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694 World War I

What is shocking, or perhaps even dumbfounding, is that Chu, the country that suffered the most serious disaster, became the first country to declare war on Tang.

The reason for declaring war was that the Tang State's flood fighting and rescue operations affected normal flood discharge and drainage, and the people of Chu State suffered greatly, so Chu State had no choice but to declare war on Tang State.

Only one minute after this declaration of war, the Great China Empire declared war on the Tang State. The reason for the declaration of war was to protect its vassal state Chu...

Within half an hour, the Reins Empire, the Dorne Empire and the Ice Empire declared war on the Tang State one after another. The reasons were surprisingly consistent: they condemned the Tang State's behavior of resisting the disaster regardless of Chu's life and death, and therefore declared war on the Tang State.

Just listening to such reasons really makes people feel dumbfounded. The reason they attack a country is because that country has done a good job in flood prevention and rescue operations.

Subsequently, the Tang State took a tough stance and declared war on all countries that declared war on itself, including the Great China Empire, Qin State, Chu State, Mirage State, Ice Empire, Yangmu Empire, Susas Empire, Lains Empire, Dorne Empire and

Kingdom of Goblins.

It's almost like the Tang State declared war on most of the world, using its own efforts to fight against so many countries.

On this day, the First World War officially broke out. The anti-Tang coalition forces fought against the Tang army. The disparity in the strength of the two sides was shocking, but the war started just like that.

Almost as soon as the war was declared, the battle started. It was completely different from the last time it was in a dawdling state. Under the continuous drizzle, the border troops of the Great China Empire began to bombard the territory of Tang State.

Because they had been preparing for a long time, the Dahua Empire, which had an absolute advantage in military strength, assembled more than 3,000 artillery pieces and plowed through the entire area where they thought the Tang army might be stationed.

Just as these cannonballs fell on the land of Tang State and raised a cloud of black smoke, a telegram crossed the ocean and flew to a certain sea area.

The waves were lapping on the deck, and the captain, who was leaning on the hull and smoking a cigarette, was staring blankly at the horizon in the distance. A sailor crawled out of the hatch behind him and shouted loudly to his captain: "Come from Linshui."


The captain flicked the cigarette in his hand into the sea, turned around, took the telegram, and read the contents.

Then he crumpled the message into a ball and stuffed it into his pocket, and walked to the hatch cover with a gloomy face: "The war has broken out! Our mission is to attack Bunas Port! Say hello to the 'old friends' there!"

The sailors who were guarding the hull got into the submarine hatch one after another, and the clothes hung to dry on the railings of the hull were collected and brought back to the inside of the submarine.

Holding up the white military cap on his head, he was the last one to get into the submarine, and fastened the hatch above his head: "Adjust the course, go to Bunas! Sink all ships in sight!"

He climbed down the iron ladder, walked to his fighting position, and said to the officers and soldiers who were operating the submarine: "The flood is raging in our hometown, and our comrades in the Army are helping our families fight the disaster! As a result, these bastards

Planning to destroy our country at this time!"

After a pause, he asked everyone: "What should we do?"

"Fight! Fight!" Everyone shouted loudly.

The location of this submarine was originally not far from Bunas, and they were ordered to arrive at the designated location before the war broke out.

After having a premonition that war was about to break out, the Tang Dynasty's navy began strategic deployment. Their submarines were dispatched and were required to ensure communication at all times.

Now, war breaks out.

"Open the valve! Dive! Periscope depth! Prepare for battle! Check the bow torpedo!" The captain gave the order loudly. White foam appeared in the seawater around the submarine, and the deck floating on the sea gradually submerged into the water.

The enclosure cut through the sea water, smashed the waves in front of it, and rushed in the direction of Bunas. The snorkel began to rise. As time went by, the enclosure with the dragon flag painted on it gradually sank.

In Longgang, the officer on duty picked up the phone: "Hey! All warships light their boilers! Start preheating! Prepare to leave port in 20 hours!"

"The war has begun! The war has begun!" In the port, the warning that the war had begun echoed from the loudspeakers. The sailors began to gather and sail on the ships, and black smoke began to billow from the chimneys of the distant battleships.

The neatly docked Dongwan-class battleships began to warm up their boilers. At the same time, Wolf-class cruisers and two types of destroyers were being prepared.

The last car transporting life jackets entered the port and distributed the brand new life jackets that had just been made to the sailors who were about to board the ship.

Directly above the new bridge installed on the Dongwan-class battleship, the radar that had been covered with canvas finally revealed its true appearance.

The few remaining Dongwan-class battleships of the Tang Dynasty have been modernized and modified, and more anti-aircraft guns have been installed, as well as radar fire control.

This extended the theoretical range of Tang's battleship main guns to more than 20 kilometers, and its combat effectiveness was greatly enhanced.

Some merchant ships from other countries that had just arrived at the port were detained as a matter of course, and many Tang transport ships heading to other countries' ports were also disconnected. The entire world suffered countless losses on this day.

In the distant ocean, on the bridge of a new Linshui-class destroyer, the captain of Tang Guo received the message. After reading it, he immediately issued a combat order: "Turn on the radar! All personnel are ready for battle!"

Suddenly the alarm started to sound, and the radar operator on duty powered on the radar. The green light lit up on the circular screen, and the grid representing the distance glowed dimly under the reflection of the backlight.

On the following destroyer of the same level next to it, the light signal flashed frequently, which was asking its leader whether it had received the same message.

The sharp bows of the two destroyers sank and floated in front of the rolling waves. The water mist stirred up by the collision on the top of the waves spread out and was as high as several stories.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! On the peak of Long Island, two soldiers climbed up the high iron frame and tore off the canvas covering it. A row of neatly connected antennas were exposed

My true identity. This is the early warning radar deployed here, which can detect targets flying at high altitudes more than a hundred kilometers away.

At the same time, on the runway of the airport, the propellers of the two patrolling B-17 Flying Fortress bombers began to rotate. The pilot who had already boarded the plane gave a thumbs up to the ground crew next to him.

The number of patrolling aircraft will naturally increase exponentially after the war breaks out. The defense near Longdao is still impregnable, because the main fleet of the Tang Army is deployed here, and there are also submarines left behind to ambush in the dark.

After hearing the news that many countries had declared war on themselves, the soldiers and civilians of the Tang Dynasty, who were trying their best to resist the flood, became angry.

They just want to live a good life, they just want to live well, why do some people always want to bully them?

Thinking this in my heart, these common people who are busy all day just to survive completely broke out. People in many places spontaneously organized, wrote to the consul, supported their King, and took the initiative to protect their homes and country.

Tang Mo issued a decree three hours after the war broke out, requiring the country to enter a state of war and reservists to report to recruiting units at all levels.

At the same time, Tang Mo issued another decree, asking the people to stay calm, focus on flood fighting and rescue operations, help the country stabilize its rear, and support the front line through production and other means.

On the western border of the Tang State, the Dahua Type 1 tanks manufactured by the Dahua Empire crossed the border, covering countless Dahua Empire soldiers behind them, and launched an attack on the Tang State.

The tanks of the Dahua Empire are imitations of the Cyric 2 tanks, with a total combat weight of 15 tons, equipped with a 90 mm caliber short-barreled gun, and their appearance is very similar to a larger T-26 tank.

The performance of this tank is fairly balanced, its defense is average, its firepower is similar to that of the Tang Army's tanks, and its maneuverability is also comparable.

The only problem is that this tank is not equipped with communication devices, so it is very inconvenient to coordinate and command, so its combat effectiveness is very poor.

But after all, its hard indicators are there, and it is definitely much more advanced than the early Cyric 1 tanks. When more than a hundred such tanks covered 20,000 soldiers and started to attack, the momentum was really overwhelming.


These troops belong to the armored divisions and infantry divisions under the 3rd Armored Corps of the Great China Empire. The target of this troops' attack is Xicong, an important town on the western frontier of the Tang Dynasty.

As a border city, Xicong itself is an industrial city with various light industries and is also the intersection of many nearby railways. Before the outbreak of the war, many of the products exported by the Tang State to the Great China Empire passed through here.

It is a transportation thoroughfare, a large airport, and a commercial window. Winning here basically represents the achievement of the strategic goals of the first phase of the Great China Empire.

The focus of Tiger's defense is naturally placed here. After all, here is the largest arsenal on the Tang Army's border, which stores a large amount of military supplies. There are also three field airports behind it, where two hundred military aircraft of various types are parked.

It is not a joke to abandon this place, as it might affect the subsequent direction of the entire battle. Therefore, Tiger placed his main force here, preparing to resist step by step and delay time.

Unfortunately, he only had hastily built fortifications, and most of the defenses could only be deployed reluctantly based on the terrain. It was very difficult to resist in the face of the enemy's superior strength and overwhelming firepower.

Therefore, the armies of the Great China Empire quickly crossed the border and invaded the territory of the Tang Kingdom. This was the first time that the Tang Kingdom was invaded by enemy forces since its establishment.

In the northern part of the Western Front, the roles of the two sides were reversed. The Tang Army assembled a total of three main armored divisions, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, and thousands of tanks to launch an attack on the Great China Empire.

There are still dark clouds in the sky, and the rain is still falling, as if crying for the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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