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483 Anne

Glass is no longer a luxury item in Bunas. At least in the office buildings of Datang Group, glass windows have become standard equipment.

Standing in front of the glass window, a well-dressed man overlooked the parking lot downstairs and saw the black, streamlined car parked steadily in the parking space.

The car door was pushed open, and a group of men in black wearing sunglasses got out of the car and walked into the building carrying briefcases.

The man behind the glass window sighed, then walked behind his desk and looked at the family photos displayed on it.

The child in the photo smiles innocently and romantically, and the woman also looks very blessed, with a graceful smile on her face.

This is a very standard family of Bunas officials, with high income and high social status. They have a high position and manage a large amount of social resources. They can control the ownership of tens of thousands of gold coins by simply approving a document.

Many businessmen and gentry are willing to curry favor with them. Treating guests and giving gifts is a common method. There are also endless honey traps and other methods.

In this lavish and luxurious place, in the most prosperous and ostentatious place in the world, in this place where temptations are everywhere, every breath is a game and a test.

And he himself... made the wrong choice after all.

There was a knock on the door. The man smiled bitterly and said in his most accustomed and natural way: "Come in."

Although he felt that he was ready, the moment he opened his mouth, he still heard an unconcealable tremor in his voice.

The secretary opened the door awkwardly, and then gave up his seat. Four men in black walked in. They were wearing crisp suits, black ties, and a dragon emblem pinned to the collar on their chests.

"Long live His Majesty the King!" the four men raised their chins and shouted solemnly.

"..." The man in the office did not speak. He just stood there with some fear, not knowing what to do.

"This is an arrest warrant." The leader, a man in black, took out the prepared documents from his briefcase and showed them to the owner of the office: "Come with us."

"..." The man still didn't speak. He thought he was very brave and a good man. He felt that when he took the money, he was ready for everything today.

But when things came to pass, he found that he was not prepared for this at all. He even found that he did not even have the courage to open his mouth and speak. Now he did not even have the courage to take a step and walk over by himself.

The Economic Crime Investigation Bureau of the Datang Kingdom, the Economic Crime Investigation Bureau directly under Youlin, is the feared corruption investigation and punishment agency of the Datang Group.

The Datang Group, which spreads money everywhere, uses money to open roads everywhere, and pays bribes everywhere to corrupt its opponents, is naturally well aware of these methods, and the precautions are also the most stringent.

They are generous when buying outsiders, and they are really ruthless when it comes to their own people. No one is afraid of this department, because no one knows who is in this department...

It seemed that he had long been accustomed to the cowardice of the person involved, and had already seen that the man standing still was frightened out of his courage, so the leading man in black put away the arrest warrant and shook his chin at his men.

The two people immediately stepped forward, one on the left and the other on the right to hold the client, whose legs were weak, and dragged him out of the office.

"Your new supervisor will arrive in two hours. I hope you can actively cooperate with his work." When leaving, the man in black said to the secretary at the door.

"Yes!" The secretary trembled, then immediately raised his chin: "Long live His Majesty the King!"

"Long live His Majesty the King!" The man in black nodded, followed his colleagues, and left here.

Corruption problems exist at all times, and only through long-term and unremitting repeated rigorous investigations can the probability of corruption be reduced to a tolerable range.

Tang Mo understood the truth that when the water is clear, there will be no fish, but he also understood another truth - a thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest!

His intelligence department spends money like water outside, using countless gold coins to clear the way. He knows how many opponents he has corrupted and how many enemies he has allowed to kill him.

So he is even more afraid that others will do the same to him! So he is even more afraid that his subordinates will sell him out one day! Therefore, the economic investigation department has always been one of the most efficient departments in the Datang Group.

With the development of the Datang Kingdom and the Datang Group, corruption problems began to gradually increase. This is also in line with the law. There is no way to eliminate corruption and official corruption by relying only on education and kindness.

On the one hand, Tang Mo gave the officials a salary increase and gave them carrots; on the other hand, Tang Mo also wanted to wield the stick of punishment to keep these officials in awe.

The bad news is that despite this, there are still people who are not afraid of death and have the courage to try it, but they are dragged down by those who want to take the wrong path.

These people were all cultivated by the Datang Group with their energy and time. Each one of them was extremely precious. But in the end, they were wasted and disposed of.

The bad news is that because of the protection of the cognitive gap, most officials and generals who graduated from higher education institutions established by the Datang Group are proud, have ideals and political ambitions, and most of them look down on the "old

Nobles, old gentry" these classes.

Because of their arrogance, they degenerate very slowly. There are very few people who are willing to join in the same deeds with these people. Most of them have higher expectations for their future.

So at a macro level, the bureaucracy of Datang Group or the Kingdom of Datang is still healthy, very clean and efficient.

Wanting to establish a kingdom is actually a very complicated matter, involving the compromise of various interests, the establishment of a system, and the allocation of resources...

However, Tang Mo has his own blueprint, and his template is almost mature enough to impress people. As long as he copies it, he can almost complete a mature system that others may not be able to figure out for decades.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! But even with a ready-made template, he still has many aspects of work to do. The most complicated and important one is personnel arrangements.

If you want to fill up the management system of the entire Datang Kingdom in one go and arrange suitable candidates for each position, it is actually a very huge and very important task.

Only now did Tang Mo realize how many details, corners, and messy things had to be considered in order to manage a country properly.

It's really rubbish...Things that Tang Mo didn't think were worth mentioning in the past have now become decisions that may affect the stability of the kingdom.

For example, right now, Roger, Nangonghong, Matthews, John and others are sitting together and discussing a very serious topic: interests.

The Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty can be said to be a brand new country born under Nangonghong's strategic planning. According to Nangonghong's strategic vision, this country should have Tang Mo, the "Chinese" as the core, and the "Chinese" or "Zheng people"

"A country built on the basis of.

According to this strategic concept, the Kingdom of the Tang Dynasty should naturally be dominated by "Chinese", and the proportion of officials should naturally give priority to local people.

However, the Datang Kingdom has its own national conditions. When Tang Mo raised the banner of the Datang Group, he had no concept of the "Datang Kingdom". Among his people, the proportion of criminals was actually very low.


What really supports the Datang Group are immigrants from all over the world with various identities, including dwarves and elves. The largest part of them are blond and blue-eyed natives from Northridge, Wright and Dorne and other countries.

These local people now call themselves Tang people. Because they live in the areas south of the elven settlements and the dwarf empire, they had a geographical name in the past: Nanlami people.

The full name of the Nan La Empire is actually the Nan La Mi Empire, but other Nan La Mi people are unwilling to admit this name.

Among the current personnel trained in the university education system established by the Datang Group, the largest number of Nanlami people are present. This is also determined by the development process and geographical location.

Therefore, at this stage when the Tang Kingdom has just been established, something will inevitably happen that makes the aboriginal people of Zheng's homeland very concerned: the Tang Kingdom is like a privileged outsider, and almost all officials are foreigners, which seriously reduces the

The sense of belonging of local residents.

But even if it wanted to change this status quo, the Tang Kingdom was powerless: because the founding concepts that Tang Mo planned to implement and plan could only be understood by his students, and only those who had been exposed to the concepts of modernization could implement them.

Therefore, the appointment of officials has entered an endless cycle: the appointment of outsiders as officials causes dissatisfaction among local people, and the desire to reduce the number of outsiders as officials has no local team to replace them.

What makes Tang Mo even more embarrassed is that in his opinion, founding a country is a change in strategic decision-making, but in the eyes of others, it is a redistribution of interests.

What is the purpose of the Dragon Ministers from birth to death? Isn't it just to gain support and then get their own benefits in the subsequent distribution of benefits?

Now that the country is established, there are countless new departments and new positions. Those of us who have followed His Majesty the King cannot be promoted. Do we still want to leave the positions to those mediocre idiots who know nothing?

Therefore, from Tang Mo's point of view, even if it is purely to appease people's hearts, he cannot easily use part of the positions to arrange for "Chinese" to take over.

"We can move some of the officials who are responsible for registering households and people together. We don't have enough manpower anyway. It just takes some time to train them to use our unified form and follow the rules of doing things." Luo Jie said to Tang Mo.

He knew Tang Mo's difficulties, so he took the initiative to give up some benefits. However, in Nangong Hong's view, such concessions were no different from standing still.

There is no real position of power. What has been moved out is the work of filling out forms, going to the countryside for statistics, calculation and summary, and even taxation has no room for local people to intervene.

Although he wanted to protest, he had no choice, because with the ability of local officials in Zheng State, these important tasks were really impossible to do.

Therefore, even if he was not satisfied, Nangong Hong could only complain to Tang Mo plaintively: "With foreign officials supervising the local area, it is difficult for all the people to be united. On weekdays, there may be only resentment, but once it involves mobilization, it will inevitably affect efficiency...


This is also the most depressing part of Tang Mo. Although with the combat power of the Tang Dynasty army to suppress the situation, and the consistent management level of the Tang Dynasty officials, it is unlikely that trouble will occur.

However, when it comes to responses at critical moments, it is inevitable that we will not be able to do everything at our fingertips: for example, military mobilization is now very problematic.

It stands to reason that the Tang Dynasty, which already had a huge population and was a country of its own, should be able to arm more troops, right?

The reality is not like this, because if the army is expanded, all officer positions will be transferred from the grassroots of the original army - this transfer is equivalent to saying that all officers in the new army are Nanlami...

All the soldiers are Chinese, and all the officers are Southern Lami. This is an unstable factor no matter how you look at it. The promotion channels for local people are blocked, and the management and execution units are so disconnected that it is dangerous to think about it.

This model of the British Indian Army was simply a recipe for chaos, and Tang Mo certainly did not want to create such a troublesome situation for himself.

So he has begun to deliberately cultivate "Chinese people", but this move cannot be done too big, and he can only take it slowly - after all, Nan Lami people are Tang Mo's basic base now, and it is impossible for him to completely ignore the old people under his command.


In addition, because whether it is Bunas or Dragon City, Datang Group itself is a force established by immigrants, so in addition to the human race, there are a lot of other races mixed in.

There are many dwarf workers and immigrants, there are also many elves, and although there are not many orcs, they are not absent.

These all need to be taken care of. In this meeting, Matthews and John were brought in in order to let them understand this meaning.

Obviously, Matthews understood. He spoke angrily and said to Tang Mo: "I have lived in Datang Group for so long, and I have never felt any discomfort. As long as Your Majesty does not target the dwarves, the dwarves are willing to be equal."

You can live freely in the Tang Dynasty, I can guarantee this. If there are any violations of laws and disciplines, they will be dealt with normally, nothing special."

As a "minority", the political demands of the dwarves are not high. They are immigrants in the first place. Most of them come here to make money and are not willing to get involved in too many management matters.

The national characteristics also determine that the dwarves are mostly craftsmen, and their management level is almost the same as that of the fighting people.

As for the elves, John, who was in charge of the cultural department, sighed: What the hell does he have to say? Hmm? What right to say does he have?

He even felt that Tang Mo dragged him from Datang Group to work in Datang Kingdom just to show his generosity and win favor among the elves...

As for his opinions... Well, what opinions does he have... His opinions are probably: The elves are pretty good, um, they are all pretty good...

Looking at his group of subordinates, Tang Mo knew that in the next year, his first priority would be to stabilize his administrative machine and let it run at full speed as soon as possible.

The stall is getting bigger and bigger, and there is nothing we can do about it.

This chapter has been completed!
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