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In the northern region, the cold has begun to quietly erode everything it encounters. Countless dwarf troops are trekking hard in the ice and snow.

If you ask who is the biggest beneficiary of this small half-world war that is more like a civil war between trade alliances, it is naturally the Ice Empire.

Because there are many dwarf kingdoms around, they lack strength and have not all completed industrialization. The contradictions and barriers between races mean that these dwarf kingdoms do not receive much support and help from other kingdoms, so these weak dwarf kingdoms are simply unable to resist the cold.

Annexation of the Empire.

There were also some kingdoms with industrial foundations that struggled a little bit. Those kingdoms that were completely agricultural or ore exporting countries were defeated without even being qualified to struggle.

From the beginning of the war until now, the Ice Empire has annexed three kingdoms and is at war with five others at the same time.

With the righteous blessing of Ironforge and the slogan that the Ice Empire will surely replace the Dwarf Empire and become the only orthodoxy in the dwarf world, the Ice Empire's troops are as powerful as a cannon.

When other forces in the world finally realized that something was wrong with the momentum, the Ice Empire, which had a high degree of industrialization, suddenly became the most unexpected power.

If we only look at the land area in the traditional definition of a powerful country, the Binghan Empire, which has annexed the Northern Dwarf Empire and nearly five kingdoms, has surpassed the Nanla Empire and has become the second largest land area in the world after the Great China Empire.

If the standard of industrialization is taken into account, the Bingbing Empire has even surpassed the Great China Empire, and has a faint tendency to become the most powerful empire in the world.

These dwarves, who have always been exploited and marginalized by the human world, and who were scattered due to excessive division, seemed to come together again overnight and became the once feared dwarf empire!

After recalling the nightmare that the whole world was almost dominated by the dwarf empire, many people began to take action, hoping that someone could stop this war and then think about the serious issue of world structure.

And everyone thought about it, looked at it, and finally found the backbone of the former trade alliance, which was the Datang Group, to mediate this matter with countries around the world.

There's no way, others... don't seem to be qualified.

"Sir! You must convey our concerns to His Majesty Tang Mo." The special envoy of the Pinewood Kingdom looked at Harry who was sipping tea and said worriedly: "If a unified dwarf empire reappears, the pressure on our north can be

It’s just too big.”

"That's right." The orc envoys of the Kingdom of Galais are under greater pressure at this moment, because compared to the elves, they orcs are closer to the Ice Empire, and the pressure they feel at this moment is even greater.

Now, in order to attack the Poplar Kingdom from both sides, the Pinewood Kingdom and the Calais Kingdom have united. This time they came together, and it is indeed because their own pressure is too great.

They were originally fighting against the Yangmu Kingdom, and both sides had assembled powerful forces. By this time, the national power had been exhausted.

Especially the Pinewood Kingdom, which is itself a small country that resists the attacks of big countries, and its goal is to withstand pressure. If there is another boss with a ganking magic weapon behind it, the game will be unplayable.

"The ambitions of the dwarves are dangerous, and we need to be careful as soon as possible..." On the other side, the special envoy from the Kingdom of Susas also said: "A powerful and unified dwarf empire can be said to be a threat to everyone."

If there is a second beneficiary of this war, it may be the Kingdom of Susas. Although this kingdom has been struggling to develop, it has really made a name for itself.

They have been reforming the system before, so they have a lot of advantages in the system. They have a more efficient tax system and an education system closest to Datang Group. At the same time, they are backed by Beiling in industrialization and have a high degree of completion.

They can produce their own car mining machines, and they can even produce their own trains while only importing a small number of parts. It can be said that they are already very powerful.

In addition, this kingdom has another advantage, that is, it is a landlocked country and does not need to develop a navy. This saves a lot of money and the time required to train naval talents.

Therefore, if Tang Mo was asked to choose the country with the highest potential in his mind, Susas would probably be the first choice, or one of the top countries.

After completing its own transformation, this country, which could already be said to be a quasi-modern industrial country, took the opportunity to annex the Kingdom of Farak in the subsequent war, making a solid start.

In this civil war of the Trade Alliance, the Kingdom of Susas, which had already integrated the people of the new land, steadily annexed a kingdom in the north, opening up a new situation.

The Kingdom of Susas, which has always been worried that it bit off more than it could chew, moved steadily, and every move was precise and ruthless. After getting the most benefits, it immediately stopped, and its territory was now as big as an empire.

What's even more frightening is that because of a more complete system and the suppression of the aristocracy in advance, Susas's rule did not have any problems. Instead, as the land continued to expand, he reaped huge war dividends.

Nowadays, with the backing of Beiling and being able to directly trade with Datang Group, Susas, which has a huge territory and strong strength, seems to have more say than in the past.

For this newly rising power, the melee situation between the elves, dwarves and orcs in the north is obviously more favorable.

So this time they sided with the elves and orcs, and came together to request Datang Group to help end the war in the northern part of the continent.

"I already know your wishes, and I will convey your requests to His Majesty as soon as possible." Harry put down the tea cup, after thinking about the tea just now, he assured the people in front of him: "Please rest assured, we also think that

, the world should restore its proper order."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In fact, compared to the chaos in the south where Cyric intervened, the battlefield in the north is relatively simpler and clearer.

The Ice Empire is engaged in its own expansion war, because it is fighting only the nearby dwarf neighbors. In fact, there is no direct war with the countries in the Trade Alliance.

It's just that the Ice Empire is getting bigger and bigger, and it's starting to arouse the dissatisfaction of the elves and orcs further away, and they're starting to become wary.

At the same time, the expansion has been carried out according to the plan, and the Kingdom of Susas, which itself pursues a steady and steady strategy, has no intention of expanding the war.

They have annexed their target, and now they are actually out of the way and starting to absorb the results of the victory.

So strictly speaking, the wars in the northern region are basically fought separately, and most of them have no overlap.

Needless to say, Susus will end the war on their own. Although the Ice Empire is expanding on a large scale, it is not fighting countries within the trade alliance, and its influence is very limited.

On the contrary, the orcs' Galais Kingdom and Pinewood Kingdom are attacking the local battlefield of Poplar Kingdom, which is more difficult to deal with.

But in Harry's or Tang Mo's view, no matter how difficult it was, it had to be dealt with. So Tang Mo ordered Harry to first contact the orc prince Galais IX who was more dependent on the Datang Group.

This former orc prince in trouble, who relied on the Datang Group to successfully restore his country, still owed the Datang Group a huge favor.

If His Highness Calais IX was asked to end the war honestly, he would not dare to say no.

After all, compared to the Ice Empire and countries like Lains or Dorne, the orc kingdom of Calais obviously does not have such a complete modern industrial foundation.

The Kingdom of Calais, which lacks the ability to be self-sufficient, relies heavily on the supply of Datang Group. Under such circumstances, disobeying Tang Mo's will is basically the same as seeking death.

First let the Kingdom of Galais prepare to withdraw from the war, and then use this result to force the Kingdom of Pinewood to agree to a truce, and the Kingdom of Pinewood will definitely agree.

Because the Poplar Kingdom is currently fighting on two fronts and is attacked from both sides. If Calais withdraws, the Pinewood Kingdom will have to face the entire national power of the Poplar Kingdom alone. This is obviously a bit overwhelming for the Pinewood Kingdom.

"After the Pinewood Kingdom and the Calais Kingdom both compromise, it's time for us to blackmail the Poplar Kingdom. We helped them get rid of the problem of fighting on two fronts, so they have to give us some benefits anyway, right?" After getting it,

After Harry's telegram, Tang Mo said to Nangong Hong with a smile.

"Your Majesty has a wonderful plan." Nangong Hong bowed his head and praised Tang Mo with sincerity. He really admired Tang Mo's methods, and some details were more thoughtful than he thought: "Once the war on the northern front is over, economic recovery will be just around the corner.


"The established strategy of advancing westward cannot be shaken!" Tang Mo also knew that wavering would be very detrimental to him. Since he had made a plan to attack the Dahua Empire first, he must stick to it to the end.

It would be real foolishness to waste time and resources by moving the main force here and there according to the enemy's wishes.

"The strength in our hands is still not enough. If we have enough strength, there will be no problem even if we attack the east and west fronts at the same time." Thinking of this, Tang Mo sighed with some reluctance.

"Your Majesty, I believe there will be such a day." Roger on the side said firmly: "After all, a few years ago, we had nothing! But now, you own a country!"

"No, we had a workshop at that time." Tang Mo said with a smile.

Roger nodded: "Hahaha! Your Majesty is right, we still have a workshop."

Nangong Hong looked at the two of them with envy on his face: After all, he came late and missed the best time. It would be great if he could get to know the young man who is smiling in front of him earlier.

This chapter has been completed!
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