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813 Four Marshals

While the world was still popularizing all kinds of trucks, Datang Group built a different vehicle factory in Xicong.

This factory specializes in producing a type of vehicle called a special vehicle. It has a sturdy appearance and strong power. It usually has more than eight wheels and is full of intimidation.

Similar vehicles have special purposes, so they are called special vehicles. The first batch of such vehicles were tailor-made for Scud missiles.

Some chassis of the same type are used as Scud missile launch vehicles, while others are used as injection vehicles for liquid launch fuel.

In short, the Tang Empire began mass production of the world's first tactical ballistic missile. And it was a very mature model with a high degree of completion.

The main reason for choosing liquid fuel is that solid fuel is immature and expensive. In addition, Tang Mo is also considering the possibility of selling this weapon in the future.

Surface-to-surface missiles with a range of 300 kilometers actually have no impact. Especially for military powers, missiles that need to be filled with liquid fuel before launch are not a huge threat.

Tang Mo doesn't mind selling this missile to countries like the Nanla Empire and Susus Empire, but they have no way to fly this missile across the endless sea to the mainland of the Tang Empire.

However, before selling this weapon, Tang Mo will also conduct a risk assessment. After all, this weapon has been involved in many high-tech fields, so you must be cautious before selling.

The Tang State's new weapons are far more than just Scud ballistic missiles. The engines of the legendary jet aircraft are also being tested in secret. There is absolutely no doubt about the advancement of the Tang State Air Force.

Tang Mo knew that once there was a problem with air supremacy, he would fall into passivity: Tang State's own research and development of air defense weapons was lagging behind. This was because Tang State had a trustworthy air force.

If there is an opponent that the air force cannot solve, then the gap in ground air defense will become the Tang Army's fatal weakness and be exploited by the opponent.

During World War II, Tang Mo did not want to repeat the tragedy of Germany equipping nearly 100,000 anti-aircraft guns of various models and calibers.

In addition to jet engines, various new types of radars are also being equipped with troops. This application of radio beams will be very important in the foreseeable future, and there is no reason to stop development.

In short, Tang Mo is working hard to piece together every piece of the puzzle, trying to combine these scattered technologies in the future to complete the leap to informatization.

At the same time, the industry itself, which had been fostered by robbing the seedlings, was also laying a solid foundation under Tang Mo's deliberate efforts. This thing cannot be lazy. You can only go through it step by step in order to grasp its essence and accumulate experience for further development.

Some things can be solved with just a drawing, while some experiences require workers to fail experiments again and again.

This is the truth that Tang Mo summed up in the process of practice, and it is also one of the important reasons why Tang's technology has always been able to crush other countries.

Harry and his wife, who had been presiding over the work on Long Island, were ordered to go to East Bay. Dino, who had been busy in Chang'an City, was sent to Long Island.

As one of Tang Mo's three early apprentices, Dino has always had a dream to join the army. But contrary to his wishes, he has been presiding over civil affairs work and has no experience in leading soldiers so far.

Now he is almost resigned to his fate: the most he can do in the army is to become a colonel and a staff officer, and it is not as practical as being an honest mayor.

This is a normal personnel transfer, and it is also a kind of protection for officials: always serving in the same place can easily lead to corruption and ruin an otherwise good official.

Therefore, officials in the Tang Dynasty were often transferred, and from a structural point of view, a large number of senior Chinese officials began to appear.

This is also determined by the population base: since the founding of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Continent, Chinese have been the absolute majority. Nowadays, not only Li Ao but also Nangong Hong are among the top leaders. There are also Qian Jinhang, Feng Kezhi, Bai Fei and Lu Qianshan in the military.

of generals.

A large number of middle-level management cadres had to be appointed Chinese. Officials with dark eyes and black hair abounded. The Datang Group team brought from Bunas was increasingly declining.

Although most of the top leaders of the Tang Empire are still old people from the Bunas faction, as time goes by, this structure will soon change.

Nowadays, many Chinese have appeared in the governors of various cities; in the army, Chinese have gradually begun to appear as division commanders, and regimental commanders can be found everywhere.

This is especially true at the grassroots level. More than 95% of the Tang army are already locally recruited Chinese. The population brought from Bunas has now been drowned in the sea of ​​​​people.

Under such circumstances, Tang Mo was promoted to four imperial marshals in one breath, and these four marshals were all old men brought from Bunas. They were Field Marshals Tiger, Loew, Redman, and

There was Admiral Bernard. At the same time, several generals were promoted to admirals: including Strauss and Burton.

Because the Air Force was born only a short time ago, there is no marshal for the time being, but the only Air Force General is Brahim, who was also brought out from Bunas.

The empire's financial department is still controlled by Princess Alice, and Fancoms of the Imperial Bank and Simone of the Ministry of Finance are also old comrades who have followed Tang Mo for a long time.

The internal affairs department of the empire is still controlled by Princess Youlin. The other head of the intelligence department, the bartender, and Tang Mo's personal bodyguard Weiss are also people who have been with Tang Mo since the Bunas era.

Not to mention Prime Minister Roger, Matthews and Parker of the industrial department, Harry, the manager of the Datang Group, and four-fifths of the important ministers of the Datang Empire are still the so-called "old people from the dormitory", or "outsiders".


This is obviously sending a signal that His Majesty the Emperor has not forgotten his ministers from the Dragon. Those old people who have followed His Majesty the Emperor all the way to war early on are still the backbone of this empire.

However, everyone can see that the localization of the Tang Empire is unstoppable, and more Chinese have emerged and hold important positions in important positions.

Stimulated by the new system, these dark-eyed and black-haired Chinese showed their outstanding qualities of intelligence and hard work.

They are studious and full of wisdom, willing to be exposed to new things, and make up for the disadvantage of being late with an almost crazy diligence.

Although they were not exposed to advanced technology as early as their predecessors from Bunas, they learned very quickly.

Today, many technical departments have begun to have a large number of Chinese technicians. Many of them have even caught up with their teachers in technology and directly competed with their teachers for the position of chief engineer.

Competition has emerged, and cracks have even begun to appear in some places. However, around Tang Mo, the powerful founding emperor, no one dared to openly clamor for division.

After all, the current military bosses are all Tang Mo's true loyalists. Each of the four people who have just received the marshal's scepter dares to die for His Majesty the Emperor.

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