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717 It's our turn to play

The idle Han Zhiyuan is leading the troops he can muster to fight back, but the difficulties before him are as big as a mountain.

After finally gathering his troops, he had to face the bombing by the Tang Air Force. The troops suffered heavy losses and were relatively weak when attacking.

There is nothing that can be done about this. It is obviously impossible for heavy weapons and equipment assembled temporarily to have fixed and concealed bunkers, so the rate of loss is much greater than when they are stationed on the position.

The temporarily assembled troops lacked transportation equipment, so the supply of ammunition was also a problem. In short, Han Zhiyuan tried his best. He worked hard to assemble the troops and desperately blocked the Tang army's attack.

At this time, he finally understood how powerful the Tang army was. Tens of thousands of troops were advancing at a speed he had never seen before. It seemed that nothing could stop this Tang army.

The tactics of the two sides are completely different, not even on the same level: the Tang Army's small units are usually mixed combat teams. They belong to different units, and sometimes even have overlapping designations.

The tanks of the 1st Armored Division were mixed with the armored vehicles of the 1st Mechanized Grenadier Division, with a group of soldiers from the 1st Motorized Grenadier Division following in trucks.

Sometimes it is even more chaotic. Assault guns and tanks belonging to the artillery unit of the infantry division are mixed together, and at the same time they are followed by the engineering support detachment.

In short, the Tang Army's troops in a combat detachment were diverse, and there were many types of armored vehicles, which made the Dahua Army somewhat confused.

They did not know which unit of the Tang Army was attacking them, nor did they know how many front-line combat troops the Tang Army had committed.

These people saw the Tang Army's armored reconnaissance battalions for the first time. These battalions were directly under the armored division and were equipped with the latest Lion armored reconnaissance vehicles.

The new armored reconnaissance vehicle with eight wheels rushed quickly along the road, eliminating the Dahua army that tried to counterattack along the way. It penetrated into the Dahua army's defense zone like tentacles and cut Dahua's troops into small pieces.

The armored troops that arrived later began to compress the Dahua troops who were divided and surrounded and did not even know what was going on.

Before the commanders of the Dahua army, who were compressed within the narrow defense line, could figure out everything, Stuka dive bombers roared down from the sky, sending these compressed and dense troops to the west.

This is an information war belonging to the Tang Kingdom, and it is no different from the U.S. military's massacre of Yinlak's troops in the Gulf War.

The Tang Army's armored reconnaissance vehicles, tanks and some armored vehicles, as well as the Air Force's bombers, which have a complete communication system, are all equipped with a large number of radio stations.

They can maintain relatively smooth communication between them - although there is still a big gap compared to the instant communication in the 21st century, compared with the Dahua Army, which has no way to communicate at all, the Tang Army has advanced to another level.


One of the important conditions that determines a commander's decision-making ability is battlefield transparency. For the commanders of the Tang Army, the battlefield is almost unilaterally transparent. The command at the battalion level and even the company level is flexible and timely. In contrast, Dahua's

The troops were like zombies paralyzed in place.

During the assembly process, the Dahua army did not even know that the Tang army was attacking. They reported in confusion, claiming that they had been attacked by friendly forces.

They couldn't even tell what the weapons that attacked them looked like, so these reports led to a series of misjudgments, which in turn created even greater chaos.

In fact, tactics are determined by the composition of weapons and equipment. No matter how talented the commander is, he cannot let the armored troops go up the mountain to organize intersecting operations.

If the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War had tanks, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft guns and self-propelled artillery, do you think they would still drill into ravines to fight guerrillas?

No, they will push it along the road, then divide and surround the enemy forces near Peiping, and then send out bombers to destroy these unlucky invaders.

By the same token, the more chaotic and dispersed the battlefield, the more it tests a unit's battlefield perception and communication capabilities. Without good communications, the unit cannot maintain good combat capabilities on a chaotic battlefield.

This is no joke. There are not many countries in the world that can understand the kind of chaos that relies entirely on the consciousness and agility of the troops.

The US imperialism in the 21st century can achieve long-distance penetration of small groups of troops, which is supported by helicopters and crushing electronic systems.

But seventy years ago, there was an army that relied entirely on the consciousness of the troops. In the absence of radios, most of the troops participating in the war could move around indefinitely. This has to be said to be a miracle in the history of war.

You have to know that in this state of melee, it is a century-old problem for commanders to know where their troops are. This determines how you reinforce and deploy these troops, and how to supply these troops.

It is impossible to completely follow the battle plan. Such a rigid plan will only make subsequent deployments more confusing.

Therefore, relying entirely on feelings, relying entirely on the combat effectiveness of a small group of troops, and trusting the decision-making and tactical arrangements of grassroots officers and soldiers is the core and most powerful key to this tactic.

In the battles with Qi State and Mirage State, the Tang Army has verified and completed this set of tactics. They used mixed forces to achieve the popularization of radio at the battalion and company level: although today's battery technology is not up to standard

, it is impossible to reduce the weight and miniaturization, and it is impossible to reduce the size of the radio equipment to be easy to carry.

But tanks and armored vehicles are equipped with radios, so the grenadiers following these tanks and armored vehicles can be found and can be mobilized.

This was the significance of the German mixed combat team in the early days of World War II. It enabled the commander to fully control the grassroots troops and also enabled the tactical coordination of various equipment and weapons.

This tactical system, which seems stale today, was leading the world in the era when radio equipment had just become popular.

The German army relied on this set of tactics to achieve success in the early days of World War II, coordinating the army and air force and creating a sophisticated blitzkrieg campaign.

In the 21st century, this hybrid force is presented to the world in another more advanced way: the combined battalion and combined brigade system.

Today's advanced troops are once again mixed together to form a large and complex tactical system. Unlike 80 years ago, the significance of such a tactical equipment system is no longer to popularize radio communications, but to do its best to support front-line troops.

Informationization to enhance situational awareness and battlefield control.

There is no way, today's communication systems, information warfare equipment, and various small individual weapons and equipment including drones are too dependent on power supply.

Therefore, equipment does not need to rely on heavy vehicles for transportation and transportation, but power supply needs vehicles to complete. Therefore, the army has once again transformed from the military division level where various arms coordinate to the brigade and battalion level where functions are dispersed and highly integrated...

In fact, the needs of the war have not changed from the beginning. Just to meet this demand, the equipment of the troops has been continuously improved and evolved. It can be said that it is the optimal solution of the times time and time again, and different paths lead to the same goal again and again.

The Tang troops, which adopted German tactics, used battalions as combat teams to advance rapidly while ensuring the integrity of their communications system.

They rushed all the way to the southwest and captured villages and towns along the way before Han Zhiyuan was ready.

What's even more frightening is that because the attack speed was fast enough, the Tang army captured countless times more prisoners of the Dahua army than imagined.

They surrendered in an organized manner, and did not even have time to unload their weapons from the train. The Tang army that controlled the railway line had more supplies, and in turn advanced at a faster speed, finally establishing the surrounding Dahua Empire.

The railway network was taken over for its own use.

Soon, the Tang engineers who followed the Tang Army's combat troops repaired and opened the railway that had been blown up by the Imperial Army to traffic, effectively supporting the attacking troops.

As the weather gradually improved, the Tang Army's attack became more fierce. Liu Guozhu stood next to his tank covered with canvas and looked at the scenery on both sides of the train that was retreating.

He did not follow the 1st Armored Division to invade the Dahua Empire as soon as possible. Instead, he waited in the Tang Kingdom and waited for the railway to be repaired and opened to traffic before following the train into the Dahua Empire.

During this time, he had been training in rainy weather, training on how to use the complex and expensive Panther tank.

Now he and his crew members are very familiar with the use of this tank and have a deep understanding of the performance of the new tank.

The armor on both sides of the brand new tank has reached the protection level of the front of the No. 4 tank, and the thickness of the front armor is even more incredible.

Enemy tanks equipped with short-barreled 90mm caliber guns are unable to penetrate the armor of the Panther tank in almost any direction, while the long-barreled 75mm caliber gun of the Panther tank can easily penetrate the Dahua 1 within the effective range.


Now, as the Tang army continues to advance, Liu Guozhu's elite armored forces are about to enter the battle. They must use the power of weapons to defeat the Dahua army that blocks their move south, and cut off Dahua near Xicong as quickly as possible.

Army supply lines.

"It seems that the rain has really stopped... Today is another good day." The loader walked over on the slightly shaking flatbed car, holding a box of canned fruits in his hand.

This thing is now very common in the army supplies of the Tang Dynasty, because there is a large amount of land in Qi State that was previously planted with various fruit trees, with the most peaches, and they grow best in the north.

In the past, due to transportation reasons, these fruits could not be stored for a long time. Now with canning technology, a large number of canned fruits have become the first choice for soldiers to supplement their nutrition.

"Yes, when the rain stops, it will be our turn to take the field!" Liu Guozhu agreed as he looked up at the long barrel covered with canvas above his head.


Well, my back hurt and I couldn't sleep. I woke up in the morning and wrote another chapter. I continue to make up for it. I still owe you... countless chapters.

This chapter has been completed!
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