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Chapter 6: 6

Chapter 6 6 Endless evil

Of course, it was impossible for Tang Mo to think at this time that such a far-reaching influence had anything to do with him, and he was now a little nervous.

You must know that his revolver has fired three shots at this time! There are still three bullets left in the cylinder, and these three bullets are almost all of his firepower in a short period of time.

He didn't have time to see how many rifles Old Roger had loaded behind him, so all he could confirm was the actual three rounds of ammunition in the revolver in his hand.

And to be honest, no one knows whether the paper-cased fixed-loading ammunition of this era will ever malfunction. So Tang Mo is now full of worries about the battle situation in front of him, and everything is beginning to exceed his expectations.

Because he really didn't know how many men the robbers had, so with fewer and fewer reserve bullets that could be fired immediately, the risks on the battlefield were obviously becoming higher and higher.

For Tang Mo, this situation is very bad, because the more he kills now, the more he draws hatred from the bandits.

If he is captured later, the other party will probably operate on him, chop him into pieces and feed him to the dogs in order to appease his subordinates...

"Yeah!" The bandit with red eyes appeared again, this time he jumped out of the bushes on the roadside and shouted.

Obviously, the other party was not intimidating Tang Mo, but emboldening himself. Although he did not believe that the weapon in Tang Mo's hand could fire continuously, so many people had been killed in succession, and this group of bandits was obviously in trouble.


In this kind of business of killing people and selling goods in the deep mountains and old forests, the number of people is actually the basis for their livelihood. After losing a lot of vitality, what awaits them is basically destruction.

Therefore, this group of people had almost no intention of escaping. Instead, relying on the courage brought by despair, they were ready to kill these passers-by who didn't know where they came from in one go.

Tang Mo naturally couldn't be captured without hesitation. Even if he felt more and more that the situation was beyond his control, it was definitely not his character to kill someone at the slightest provocation.

So when the thief rushed out of the bushes, he turned his gun and aimed at the target as soon as he spotted him.

When the opponent was still five or six steps away from him, Tang Mo pulled the trigger again. This time he deliberately made some aiming preparations, so the bullet hit the bandit's vital part.

The opponent's head was directly pierced by the flying bullets, and the whole person fell backwards and fell next to a corpse.

His long sword fell to the ground with a clang, and with this crisp sound, another bandit with a bow and arrow slung across his body finally rushed into the light.

This bandit has a strong build, with strong muscles on his exposed arms. He wears an iron helmet and even a chainmail armor on his body.

Obviously, this was the leader of this group of bandits. Tang Mo confirmed this by looking at the other party's dress, or the momentum of the charge.

The opponent was well equipped and strong. He rushed to Tang Mo in a few steps. Tang Mo was not polite and pulled the trigger again against the strong man.

"Bang!" The sound of a gunshot and the white smoke spraying from the muzzle appeared almost simultaneously. A bullet flew out of the barrel and hit the man's chainmail unstoppably.

Facts have proved that chain armor cannot actually block musket bullets at close range, not even plate armor!

However, due to the sluggishness of the chainmail, the strong man only staggered after taking the shot, but still held his long sword high and charged towards Tang Mo.

By the light of the gas lamp hanging next to the carriage, Tang Mo could even see the sharp and cold light reflected from the peak of the opponent's long sword.

Feeling the pressure the other party brought to him, as well as the coolness running from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, Tang Mo pulled the trigger again on the other party without hesitation.

The bullet cylinder began to rotate when Tang Mo pulled the trigger, and the linkage device completed the task of changing the bullet and firing safely and reliably.

The next second, in the frightened eyes of the strong man, a puff of white smoke enveloped his sight, and a projectile hit his body.

The first shot had given him a full shock, but in fact he had been wounded, and the blood had soaked his shirt under the mail and was flowing down the cold armor.

Where the interlocking chainmails were hit by bullets, the dense iron rings were severely deformed due to the huge force, and many links had fallen off. In the center of these twisted and deformed chainmails, there was a mooring

Bleeding holes.

The second shot opened a hole in his mail armor, this time hitting his left chest. After the bullet penetrated the mail armor, it rushed into his heart.

He never thought until his death that what Tang Mo was holding in his hand could actually fire five shots in a row, making him and his brothers so angry that they were so angry.

Of course, what I didn't expect was Weiss beside him. He was holding his long sword at this moment, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

It’s not that I was frightened by the current bloody scene. In fact, as a ranger, I haven’t seen situations that are even more tragic than this.

He was shocked - he felt that his agile skills and rich combat experience had become a joke in front of the young man.

After experiencing countless fierce battles, he looked at Tang Mo now and felt that this young man was a more terrifying devil than these bandits.

Even if he faced ten more bandits, Weiss would still have the courage and confidence to deal with them, and even risk his life to kill these bastards one after another.

However, when he saw the weapon in Tang Mo's hand, he wavered and doubted his own power. To a certain extent, Tang Mo subverted everything he relied on for survival!

This is like an old master who has taught the theory of a round sky and an earth all his life and suddenly one day saw the theory of the earth; it is like a doctor who has been bleeding people and treating others for a lifetime suddenly learned the correct medical theory.

In short, this kind of subversion made it difficult for Wes to breathe smoothly. He subconsciously pulled his collar with his hands, not even paying attention to the buttons on it falling apart.

An artifact that can fire five shots in a row in close combat! A treasure that can quickly end the battle regardless of how the opponent dodges.

From now on, rangers may no longer exist. Any child or old man holding such a weapon can easily kill an experienced mercenary ranger with explosive combat power!

Tang Mo smelled the smell of blood getting stronger and stronger in the air, a smell of blood that could not be concealed by the smell of sulfur.

His nerves were still tense, but the sudden continuation of silence began to make him pay more attention to the details around him.

All kinds of corpses were lying around the carriage. As far as I could see, seven bandits were killed by Tang Mo himself!

Even Tang Mo, who had seen dead people before traveling through time, could not help but feel his stomach churning at this moment.

Since Weiss is still alive, there should be at least two corpses behind the carriage, which means that nine of these thieves have become cold corpses.

"Wes! Stay hidden." Tang Mo held the revolver in his hand and waited for the white smoke in front of the car door to gradually dissipate. The residual smoke from the burning gunpowder billowed loosely under the illumination of the gas lamp, as if it was alive.

He reminded him, and Weiss immediately came to his senses, quickly leaned against the carriage, and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

The atmosphere became strange for a moment, except for the sound of insects that gradually began to chirp again, there was no other sound around.

Either these bandits had all died under Tang Mo's gunfire, or the remaining bandits finally lost their courage and ran away after seeing their fellow bandits dying.

Regardless of the situation, it can be said that the situation of Tang Mo and the others is gradually improving. At least Roger gave Tang Mo a slight signal after loading the third quick gun.

At this moment, Tang Mo still had one bullet in the revolver in his hand, and with Roger's rifle in good condition, he had the capital to fire four shots in a row.

At the same time, by the light of the gas lamp, Weiss had also reloaded his flintlock pistol, which meant that Tang Mo's side had almost recovered most of its combat effectiveness.

Under such circumstances, if the bandits attack rashly again, they will definitely suffer another heavy loss - maybe five more lives, maybe more...

"Wes...go and clear the roadblock!" After waiting for about five minutes, there was still no sound in the forest. Tang Mo finally knew that the danger seemed to have passed.

But he did not show a relaxed expression, because he knew that their battle was not thorough.

At the beginning of the battle, two feather arrows hit the carriage, and they were shot from different angles. This meant that the opponent had two archers.

Tang Mo got out of the car and checked the seven corpses near the carriage, but only the last big man had a bow and arrow on his back.

The poor bandits who came here to rob could not be willing to throw away their weapons halfway for no reason, so the other bow must be on the person who escaped.

At least one person escaped! This is something Tang Mo is almost certain of. And the person who escaped almost witnessed the entire battle!

This man saw the revolver in Tang Mo's hand and knew that the weapon in Tang Mo's hand was a magical weapon that could rewrite the pattern of war. For Tang Mo, letting go of such an unstable threat was definitely not a good thing.


But this is a vicious forest, and it's night now. As long as the other party squats in place and doesn't make a sound, it's almost impossible to find him.

Tang Mo didn't have the courage to risk his life and spread out to search for a bandit in such visibility. So he could only suppress his worries and prepare to continue on his way.

Fortunately, the other party definitely doesn't know the identities of the three of them, so even if they know about the revolver, they won't be able to find Tang Mo for a while.


Long Ling is saving manuscripts, but there is no way. Long Ling did not save manuscripts before, and this book opened very quickly, so there are destined to be few chapters saved - but there must be manuscripts saved to cope with the explosion of new books.

, so Long Ling can only write more and publish less and slowly accumulate. Don’t worry, everyone, and be patient. When the editor has a request for an explosion, Long Ling will definitely explode and publish more chapters.

(End of chapter)

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