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761 keeps attacking

At dawn, the Tang Army's attack on Fengjiang City began. The 7th Army did not wait for the Dahua Empire's counterattack like the usual Tang Army. Instead, it invested new troops and once again began to advance towards the city.

Without the preparation of artillery fire, the Tang army began to attack. Before the Dahua troops were ready, they learned what it means to be a war madman.

Before breakfast, at the temporary headquarters of an infantry battalion stationed in the factory captured last night, the battalion commander summoned his three company commanders and began to assign offensive tasks.

He stood in a corner full of rubble, with a table in front of him. Soldiers not far away were distributing ammunition. In the middle of the night yesterday, the logistics force delivered the ammunition, which was quite timely.

Pointing to the temporary map spread on the table, the battalion commander of Tang Army briefly introduced the situation: "On the other side of the factory is the street! Across the street is a residential area! The situation there is quite chaotic!"

"Yesterday's artillery fire should have completely destroyed the place. It is probably in ruins. Dahua's troops may not be stationed in the ruins, but we must be careful." After finishing speaking, he looked at his three capable men.

"As the first assault detachment, the 1st Company will rush into the ruins and clear out the Dahua or Qin troops that may be stationed inside. If we encounter fierce resistance, we will call for artillery support." The 1st Company Commander pointed to the mark on the map.

Residential area, he opened his mouth to confirm.

The battalion commander patted him on the shoulder and assured him confidently: "Don't worry. Counting the artillery from the next battalion to support us, we have a total of 20 mortars. As long as they dare to be there, we dare to blow it up."


The commander of the 1st Company nodded his head, and in turn assured: "That's no problem. The 1st Company, which is the main attacking company, will capture the target."

The commander of the 2nd Company took over the topic and repeated his mission: "The 2nd Company will circuit along the street and go around to the side to establish a defensive position. Our people confirmed it at dawn. There is also a factory on the side. The terrain looks like

It’s relatively open.”

The battalion commander looked at the commander of the 3rd company. Yesterday, one of the 3rd companies was responsible for the main attack, and the troops suffered the greatest losses. Now there are only more than 80 soldiers left.

With an inquiring tone, he asked: "The 3rd company suffered heavy losses yesterday, and today's tasks are relatively small. Can you do it?"

The commander of the 3rd company immediately solemnly promised: "No problem, we will establish a defensive position on the other side. If the enemy counterattacks from this direction, we will repel them."

Looking at the commander of the 3rd company, the battalion commander nodded and then reminded: "Pay attention to the placement of snipers, and try not to lay booby traps... That will cause trouble for ourselves! Do you understand?"

It's not that they are unwilling to destroy this city, but because they have to consider the follow-up reinforcements. If they lay a large number of mines here, it will be almost impossible for the follow-up troops to use this area.

"Understood!" "Understood!" "Understood!" After hearing what the battalion commander said, several company commanders immediately responded.

The battalion commander looked at his men again, waved his hand, and dismissed the meeting: "Then let's start the attack!"

Several company commanders walked out of the ruins of the factory that had not completely collapsed while holding their helmets. After each unit was ready, they started attacking according to the pre-planned attack plan.

On the Dahua garrison position where they were having breakfast, suddenly a sentry shouted loudly. Before they had time to put away their bowls, the battle started fiercely.

"Thud, thud, thud!" The unique sound of the MG-42 machine gun covering the infantry attack echoed in the early morning sky, and a group of Tang Army soldiers quickly crossed the street with weapons in hand.

A soldier was hit in the thigh by a bullet while running. He fell in the middle of the road and was hit in the body by a follow-up bullet.

Blood spread along the uneven road, and when it encountered gravel, it filled the gap between the stone and the road. No one went to see this new corpse, because the city was full of corpses.

The Tang army that had already rushed across the road immediately began to organize fire suppression. The firepower of the Type 56 assault rifle was very powerful. A firepower group of three or five people could overwhelm a platoon of Dahua defenders in front.

More Tang Army soldiers rushed across the road, and then the Dahua troops stood down and threw grenades downwards in the ruins, trying to push back the Tang Army who rushed across the road.

Several grenades exploded near the rubble pile of the bomb crater where the Tang army soldiers were hiding. The explosions made the Tang army unable to lift their heads for a while.

A Tang Army soldier who was hit by shrapnel was covered in blood. Medical soldiers knelt beside him and kept helping him stop the bleeding, but the blood still dyed the Tang Army's unique camouflage uniform red.

A squad leader who rushed across the road made various hand gestures to the friendly forces on the other end of the road. He was calling for artillery support, and what he was making was the approximate coordinates of the enemy troops.

"Boom! Boom!" Soon, the Tang Army's mortar shells began to land. The first few shells landed behind the ruins of the defense line stationed by the Dahua Army. However, as time went by, several more shells followed.

It fell on the defense line of Dahua troops.

But unfortunately, the shells that fell immediately fell on the road, which also blocked the Tang army's continued attack.

"Damn it! The impact points are so widely scattered, haven't they ever fired mortars?" The squad leader of the Tang Army, holding his helmet, was so frightened by his own shells that he almost peed his pants, yelled.

He had just been hit by a "cross-fire" from a friendly artillery shell behind him. If the opponent's accuracy was any more exaggerated, it would have "sinked" the seven or eight brothers who were rushing across the road.

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Braving the artillery fire and smoke, the squad leader had to stand up and make gestures as conspicuously as possible to allow the artillery support behind him to fire more accurately.

From the starting position of the Tang Army, the squad leader stood up with his back to the enemy, without any cover, waving his hands like a madman preparing to commit suicide.

After the second round of shelling, the Tang Army's mortar shells landed at a much more reliable position. Most of the shells landed on the Dahua garrison's position, causing the area to be filled with smoke, and the gunfire seemed to have stopped for a while.

The squad leader who stood up and gestured was also lucky not to be hit by the bullet. He gestured for a long time. When Dahua's soldiers reacted and fired at him, the bullets all avoided the warrior.

Therefore, on a bloody battlefield, the lunatic who risks his life may not necessarily die first, and the coward hiding in the corner may not live a long life.

Everything depends on whether God wants you to continue to live. If he doesn't want to, even if you are hiding in the most secluded underground bunker, you may be sent away by a missed cannonball...

Another group of Tang soldiers rushed across the road over the corpse lying in the middle of the road. After these Tang soldiers arrived, the Dahua troops began to feel a little unable to hold on.

The density of their close-range firepower was really overwhelming. After being suppressed, it was easy for the Tang army to get closer, and they were eventually killed by grenades thrown at them.

This was the scene in front of them. The grenadier assaulters of the Tang Army crawled forward despite the hail of bullets and gradually approached the ruined defense line of the Dahua Army. Then they took out grenades and gave them a big gift.

After an explosion, dozens of Tang Army soldiers rushed across the road. They began to climb the ruins under the cover of machine guns, and gradually drove the Dahua defenders off the commanding heights.

Having lost the commanding heights, Dahua's soldiers immediately became disorganized. They began to retreat, and then routed uncontrollably.

The Tang army began to fire from behind them, killing those Dahua soldiers who tried to escape. These Dahua defenders, who originally had many people, died one by one on the way to the rout.

The road seemed to have become safe. The 2nd Company of the Tang Army began to detour along the road to the other side. A passing military doctor stood next to the corpse in the middle of the road and looked at it. After discovering that the person who had been shot was no longer saved, he ran forward.

He took two steps and caught up with his large army.

"Boom!" A large-caliber artillery shell fell and landed on a pile of rubble on the side of the road. The huge explosion blew away the stones and soil, and the earth trembled with the loud noise.

That was the 150mm caliber howitzer of the Dahua army. It was obvious that the opponent wanted to support their own troops, but the Tang army had already driven away the Dahua defenders in the ruins, and the opponent's artillery fire fell behind the attacking Tang army.

However, several large-caliber artillery shells soon landed in the factory area where the Tang Army's camp headquarters was located. Apparently, the shooting parameters in the hands of the Dahua Artillery Corps included the suburban factory occupied by the Tang Army.

It was a pity that after seven or eight shells fell, the other side stopped the bombardment - because it was already dawn, the engine sound of the Tang Army's dive bombers began to echo over the entire Fengjiang City.

Hundreds of Stuka dive bombers began their work today carrying a type of bomb that the Chinese Empire had never seen before.

This kind of weapon can definitely be described as cruel to the Dahua soldiers stationed in Fengjiang City.

The chemical factory of the Datang Group provided the Tang Army with a large amount of fresh and expensive chemical preparations. Among these chemical preparations was a substance that could be used to make illumination bombs and smoke bombs.

Yes, the Tang Air Force began to equip white phosphorus bombs, preparing to use this terrifying weapon to surprise the Dahua troops: the emergence of new weapons often kills countless people, and this time is no exception.

Stuka dive bombers with various warning slogans and special-colored white phosphorus bombs roared down from the sky, and then smashed these special bombs on the heads of the Dahua defenders.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying scene appeared. Thick white smoke filled the sky over the battlefield, as if everything was burning and smoking. The air was filled with a suffocating smell, mixed with the blazing high temperature, and torture.

Holding everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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