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657 figured it out

"The Tang Army has begun to attack the city!" Mirage Wenxi appeared in a panic at Mirage Saburo's secret headquarters near the pier.

The sound of gunfire outside became denser, and Tang Army bombers began to appear in the sky, accurately hitting the intersections or small squares where the mirage troops gathered one after another.

Beiyuan City is a very complex city. It has several parts, which look distinct in the sky and are very easy to identify.

In the north of the city is the industrial area, where there are many emerging factories, and chimneys and factory buildings can be seen everywhere.

As the Tang Army began to bombard the city, the place had become a ruin. The Tang Army did not intend to keep these old machines. These rags purchased from the Ice Kingdom and the Mirage Kingdom were basically in the eyes of Tang's technical personnel.

It's only worth the price of scrap metal.

The residential area is the largest, but because the renovation time was very short, no one deliberately corrected it. Basically, there are low-rise buildings here. Two and three floors are considered high. There are also a few buildings with four or five floors.

layer or so.

If it's a slum, there are a lot of old buildings. Although some of them are courtyards, usually four or five families live in them, making it very crowded.

These places have now been destroyed by the Mirage army themselves. They focus on killing people and setting fires here, leaving behind a lot of ruins and empty houses.

The houses in better condition are now the military camps of the Mirage, and they are also the focus of the Tang Air Force - planes drop bombs in these places, and can easily eliminate a large number of Mirage's wounded.

The other area is the port area, where most of the anti-aircraft weapons of the Mirage Army are deployed, including Maxim machine guns and 76 mm caliber anti-aircraft guns.

The Mirage army desperately hoped to prevent the Tang army from bombing the port where they relied for survival, but the combat efficiency was not high.

So far, the Tang Army has only lost two aircraft in the mission of bombing Beiyuan City Port, and there is almost no intact equipment that can be used in the entire port.

The downed aircraft were all Stukas, and they were all lost to Mirage anti-aircraft machine gun sneak attacks during dive attacks.

As the number of bombs dropped by planes increased, Mirage's anti-aircraft gunners also summed up some experience. They began to consciously increase their lead time, and only opened fire when the Tang army's planes dived.

"I'm not deaf, of course I knew they were starting to attack." Mirage Saburo looked at the water in the water glass on the table that was constantly shaking, and he didn't look very nervous.

He knew that it was only a matter of time before the Tang army invaded the city. In fact, in the industrial zone outside the northern city wall, his troops had already been completely lost.

"I can't fall into the hands of Tang Jun! Tonight, arrange a ship to take Jiang Zhi and me out of here!" Mirage Wenxi stared at Mirage Saburo and made her request.

"The port is finished, you don't know it." Mirage Saburo shook his head: "No one can leave here."

"Don't do this to me!" Mirage Wenxi slapped the table in front of Mirage Saburo and shouted angrily: "If the air raids stop at night, there will definitely be a ship that can leave!"...

"Today during the day, an hour ago, the destroyer Nubo, the transport ship Jingbo... the transport ship Dahongbo... were all sunk." Mirage Takesaburo smiled and told Mirage Wenxi a piece of news that frightened him.

Got him.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! It's impossible for a Tang people's plane to fly that far!" Mirage Wenxi shouted angrily, trying to expose Mirage Saburo's "lies".

"It wasn't sunk by a plane." The smile on Mirage Saburo's face became more and more frightening: "It was sunk by Tang Army warships. An entire fleet was sunk, and not a single one was left!"

"..." Mirage Wenxi knew that his fleet was doomed, but as a civil servant, he had not realized what the loss of sea control meant to a port city.

Now he knows that they are truly surrounded! Not only can they not return to the Mirage Kingdom, they will not be able to receive any support or supplies during the period of time they hold on.

"I should have left here earlier." Mirage Wenxi was a little confused, found a chair and sat down, and murmured.

"Ha! Can you leave? Have you got the official document? Has the base camp allowed you to leave?" Mirage Takesaburo mocked his partner.

He knew that the other party had just obtained the relevant documents, and after receiving the permission, he hurried over, preparing to leave here and return to the safe mirage country.

It's a pity that Mirage Wenxi still takes herself too seriously. If the fleet hadn't been destroyed and the sea route was no longer open, how could the people in the base camp allow them to leave?

"Do you know how many things we transported from Qi State? Do you know how many people are watching those things now? They can't go away! How can they escape?" Mirage Saburo sat down proudly, looking like he had succeeded.

"You! You know it! You know it and you still stay here?" Mirage Wenxi raised her head angrily and stared at Mirage Saburo in front of her.

Mirage Takesaburo laughed loudly: "On the day I started to slaughter the Qi people and rob the property and transport it to Mirage Kingdom, I made arrangements for my escape."

He pointed at himself: "At least half of my share can be safely pocketed. As for the rest... I can't control it."

"That's it! I didn't think it through! No wonder, no wonder! Hahahaha, it's like this, hahahaha!" Mirage Wenxi shook her head and laughed bitterly, as if she was crazy.

Smiling, he looked at Mirage Takesaburo: "In other words, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers here could not get any of the looted money at the beginning, right?"

"No." Mirage Saburo shook his head: "If we can hold on, win, and repel the Tang army...then the huge sum of money shipped back to the country will really have to be divided."

Mirage Wenxi nodded again, and then shook his head: "Is it just because of my money that you let me stay and wait to die?"

"I don't know about that." Mirage Takesaburo handed Mirage Wenxi an empty wine glass and helped him fill it up: "But I only realized it in the past few days. It seems that there was a sum of money on it.

Let’s solve the crisis in the Mirage Kingdom.”

The Mirage Kingdom itself was severely damaged in the Battle of Dongwan Island. In theory, there is not much money to quickly restore national strength and recruit troops to expand the navy...

But Mirage just did it! The reason can be guessed if you think about it carefully. In fact, Mirage must owe a lot of money and squeeze a lot of funds from itself!

For this bad debt, the whole Mirage Kingdom must get some benefits from this war to repay the debt and complete self-salvation.

Therefore, there is a reason why the Mirage State was the first to choose a side and send troops to join the war after the Qi State fell into a passive position in the War between Qi and Tang Dynasty.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, an aerial bomb from the Tang Army was dropped near the port, causing the secret headquarters where the two men were located to shake violently.

The chandelier above the head was shaking slightly, but it was a pity that it could not light up at all yesterday. The last generator unit of the power plant in the port area was damaged, and the entire Beiyuan City had lost all power supply.

What was shining now were some candlesticks temporarily installed on the wall. The candlelight swayed crazily with the vibrations of the explosion, tearing away all the shadows around it, making the basement look like a group of demons dancing wildly for a moment.

"General! General!" An officer broke in, and his voice sounded like he was announcing his death. Sure enough, he opened the door and began to report on the surrounding battle situation: "The city wall in the north is lost, and the south side can't hold it.

Got it!"

"Where are the reinforcements? Haven't they been sent out a long time ago?" Mirage Saburo asked in a long tone as usual.

"The three regiments in the north have been defeated, and the soldiers are almost exhausted..." The officer replied with a grimace: "To the south, the troops in the south are counterattacking, but the casualties of the troops are huge, and they are almost exhausted.


"Let the reserve team reinforce according to the previous plan! Press on! Hold on! If you can't counterattack successfully, rely on the ruins and buildings to hold on! Hold on! You must hold on!" Mirage Saburo waved his hand and let the officer go out.


When the battle reached its current state, he, as the commander, had no choice. The so-called street fighting was completely fought independently, and he did not have a walkie-talkie for micro-control, so he could only rely on the fighting determination of each unit to continue to resist.


"How long do you think we can hold on?" Mirage Wenxi waited until the people left before asking Mirage Takesaburo.

Mirage Saburo shook his head and replied: "No one can know this kind of thing now. How long each army can fight depends entirely on how many bullets they have, how many people they have, and how many living people are willing to fight."

Keep fighting."

After a pause, he continued: "It's possible that gunshots can still be heard in the city in three days, or it's possible that we will be dead at this time tomorrow. This is all possible, and I won't be surprised no matter what happens.


"Boom!" Another explosion came, this time it was a 155 mm caliber howitzer shell that fell. The sound was not that loud and the distance was relatively far.

The battle was still going on, and the soldiers of the Mirage Kingdom were walking through the streets like ants. They were ordered to go to the combat area, but they had no idea what the situation was like there.

The orders they received were all vague, ordering them to immediately go into battle as soon as they encountered the enemy, and to hold on to every house, every yard, and every wall!

And for these goblins who had done all sorts of evil in the city, such as murder and arson, this cruel war has really begun now! Their hell is right in front of them at this moment!

This chapter has been completed!
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