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570 two corpses

The people inside the carriage didn't say anything and just opened the door. Because they didn't know if the people inside had weapons, Xiang Ziyu and his squad leader didn't dare to approach easily.

"I am the Prime Minister of Qi!" At this time, an old man's voice came from the carriage. He spoke slowly and walked out of the carriage while saying this.

There was still blood on his body, and the blood stained his official robe red. He stepped out of the carriage a little slowly, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Where is King Qi?" Seeing the old man stepping out of the carriage, the paratrooper squad leader held up his weapon and asked, "Is he inside?"

"Yes, of course he is inside." The old man smiled bitterly and replied: "He is already dead..."

Long before the paratroopers of Tang State hit the carriage, Jiang Xian of Qi State was already dead. Something was wrong when he got on the carriage. In fact, the King of Qi State was already dead at that time.

He had actually been seriously ill for some days, and he had been taking medicine before, but he had just been frightened and had been shaken for a long time, and finally his condition worsened and he died before becoming a prisoner.

"Squad leader! He is injured!" Seeing the Prime Minister of Qi covered in blood, Xiang Ziyu discovered the wounds on the Prime Minister's body.

I don't know whether it was because he couldn't dodge or because he was trying to protect Jiang Xian, but there were several bloody holes in the prime minister's body. At this time, the blood was pouring out, staining half of his body red.

The old man was just holding on for a breath, standing in front of two enemy paratroopers, maintaining the last dignity of the country of Qi.

"It's a pity that neither the prime minister of Qi nor the king of Qi... you can't catch him." The old prime minister trembled and almost lost his balance.

In fact, he should be dead, but he is still persisting, insisting on standing there, stubborn and unwilling to fall.

Finally, no matter how long it took, he finally lost all his strength, hit the floor tiles hard, and closed his eyes.

It was only then that Xiang Ziyu and his squad leader stepped forward and carefully looked through the open door to see the scene inside the carriage.

There was a man in rich clothes lying in the carriage. He lay there motionless. There were blood stains on the seat next to him and bullet holes from bullets.

Xiang Ziyu got into the carriage, knelt on one knee, and looked down at the man lying on the ground. He was indeed Jiang Xian, and he was exactly the same as the photo that Tang Jun had circulated before.

"It should be him." Xiang Ziyu said to the squad leader outside the carriage: "He is indeed dead, and there are no gunshot wounds on his body."

The squad leader frowned, then jumped on the carriage, pushed Xiang Ziyu away, and fired all the bullets in the magazine at Jiang Xian's body: "There is a gunshot wound now!"

He raised his head and looked at Xiang Ziyu: "Your contribution is already great enough. Remember, this is the honor of our class, our platoon, our company and even our battalion! You know what to say!"

"I understand! Monitor." Xiang Ziyu knew that the credit was not his, so he accepted it calmly.

Their squad killed the Prime Minister of Qi and the King of Qi! This is the collective honor of their squad! In other words, this may become the honor of their entire paratrooper unit!

"Arrest all the other Qi people in the yard and take away those who can! Check to see if there is anything on the way back. If you capture something that can prove the identity of King Qi, take it with you too!" the squad leader said to him.

The paratrooper in front waved: "The goal has been achieved, you can retreat!"

"Jiang Xian has been killed! King Qi is dead! Retreat!" The remaining paratroopers also began to shout. They were not here to fight to the death with the Qi defenders here.

Now that the goal has been accomplished, retreat is their best choice. Get rid of contact with the Qi army, and then go to Donghe Bridge to join the 2nd Battalion. This is what they should do now.

Sure enough, soon there was a paratrooper holding his own weapon and running over. He was panting and adjusted his breathing for a long time before he asked: "The 2nd company commander asked me to ask, is it true that King Jiang Xian of Qi was killed?"

Did you kill him?"

"Well! We are preparing to retreat! He is on the carriage over there!" The squad leader pointed to the carriage not far away: "You can go over and visit."

This soldier was indeed honest. He ran over with his weapon in hand. After taking a look, he ran back, stood at attention and saluted: "I have confirmed it! It is indeed Jiang Xian!"

"Then let your company commander retreat! We have to leave here too! There is no reason for us to fight here anymore." The squad leader changed the magazine, checked his remaining ammunition, and waved his hand before preparing to lead people away.


"Yes!" The soldier also stood at attention and saluted, and then ran all the way, climbed over the courtyard wall and disappeared. He was very fast, and his movements over the wall were also very skillful.

Just as the paratroopers began to retreat, a sharp scream came from the sky. Two Stuka dive bombers howled from the sky and dropped two 500-kilogram bombs on the smoke-belching manor.


The huge explosion startled the paratroopers who had begun to retreat outside the manor. They could clearly feel the ground beneath their feet shaking.

This was a feeling that was not seen in the exercises. At that time, they did not have real dive bombers to support their operations.

Immediately afterwards, the two Stukas began to swoop and shoot. They were unwilling to give up everything around the manor, and kept pouring ammunition on the heads of the Qi troops.

During the attack, the two Stukas saw the red dragon flags laid on the ground, so they tried their best to avoid places with dragon flags.

However, the two Stuka dive bombers that arrived later could not see the red flag on the ground because of the thick smoke.

In order not to let the King of Qi escape, these pilots had to take the risk of dropping bombs and once again dropped the bomb inside the manor.

The good news is that all the Tang paratroopers inside the manor have withdrawn, so no accidental injuries occurred.

The bad news is that these bombings from the air made all the efforts of the Tang army to capture prisoners in vain. In order to ensure their own safety, all those slow-moving prisoners were abandoned or killed on the way back.

"I saw the thick smoke on the ground! I saw the thick smoke on the ground! I am preparing to continue the attack! Pay attention to cover, pay attention to cover!" On the radio, the pilot on the Stuka shouted excitedly to his companions.

Two more Stuka dive bombers turned sharply in the air and dropped a 500-kilogram aerial bomb on the Qi army's position in the air close to the ground.

The two bombs exploded one after another, flying away the Qi troops who were still in chaos on the other side. They didn't know that their King had died of a heart attack, but these Qi soldiers were still desperately hoping to regain the manor and stabilize it.


Ignoring the plane overhead, they rushed into the manor to look for anyone alive. But in the chaos, no one knew what happened.

"Strafing! Have you seen that group of Qi people? Fire! Fire!" In the cab of the FW-190 Butcher fighter jet that arrived later, the pilot also shouted excitedly.

Four fighter jets passed by one after another, and the cannons hit the ground and spattered a cloud of dust, causing the scurrying Qi soldiers to fall over.

Like the Qi army, none of the Tang army planes currently hovering over the manor knew that the Qi king was dead.

They are still carrying out attacks according to the plan, dropping one bomb after another, as if there is no money.

At the same time, the desperate counterattack by Qi troops also made them in the sky more convinced that King Qi was still in the manor at this moment.

So they ignored the fact that the manor in front of them was covered in thick smoke, and still dropped bombs one after another into such a small manor.

Soon, the pilot of a Stuka discovered something different. He saw the paratroopers of the Tang Army retreating, and the dragon flags, which were used to identify ourselves and the enemy, seemed to be retreating as well.

So, he pressed the intercom and reported: "I don't know what happened, but I saw our flag was retreating!"

At his feet, the paratroopers on the ground had retreated to the open areas where they parachuted, and the dragon flags they used as identification symbols were more conspicuous in these places.

After confirming, the pilot continued to report to the radio: "Repeat, I see Longqi is retreating!"

Soon, the pilot on another Stuka dive bomber also confirmed the news: "Yes! I also saw the paratroopers retreating! I don't know why, but they are retreating to the open space!"

At this time, the voice of the headquarters sounded in the earphones: "I order you to cover friendly forces and cover the retreating paratroopers! Repeat! Cover the retreating paratroopers! Block the pursuing Qi army!"

"Understood!" the pilot of the Stuka dive bomber hovering in the sky replied immediately.

However, after the two Stuka dive bombers flew more than half a circle around the manor, they still did not see the pursuing Qi army rushing out of the thick smoke.

It seemed that the Qi army had no intention of pursuing them, so the paratroopers of the Tang army who withdrew from the battle walked very calmly. They even found and picked up almost all the luggage and equipment they could find.

So, after circling twice to confirm the situation, the Stuka dive bomber pilot who was ordered to cover the ground troops called again: "Beehive! Beehive! I am Wild Bee No. 1! I am Wild Bee No. 1! I didn't see it.

The Qi army is pursuing! Repeat! I did not see the enemy pursuing!"

The pilot in another plane also reported: "I am Bumblebee 4! I did not see the enemy pursuing me!"

"I didn't see it either!" said the pilot in another plane.

"Observe carefully! Observe carefully!" Over the radio, the command headquarters said helplessly: "Follow-up troops, continue to bomb the target! Make sure that the manor is completely destroyed!"

"Yes! Sir!" In the plane that had just arrived at the battlefield, the pilot continued to answer excitedly. After answering, he pressed down his control stick: "I'm starting to dive, cover me!"

His wingman shouted excitedly: "I'm right behind you!"

This chapter has been completed!
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