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Chapter 31: School 31

Chapter 31 School 31

"Both men and women are divided into three rows and stand in order of height, with the short ones in front and the tall ones in the back." Roger ordered loudly to a group of children who were in a mess.

Hearing Roger's shout, some older children who were apprentices in the factory immediately started to stand in line, while those children from the surrounding civilian homes were still a little confused.

However, as some children began to stand in line, other children also stood in three rows driven by curiosity.

The few girls were relatively shy and did not speak. They just stood in the crowd with their heads lowered, being squeezed here and there by the boys passing by, just like a few little doormats.

Tang Mo frowned and glanced at the children standing sparsely in front of him. To be honest, he was not satisfied with these children. Because of the lack of education in this world, these children who are already very old have no discipline.


They were sloppy and very procrastinating. Even when Tang Mo asked them to gather together, it took them a full ten minutes before they stood together sparsely.

When the children calmed down completely, Tang Mo waited for another three to five minutes. Fortunately, these children still had a natural respect for Tang Mo, so after Tang Mo was silent for a long time, they finally recalled

Aroused by fear, he became quiet.

Originally, the plan to let these children take a bath in the river and get themselves as clean as possible was canceled while waiting.

"I am Tang Mo! I will be your teacher from now on... My request to you is very simple, remember! I have given you everything!" Tang Mo said with his hands behind his back, looking at the children in the open space.

"I know..." These children, the younger of whom were only seven or eight years old, and the older who were already about the same age as Tang Mo, responded cautiously and somewhat unevenly. Obviously, Tang Mo would have to teach these children discipline.

The first thing.

"From now on! You only need to answer yes or no!" Tang Mo scolded sternly.

"Ming...yes..." A group of children were a little confused, but at least there were a few clever ones who began to answer according to Tang Mo's request.

"The voice must be loud! Otherwise I can't hear you!" Tang Mo emphasized again.

"Yes!" A group of children immediately replied at the top of their lungs.

Tang Mo glanced at Old Roger next to him. He had already explained it beforehand, so Roger immediately stood there with his hands behind his back and his head held high as he had practiced before.

"Roger." Tang Mo nodded to him.

Roger took out the school rules written by Tang Mo, took a step forward with a straight face, spread out the paper and read the contents on it: "Article 1 of the school rules, Principal Tang Mo's words must be obeyed."

The children below stared at Roger nervously, listening to Roger talking about these school rules that they didn't understand one by one, and they didn't know what they should do.

They absolutely did not dare to look around, because they did not know whether such a free learning opportunity would fly away because of their small actions. They were more cautious than Tang Mo thought, and even seemed to be wary of everything.

Although they are not disciplined yet, Tang Mo can feel their eagerness to learn. With just some time, Tang Mo is confident that he will turn them into the most cutting-edge elites of this era!

Tang Mo listened to him shaking his head and chattering, and couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart. It took Roger three days to memorize this paragraph. He couldn't read at all, and he was just pretending to hold the paper. But these children

Little did they know that when they saw Roger talking to the paper, they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in their hearts.

The school rules of more than two hundred words are not very long, so after Old Roger finished reading them, some of the older apprentices had already realized that they were about to start a new terrifying journey. In fact, these school rules are nothing special.

It's just so severe that it's scary.

Behind each article are strict punishment measures, ranging from hitting the palms with a pointer to confinement and corporal punishment.

For example, Article 7 of the school regulations reads: "Those who refuse to execute Tang Mo will be detained in a solitary room for 3 days and expelled from the school, never to be hired again."

Article 9 of the school regulations is: "Those who violate the law such as stealing will be placed in a solitary room for one day and expelled from the school."

The reason why he mentioned being expelled from school repeatedly was because Tang Mo didn't want any bad apples in his school.

On the one hand, this clause is used to deter parents and students, on the other hand, it also allows him to promptly eliminate those bad things that affect others and ensure the quality of students in his own school.

Anyway, he hasn't had time to implement compulsory education yet, so he takes this opportunity to let himself go to educate these naughty children hard and let them experience the warmth of the spiritual infusion rod!

The older factory apprentices among the children knew Tang Mo's temper, so they understood that the family rules they just read were no joke, because many of these rules and regulations have already been reflected in the factory's disciplinary regulations.

"We will meet again tomorrow. I only give you one minute! Do you understand?" Tang Mo asked in a stern tone with his hands behind his back.

"Yes!" These older apprentices once again replied with loud voices.

"Too much time has been wasted today." Tang Mo did not show his satisfaction. He glanced at Old Roger beside him and ordered: "I will leave the rest of the time to you! Recite these school rules.

Come down! Only those who have recited it can leave! Roger, Wes... you watch them, if they leave without memorizing them, they won't be here again!"

A group of children were stunned on the spot, not knowing why the school rules had to be memorized. They watched Tang Mo leave indifferently, and then they realized that they might be in trouble.

Being sent here to study by their elders, they obviously can't just go back - if they can't do their jobs, they will definitely be beaten.

The problem is, if you really only get one beating, you can just endure it and it will be over. But if the school is not over for a day, the comparison among the elders in the family will not dissipate, and it will definitely not be a good life by then!

So they didn't dare to run away, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and stay. After all, they were all just teenagers, how many of them really had the courage to let themselves go?

But reciting these things is obviously a bit difficult - some of them don't even know a few Chinese characters!

However, it was obvious that Roger and Wes were well prepared. They divided the team into two halves, one person each, and each took them to a relatively secluded corner.

Then they explained the rules clearly, and then began to read the school rules aloud over and over again, like chanting a sutra.

After reciting it five times, they would pause and ask if any students had memorized it. When no one answered, they would start reading again without getting tired of it.

Tang Mo, who returned to the office, began to spread out the data that Roger collected from door to door yesterday on the table, and carefully organized them.

It is not an easy thing to get these children to study. In addition to promising free study, he also wants to arrange a reasonable study time for these children as much as possible.

This is not an era when education is generally valued in later generations. Children are also part of the labor force for a family. Many children are apprentices and helpers in factories, and some children help farmers at home. There is a lot of work to do.


Moreover, Tang Mo does not have a full set of teachers to set up a full-time school for these children. He does not have enough space, not enough teachers, and he does not even have enough time for himself!

Therefore, the best solution is to let these children stagger the time, and it is up to him to arrange such time.

Moreover, according to Tang Mo's vision, these children not only need to learn cultural knowledge. They also need to take time to do exercises and complete physical training. Some of them are very talented, and Tang Mo even needs to focus on training them to become real talents.

Confidant subordinates.

In short, everything is just the beginning, and we still have to work hard to move towards the predetermined goal.

Tang Mo rubbed his neck, turned his head, glanced at some drawings drawn beside him, sighed depressedly, and got busy at his desk.

On the temporarily leveled land, a test for these children was still going on. Weiss felt that his throat was almost dry. None of the children in front of him had memorized these damn school rules.

Roger wasn't much better, but he was smarter than Wes in that he brought a kettle...

"No. 5, 51, group, unity among friends, friendship... help each other, don't, don't abandon classmates..." Finally, more than an hour later, the young apprentice who helped Tang Mo as a bomber,

The first one to recite the school rules and complete the first assignment assigned by Tang Mo.

And he became the first candidate for class president selected by Roger for Tang Mo. Then a young girl recited the full text of the school rules, so she became the second candidate for class president.

When Roger and Wes finally watched these new students recite the school rules and returned to Tang Mo's office exhausted, Tang Mo was studying the new factory with Matthews.

"The new factory building needs to be re-piped, and the old renovation is really a waste of time. We strive to do our best and find a way to make no changes within two years." Tang Mo pointed to the architectural drawings and said to Matthews


"Two years?" Matthews was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Tang Mo, who was swearing.

"Why, it's too long?" Tang Mo was also stunned, thinking that Matthews was more radical than himself.

Matthews looked down on Tang Mo and corrected Tang Mo's "wrong" thinking: "I mean it was too short! You know that Cyric's factory may not have changed much in ten years."

"Ten years? Are you kidding me? Trust me, Matthews! These machines that you regard as treasures now will be in museums in ten years." Tang Mo put his arm around Matthews's shoulders and said calmly.

(End of chapter)

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