has not been idle in the past two years. Ever since the assassination of Count Fisherlot, the Earl of Beiling, Beiling's troops have been expanding.

With the support of Datang Group, Beiling's economic situation is so good that it is enviable, so Ronin Alice, who inherited the title of earl, has always had sufficient funds to raise troops.

What everyone doesn't know is that the small Beiling has 6 regiments of troops. These regiments are not legions in the traditional sense, but modern infantry regiments reorganized by graduates of the Datang Military Academy.

This chapter has been completed!
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