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568 has been playing for a long time

Donghe Bridge, or Donghe Bridge, is a modern bridge built by Qi State this year. It is made of reinforced concrete and its main components were ordered from Tang State. It is a two-way railway bridge and is quite spectacular.

This bridge spans the East River and is the most important transportation throat in Qi State. It is also the gateway to the east of the royal city.

During construction, in order to ensure the absolute safety of the bridge, fortifications were built on both sides of the bridge. The most spectacular thing is a total of four five-story bridgeheads on both sides.

On the one hand, building such a huge bridgehead is for aesthetics, but on the other hand, it does have practical value.

These four huge bunkers can station the bridge guarding troops and ensure the safety of the Donghe Bridge to the greatest extent.

Qi State stationed 4 companies here, a whole battalion of troops, to ensure that the bridge would not be destroyed by the infiltrating Tang army.

And here is the main target of the Tang paratroopers' operation. They want to occupy this place to ensure that the Qi troops cannot pass through the Donghe Bridge and rush to the aid of the empty royal city.

"Did those Tang Army planes drop people or bombs just now?" Because the distance was several kilometers away, although the Qi officers stationed on the bridge saw the risk of falling from the sky, they didn't know how to deal with it.

"It shouldn't be a bomb. If it were a bomb, there would be no need to hang a white parachute." The soldier who answered obviously didn't know the correct name for a parachute.

There is no way, there are too many new things in Tang State these years. The most interesting thing for them Qi people every day is to get together with each other and learn those new terms.

They didn't know that a radio was called a radio before, and they didn't know what concrete was. Planes and tanks were just new words they learned in the past few days.

In short, these people in Qi are used to seeing some weird things that they don't know what they are, and then learning a new vocabulary belatedly so that they don't look so ignorant.

"You didn't throw it down to damage the railway, right?" a company commander asked guiltily.

Isn't it because they are stationed here at the bridge because it is a railway? Destroying the bridge and destroying the railway are not the same thing in theory.

"We are not in the road protection team. If the railway is broken, we will not be in charge of it!" The battalion commander snorted, indicating that other matters had nothing to do with him: "Let the brothers guard the bridgehead! As long as this place is not lost, you can't go wrong!


The Qi garrison here still doesn't know that some of the Tang Army's paratroopers have launched an attack in the opposite direction and are about to capture the Qi King.

"Why do you think this damn Tang man always makes such messy things?" The somewhat irritable battalion commander complained to the company commander standing beside him.

"Who says it's not the case! I heard that things don't look good over there at the front line." The company commander also sighed.

He had a friend who was on the southern defense line and was killed in action a few days ago. The obituary was sent directly to him because the man's wife had run away...

"We've already got people fighting here, how can the front line be any better?" The battalion commander was quite open-minded, as if I had already seen through it all.

While they were chatting, behind the bushes in the distance, the muzzle of a G43 semi-automatic rifle stretched out and silently aimed at the Qi shooters in the machine gun position.

The grass nearby was shaking slightly, and the paratroopers, one after another, were advancing cautiously, getting closer to the bridgehead.

Time passed by, and it was only when the Tang army could almost hear the vague conversations of the Qi defenders that they were finally discovered.

"Who!" A Qi soldier saw the Tang paratroopers approaching his position and subconsciously asked loudly. What he was answered was the clear sound of gunfire like a typewriter and the bullets flying towards him.

"Enemy attack!" the Qi soldiers who were suddenly attacked shouted loudly, reminding their companions to be careful. On the machine gun position behind them, the Qi shooter was just about to point his gun at the enemy he saw, when his head

It was shattered by a bullet flying from a distance.

Qi soldiers did not have such things as steel helmets. They only had cloth hats. Officers also liked to insert a straight feather on the side of the hat.

Because there is no protection, their protection against stray bullets and fragments is almost zero, and they do not have suitable tactical equipment. Compared with the Tang army, Qi soldiers are no different from beggars.

Their few bullets were hung on both sides of their armed belts as before, along with a bayonet, a water bottle, and a grain bag hanging on the back of their buttocks.

Lunch boxes, tents, cups and other messy things are stuffed into the backpack, and they shake around when running...

The Qi army, whose head was shot off by a shot, fell on his back. The remaining Qi army was still looking for where the enemy who attacked them was.

In fact, the enemy was already close at hand! Several grenades flew into the trenches of the Qi army, and the tragic explosion blew away the broken limbs in the trenches.

Before the smoke cleared, Tang paratroopers rushed into the trenches and began ruthlessly cleaning up the remaining Qi soldiers in the trenches.

The crisp sound of the typewriter lasted for a long time, and one after another Qi soldiers screamed and fell. After they lost several trenches, the Qi soldiers discovered that the enemy seemed to be entangled with them.

"Blow up the bridge! Blow up the bridge!" The company commander immediately shouted loudly when he saw that his position was in chaos and that the Tang army might attack the bridgehead at any time.

Qi Guoying, who was beside him, rounded his arms and gave him a slap in the face, causing him to spin around: "What are you yelling about! Bastard! Get out quickly and block the enemy! Don't let them get close to the bridgehead!"

After finishing speaking, the battalion commander quickly shouted to the Qi machine gunners who were firing beside him: "Hit them hard! Beat them hard! Press them down! Press them down..."

Before he could finish speaking, the MG-42 machine gun deployed by the Tang Army on the periphery began to roar. The unique continuous sound suddenly covered up the roar of the Maxim machine gun.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Densely packed bullets hit near the shooting holes of the bridgehead, leaving bullet marks all over the cement wall and causing pieces of the painted wall to peel off.

Suddenly, the machine gunner in the perforation did not dare to fire. Because of his narrow field of vision, he could not find the enemy machine gun that was pouring ammunition on him. He felt that if he continued to fire, he would probably be killed by the enemy.

For a moment, all the Qi army's machine gun firepower facing the Tang army was silenced, leaving only the continuous gunfire of the Tang army still echoing on the battlefield.

The Maxim heavy machine gun, which has been eliminated by the Tang Army, is very popular in the armies of other countries. It is an important indicator to measure the combat effectiveness of an army.

Under normal circumstances, an infantry company of the Qi Army should be equipped with 4 heavy machine guns, and elite troops often have 5 or 6.

But in fact, until the outbreak of the war, the Qi army had not completed all the equipment changes. The western section of the southern defense, that is, the troops under the third prince, were still equipped with Cyric flintlocks.

Therefore, most of the infantry companies in the Qi Army are only equipped with one Maxim heavy machine gun. It would be good if it can be divided into two.

Some main forces, such as the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd corps, can barely be assigned 3 heavy machine guns to each company (excluding machine guns reinforced on the defense line).

Because many machine guns were installed on the southern defense line and used as the fulcrum of firepower, Qi State has always been in short supply of machine guns.

At this moment, the same is true for the Qi army stationed here. It seems that they have four companies, but each company is only equipped with two machine guns.

The paratroopers of the Tang Army are different. Each of their squads has its own machine gun team, and almost all of them are equipped with continuous fire weapons. The firepower density is not at the same level at all.

Now that the two sides were fighting together, the Tang Army's superiority in firepower density immediately became apparent. They were running rampant in the trenches. No matter how hard the Qi Army tried, they could not stop the Tang Army for a short time.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Outside the bridgehead, a Qi Army platoon leader waved his arms, hoping that his men would be braver.

However, he was quickly knocked down by the incoming bullets, and the surrounding Qi troops immediately dispersed. What is even more interesting is that due to the chaos on the battlefield, on the bridgehead on the other side of the railway, the unexplained Qi troops were firing at their beaten companions.


In the chaos, other Qi troops mistook their comrades for Tang troops, and they kept firing, leaving the Qi troops who stood on their positions to be attacked from both sides.

As a result, a scene that made people laugh or cry happened. The beaten Qi army waved to their own people in the distance to signal them not to fire, but they were quickly knocked down by the Tang army behind them.

But when these Qi troops, who were attacked from two sides, raised their weapons to attack the Tang troops, their accomplices behind them shot them in the back of the head...

The back and forth aroused the anger of the Qi soldiers caught in the middle. They turned their guns and started fighting at their own people on the other side of the railway.

The whole scene was chaotic, and even at the end of the fight, even Tang Jun couldn't figure out what was going on.

They thought the Qi people were in civil strife, so they abandoned the Qi troops who were shooting at each other and rushed towards the bridgehead that was just around the corner.

The Qi troops outside the bridgehead were frightened and hid inside the bunker. The Qi troops inside had to play the role of supervising the battle team and opened fire on the Qi troops outside the bunker...

At this moment, the Tang Army's paratrooper commander was stunned. A group of Tang Army soldiers hid in the trenches and watched stupidly as the Qi Army's own men beat their own men, and the fighting was so intense that everyone was furious.

"Aren't they crazy?" Leaning on the edge of the trench, the commander of the 2nd Paratrooper Battalion of the Tang State asked the people around him in disbelief as he looked at the Qi army who was constantly firing at his own people.

"I don't know, we have been fighting for a while...but it saves us trouble." A company commander replied while checking his own magazine.

This chapter has been completed!
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