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472 is not that unbearable

Guo Cheng was a businessman, a Zhengguo businessman.

In the past, he was in the cloth business. He owned his own workshop and also purchased finished products from other workshops for sale. He was well-known in many places.

As Zheng Guo's Westernization Movement unfolded, he also thought about it, bought a batch of equipment from Dongwan Island, and took advantage of the east wind of the Westernization Movement to start Guo's Textile Factory.

At its peak, the factory had more than 1,300 workers and was the largest textile factory in Zhengzhou.

However, with the outbreak of the war, his factory was forcibly requisitioned by Zheng Tong and was even damaged. Until the end of the war, it did not return to its pre-war production capacity.

Guo Cheng, who was robbed of most of his family property, also became decadent. He was drunk every day and had long lost the high spirits of the past.

Although the state of Zheng, which caused him to lose his fortune, has died, and although Zheng Tong and his whole family have died a happy death, Guo Cheng is still depressed and has no signs of cheering up.

However, today he was summoned by the new ruler. A soldier from the Tang Army came to his mansion with a gun and delivered an invitation. He was so frightened that he didn't even dare to drink anymore. The next morning he chose a decent set.

He put on his clothes and went to the city lord's mansion with great trepidation.

There was no other way. He was afraid that if he dressed too well, he would be noticed by the government, and he was also afraid of offending the adults in the government by dressing in an indecent manner, so he was cautious and found an inconspicuous piece of clothing to wear. He was extremely cautious.


When he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, he found that everything in front of him seemed strange. He saw many cars parked in front of the City Lord's Mansion, and there were all kinds of people coming and going, including military and civilians.

A deep trench was dug on the side of the building, and stone pipes were piled next to the trench. It didn't look like a secret tunnel was being built, because the pipe seemed inappropriate for people to walk through.

Before he could think about it, the soldier who led the way urged him to move forward. As he walked, he explained to him what the telephone lines and sewer main lines were...

He had heard about electric wires, which were still used in his factory, and he had also heard about sewers, but he had never seen them... But what was this telephone line? Guo Chengcheng really didn't know.

After walking through the familiar yet unfamiliar corridor, and passing through the equally unfamiliar yet familiar hall, Guo Cheng came to the office where the city lord used to work.

This set of things was also learned from the Westernization Movement. In the past, the city lord's office was the government office, which was not so complicated inside and out.

The reason why I say familiarity is because Guo Cheng has been here before, and he often interacts with the city lord, so he often goes in and out here.

Speaking of unfamiliar, it's because the original gorgeous paintings and furnishings are gone, replaced by various ladders and a construction team screwing light bulb holders onto the wall.

As soon as he entered the room, Guo Chengcheng saw an ugly and artistic young man sitting at the front desk dealing with a pile of documents.

Seeing Guo Cheng enter the room, this young man with eyebrows raised and lowered, eyes one big and one small, introduced himself: "I am Pang Tong, the governor of this city... Well, you can call me mayor, or you can call me mayor."

I am the consul."

Then, without waiting for Guo Cheng to speak, he immediately said, "I'm calling you here this time. I want to inform you that your textile factory will start operation as soon as possible and expand its scale..."

"Ah?" Guo Cheng, who had not come back to his senses at all, was stunned for a moment, and then made a questioning voice in surprise.

Pang Tong put down the pen in his hand, frowned and asked, "Is there any difficulty?"

From a certain perspective, his action made him more...uglier.

"My, my factory, wasn't..." Guo Cheng didn't react, because he never thought that his expropriated factory would one day return to his hands.

Pang Tong explained: "That was an order given by Zheng Tong. We have canceled this order. We are contacting the previous owners to return all the factories he illegally expropriated."

"Give it back to me?" Guo Cheng was shocked by this statement. He had seen everything in his life, but he had never seen anything like the government repaying debts.

Pang Yi said matter-of-factly: "Yes, you funded the construction of the factory. Is there any reason not to pay it back to you?"

Datang Group obviously can still take over all the factories and be the sole leader of a country. However, this approach cannot mobilize everyone's enthusiasm for production and takes up too much energy, so Tang Mo has never planned to be the sole leader.

He wants to make the whole cake bigger, and then lead everyone to share the cake! Only in this way can everyone get more benefits.

Pang Tong's rhetorical question immediately made Guo Cheng feel a little incapable of playing. He was stunned, not knowing how to answer: "Uh..."

As a businessman from the Zheng State, he really didn't expect that his property that was taken away by the Zheng State would be returned so easily by the Tang State.

"What?" Pang Tong looked at Guo Cheng.

"Thank you, thank you." This time, when Guo Cheng said these two words, he spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Pang Tong nodded and accepted Guo Cheng's thanks: "If you really thank me, then start work quickly! I have visited your factory. It can accommodate at least 1,000 female textile workers..."

"Female?" Guo Cheng was stunned for a moment, shocked by this statement.

Pang Tong opened his mouth and explained: "Yes! Don't worry, let me explain it to you. It is safer to use female workers in the textile industry. This is Bunas's experience. Women are careful and adhere to safety rules better. They have the ability to work in textile jobs."


"But, but..." Guo Cheng still felt something was wrong.

On this side, Pang Tong was very calm: "Don't worry, I am not here to trouble you this time! Believe me, I will send 20 experienced female textile workers to your factory for training.

Weavers, you can't hire the best people you want, make sure all female workers meet your requirements!"

"Then..." After hearing this, Guo Chengcheng was speechless - he had heard about the textile factory in Bunas, and also heard that the weavers there were very good. If he didn't have this knowledge, he would

What else is involved in the textile industry?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Seeing that Guo Cheng was comforted, Pang Tong added: "At the end of this month, I want you to resume production. Within a month,

I need you to restore production capacity, and then... double production!"

"Ah?" Guo Cheng was a little stupid when he heard this. He didn't know why the other party was so anxious to resume production.

Pang Tong didn't say much and directly placed the purchase amount in front of the other party: "You are responsible for production and quality control. As long as it is qualified, I will purchase it at the market price! I will purchase as much as you produce!"

When he heard the other party talking about the acquisition, Guo Cheng suddenly became energetic: "Really, really?"

This is great news! In the past, he produced and sold his own products, and whether his production capacity was large or not mainly depended on whether he could sell well.

Now that someone has bought all his cloth, he is only responsible for production. How can this not make him excited? Money! That is a steady stream of income! As long as he works overtime and produces, he can make as much money as he ever imagined.

Money that I can’t even imagine!

Pang Tong smiled: "I came to you just to lie to you once? Do you know how precious my time is? However, there is a prerequisite for all this."

"Sure enough! Things are definitely not that simple." He was shocked, and Guo Cheng seemed to feel a little calm again - there really are no good things in the world that come to your door for free.

Pang Tong stretched out four fingers and gave a deadline: "You have made money, but you can't take it away! All your profits must be invested in reproduction, expanding factories, increasing production capacity, purchasing machines, and training workers.

...In short, you need to expand your factory to ten times its original size within 4 months!"

Guo Cheng felt bad when he heard this statement: "What? Ten times? How is this possible? Sir, it's just equipment..."

"You don't need to worry about the equipment! I can apply for it for you! Blowing machine, carding machine, combing machine, draw frame, roving frame, spinning frame... I will give you whatever you want!" Pang Tong naturally has this.

Confidence in aspects.

He has the entire Datang Group behind him! What equipment does it need? What technology does it need? How much capital does it need?

Guo Cheng couldn't laugh or cry: "Then, then this factory... still belongs to me?"

Pang Tong said to him with certainty: "Yes! Finally, in this factory, you hold 51% of the shares, and the state takes 49%! Your shares only have the right to dividends, and the sale needs to be negotiated with the relevant departments.


"Here, give me half?" Guo Cheng didn't expect that the other party actually planned to give him a huge benefit.

Pang Tong nodded: "Yes, expand it ten times and give you half! No matter how you calculate it, you will make a profit."

"Is this true?" Guo Cheng still couldn't believe it.

Pang Tong continued to nod: "It's absolutely true! I'll give you 3 hours to sort out the things and ideas you need and give them to me! Don't go back, just go to the conference room next door, find a place, have paper and pens ready

Yes, just ask for it from the people inside. Go ahead."

"Yes, sir." Guo Cheng stood up, turned back halfway, straightened his clothes, and bowed deeply to Pang Tong: "Thank you, sir."

When Guo Cheng came to the conference room next to him, he was surprised to find that there were already many people inside. These people were scattered in every corner, some were writing furiously, and some were biting their pens and thinking.

Guo Cheng knew these people. Some of them were owners of iron smelting plants, and some were financiers of mines. In short, they were all respectable businessmen.

These people were all forced into factories and mines during the last month of Zheng's rule, and now they are all sitting here. Guo Cheng is not a fool. He has already thought that these people have experienced the same thing as him.

He just glanced at it, then quickly took the pen and paper handed over by the waiter, hurriedly found an empty seat to sit down, and began to write down his plan.

While writing, a thought flashed through his mind: The Tang Dynasty did not seem to be as miserable as those landlords and squires said...

This chapter has been completed!
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