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579 was killed by us

To the east of Donghe Bridge, densely packed Qi troops were crowded on the road. An officer caught up with his troops and loudly asked why these stagnant soldiers stayed where they were: "Why did you stop? Huh?"

According to the plan, his troops crossed the Donghe Bridge and headed west to reach the Royal City this afternoon. But it was almost noon now, and they were still wasting time near the Donghe Bridge. It was just nonsense.

Who doesn’t know that during war, not a single minute or second can be wasted, and every hour may determine the outcome of a war.

A junior officer ran over in embarrassment and stood at attention to report: "Sir! The defenders in the bridgehead of Donghe Bridge opened fire on us, and we had to withdraw."

He was also confused. There should have been a battalion of Qi troops stationed here. Logically speaking, it was almost impregnable.

Relying on such strong defenses, even if the Tang troops really came and killed them, they would not lose their position so quickly.

Hearing what his men said, the general who came to inquire about the situation frowned, with a look of disbelief on his face: "The defenders of Donghe Bridge opened fire on you?"

"Yes, more than eighty of us were killed." The officer nodded and pointed in the direction of the bridge. He was indeed not lying. The vanguard walked over stupidly, and the other party started shooting directly, making them run away...

The soldiers of the Qi army who did not know what was going on suddenly became confused. The people in front were beaten to death. The remaining people rolled and crawled along the railway embankment while looking for cover and retreated. When they came back to check, the company in front was basically

He was beaten and disabled.

"Impossible! This place is already close to the royal city, how can there be enemies!" Hearing what his subordinates said, the general didn't believe it.

You must know that this is the Donghe Bridge, and a little further ahead is the Royal City. If the Tang Army appears here, does that mean that the Royal City has been lost?

For him, this was simply impossible. Although he already knew the news of the death of Qi King Jiang Xian, he still did not think that a large number of Tang troops would appear here.

"We don't know either." Faced with the officer's doubts, the Qi officer was also confused. He may not know as much as the officer in front of him.

Suddenly, the general who was loyal to the second prince suddenly realized the key to the matter: the one who prevented them from returning to the royal city might not be the Tang army, but could also be the eldest prince's people!

It is possible that the eldest prince knew that he could not rush back to the royal city faster than the second prince, so he deliberately notified his cronies in the royal city and led his troops to block the Donghe Bridge!

When he thought of this, he immediately understood.

This is a competition for reserves!

So he immediately looked at his men wisely and ordered firmly: "It's definitely not an enemy! It's probably the eldest prince's cronies who are responsible for this! They want to stop us and prevent His Majesty from returning to the royal city!"

Attacking the Tang army and attacking one's own people are two different things. He may not have the courage to attack the Tang army, but he not only has the courage to attack his own people to fight for the throne, but he is also very courageous...

The subordinates also reacted and seemed less afraid: "You are right! It must be like this!"

The officer's words made him forget that the unique sound of the opponent's firing was like a tearing machine, which Qi Jun did not have!

With some dissatisfaction, he put aside the cowardice of his men. The Qi general raised his telescope and looked at the bridgehead in the distance: "Get out of the way! Bastard!"

After taking a second look, he put down the telescope and ordered: "Gather the troops! Charge for me! I want to take a look and see what their intentions are!"

"Yes!" After hearing the order, the officers immediately began to mobilize their troops. The Qi infantry waiting on both sides of the railway gathered under orders and then rushed towards the bridgehead again with weapons in hand.

They still had no heavy fire support because their heavy artillery was still on the road. They could only rely on their numerical advantage to fight against the machine guns that had been set up on the bridgehead.

In a strong bunker, a Tang Army paratrooper platoon leader saw the dark approaching Qi army through the perforation, and immediately reminded his subordinates loudly: "Pay attention! The Qi army is coming!"

With his shoulder against the MG-42 machine gun, the paratrooper's machine gunner showed his front teeth: "Hey, hey, he's here to die again! Get ready to fight!"

He pulled the trigger of the gun, put his face on the butt of the gun, and aimed through the crosshairs at the Qi troops who were approaching the broken barbed wire in front.

In the trenches arranged by the Qi people, a company commander held a submachine gun and lowered his voice and ordered: "Don't fire yet, move closer and hit! Kill a few more!"

Directly in front of the trench, some Qi troops had already crossed the barbed wire fence and carefully moved toward the trench filled with sandbags, holding weapons in hand.

"Steady! Steady!" With his face pressed against the sandbag, he looked at the commander of the paratrooper battalion of the Qi Army through the gap in the rear defense line, mumbling incessantly.

The next second, the paratrooper company commander guarding the machine gunner loudly gave the order to fire: "Front-facing machine gun! Fire!"

The amount of ammunition carried by their paratroopers is limited. Although they have received some supplements, they still have to use their own ammunition sparingly.

So they put the enemy at a fairly close distance and then opened fire. Anyway, their firepower density was sufficient, and they had no worries that the Qi people would rush into the trenches because they were too close.

The next second after the order to fire was given, the sound of the tearing machine echoed on the battlefield.

"Thud, thud, thug!" The unique voice continued continuously, and the bullet rushed into the crowd in an instant. For a while, the blood sprayed out everywhere after the body was penetrated by the bullet.

The shooter who was covering the machine gun position also poked his head out, held a Thompson submachine gun and pulled the trigger at the Qi army in the distance.

In an instant, the intensity of the firepower doubled, and a large number of Qi soldiers who were crossing the barbed wire fell down in one fell swoop.

"Ah!" Then the screams began to appear, and the wounded who fell on the ground let out screams of pain. More people lay down subconsciously, and no one continued to move forward.

"Retreat! Retreat!" The Qi officer, frightened by the oncoming firepower, lay on the ground and loudly ordered his troops to leave this death zone.

But it was easy for him to shout, so who would dare to stand up and run back at this time? Everyone lay on the ground, using the corpses as temporary bunkers.

What is regrettable is that on the bridgeheads on both sides, the hidden machine gun positions of the Tang army were located high up, and they could clearly see the Qi soldiers lying on the ground.

As if they were shooting at a target, they beat the Qi soldiers to death one after another who were lying on the ground and did not dare to move.

The Qi soldiers, who had always thought that their own people were beating their own people, were filled with anger. The people lying on the ground who were not dead cursed one after another: "Damn it, they are still firing! Sons of a bitch! Fight back! Beat them to death.


The commanders of Qi State reacted after hearing the curses, and immediately some people began to shout loudly to surrender: "Listen, people of the great prince! It's useless for you to resist! Surrender! Your Majesty promises to let bygones be bygones!"

They feel that everyone is working hard just for glory and wealth. Whatever the eldest prince can give, the second prince can also give.

As long as the other party lets them go, returns to the royal city, and supports the second prince to succeed to the throne, everything can be discussed. Doesn't it just mean money? Doesn't it mean status? Just give it.

"The second prince will soon become your majesty! Follow the second prince and you will have all the glory and wealth you want! Let us pass! Everyone will get a reward!" At first, they directly called your majesty, fearing that the people on the other side would not understand, so they explained again.

Although the second prince has not yet ascended the throne, like the eldest prince, he has already regarded himself as His Majesty.

At first, Tang Jun was confused. After listening again, he finally understood what Qi Jun was saying.

Fortunately, I didn’t understand this. Once I understood it, these paratroopers who had been fighting for so many days immediately laughed wildly: "Hahaha!"

"What are they shouting?" The Tang Army paratrooper battalion commander on the position did not hear clearly the content of the other party's shouting, and looked at the person next to him who had a good ear.

The soldier looked at his battalion commander dumbfounded and said, "They asked Your Majesty to promise not to let go of the past! They also promised to give us glory and wealth."

"Your Majesty?" The battalion commander was a little confused - wasn't King Qi beaten to death by them?

"The second prince you are talking about will soon become your majesty." The soldier explained again.

The battalion commander couldn't bear it any longer and said with a wicked look on his face: "Arrange someone with a loud voice to tell them that their ancestor Jiang Xian was killed by us!"

"Hahaha!" Hearing his battalion commander say this, the paratroopers next to him immediately laughed evilly. His battalion commander really ordered the delivery from a panda, and the bamboo shoots arrived home.

"Soldiers of Qi! Surrender! We are the paratroopers of the Tang Dynasty! Your Qi King Jiang Xian was killed by us!" Soon, a loud voice started shouting from the bridgehead.

When he shouted, the gunfire even stopped, and the slightly hoarse voice echoed over the battlefield, scaring the Qi army lying on the ground to tremble.

"What!" After hearing the content of the shouting clearly, a Qi officer turned pale. He heard everything clearly, but still couldn't believe his ears.

"They, what are they calling?" Farther away, the Qi army general supervising the battle was also asking the people around him.

Soon, all the attacking soldiers of the Qi army collapsed. Only now did they know that it was this group of Tang soldiers who killed their late king!

A Qi officer desperately got up and ran back: "Retreat! They are the Tang army, not our own!"

"Damn it!" The remaining Qi soldiers also started running.

The machine guns started roaring behind them, but these Qi soldiers couldn't care about anything. They ran desperately, running desperately, just wanting to stay away from the devil behind them.

This chapter has been completed!
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