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Chapter 82: Chapter 82

Chapter 82 82 Go all out

The Kingdom of Susas is actually not as refined as the Kingdom of Leyte, because the king of the Kingdom of Susas is not as wise (yin) and wise (xian) as the king of the Kingdom of Leyte.

This is a careless country that was founded by force but has become somewhat nondescript due to decadence. From how easily the Cyric Consortium can persuade them to send troops to Beiling, we can see a series of problems in this kingdom itself.

Fortunately, there are some good generals in this country, such as Count Tucci, who had a close relationship with Count Fisherow, and Duke Momba, the prime minister of the Kingdom of Sussus.

Tang Mo didn't know much about the Kingdom of Susas, so he cherished the information he got from John. Regarding Tang Mo's new friend, John showed a certain degree of knowledge.

He talked about the lax armaments in the northern ports of Susas, and also said that the Kingdom of Sussus was indeed sending more troops to the south, which was a very dangerous signal.

Because John's information came from about a year ago, this also means that the Kingdom of Susas actually started preparing for war a year ago.

From this point of view, it is obvious that the Kingdom of Susus is more fully prepared for war, and with the financial and arms support of Cyric, this war is obviously beneficial to Susus.

Of course, if Tang Mo, a time traveler with a golden finger, hadn't arrived, the matter would probably have ended with Count Fischerot's bitter defeat.

But now that Tang Mo has arrived, bringing with him his advanced needle gun, the outcome of the war seems to have changed quietly and unknowingly.

"Actually, before I met you, I didn't think Count Fischerot had a chance of winning." John did not shy away from Alice, but said bluntly to Tang Mo: "The Kingdom of Susas has been preparing for more than a year.

, there will be no variables in the outcome of the war."

"Even if Count Fischereau uses his troops like a god, he won't be able to hold out for long in front of three times more enemy troops." He shook his head, and then continued: "However, after I got to know you, I saw your weapons.

Afterwards, I felt that if Count Fischereau was as skilled in military warfare as he was said to be, then Beiling might be the winner of this war."

"You can meet Tang Mo, or your father can meet Tang Mo. This may be your only chance in this year." He looked at Alice and smiled: "Cherish this only variable.

, without Mr. Tang Mo, Beiling would definitely lose."

"Since he has sold the K1 gun to you, I don't have to hide anything. You know how powerful the weapon in my hand is, and now Beiling has a chance to win!" Alice stared at John with a pair of beautiful eyes.

, not to be outdone.

"It's too early to say that you have a chance of victory! Miss Alice! No one can say for sure what will happen on the battlefield." John shrugged: "Tang Mo's K1 gun only pulled you back from the cliff.

.Now this war can finally be said to have a winner or a loser, rather than the winner being decided..."

"I really hope that we can decide the outcome of the war at the dinner table, but unfortunately, I can't do it yet." Tang Mo played with the fork in his hand, looked at the two of them and said, "However, as a bet,

Disciple, I have decided to put my chips on Count Fischereau’s side.”

As he spoke, he looked at Alice: "I hope Miss Alice and Lord Fisherlot will not disappoint me."

"Don't worry! My father will defeat those idiots in the Kingdom of Susas!" Alice gritted her silver teeth and finally looked at Tang Mo to finish the sentence.

"I think it's time to finish the dinner!" John was anxious to go back to raise funds and hand over the ship, so he wanted to leave halfway through the meal.

He glanced at the captain standing next to him, then apologized to Tang Mo, stood up, and said goodbye with a smile: "It's getting late, so I won't disturb you two. I'll let you go later."

My people brought the collected treasures."

He raised the contract he signed before eating and took a step back: "Thank you for the hospitality. I hope that my goods will be delivered to the dock on time in three days."

"Of course!" Tang Mo also stood up and greeted, "How are you doing? Do you need me to see you off?"

"No need, let me borrow your carriage, and I will have it brought back later. Goodbye." John was polite, bowed slightly, and then left the shack with the elf captain.

Alice, who was on the side, turned red inexplicably when she heard John's words, "I won't bother you two anymore."

"Scoundrel!" She gritted her teeth and cursed the departing John in a voice that only she could hear. Her language was extremely vicious: "I curse, curse you, a bastard, to have no heirs in this life! Bastard! Bastard!


"Miss Alice, what are you mumbling about?" Tang Mo watched his chief customer John leave, turned around and looked at Alice again, and asked with concern.

"No, it's nothing..." Alice panicked immediately after hearing Tang Mo's question, shook her head and looked at the toes of her shoes.

She just glanced subconsciously and noticed that Tang Mo was wearing something that seemed to be rare today. It was very decent and made Tang Mo's figure look very slim.

"It's inexplicable..." Tang Mo glanced at the absent-minded Alice, then at Tiger beside him, and said, "Miss Alice has just come here, so she may not be used to it. You take her around, I'll wait for you."

I also need to take care of the elf’s belongings, and wait until Miss Alice has adjusted to her condition before bringing her to my room.”

"Understood! Sir." Tiger nodded slightly, and then watched Tang Mo leave. To be honest, Alice ate the meal absentmindedly, and there was only a lot of beef left on her plate.

Alice was like a frightened little animal. After Tang Mo had left for a long time and many workers entered the corner of the shack and started eating, she raised her head and adjusted herself.

She touched her cheek and felt a slightly abnormal temperature. When the temperature warmed her little hands, she raised her head, feeling a little confused.

After so many years, there have been many people pursuing her. However, those real children of aristocratic families and well-matched direct descendants of nobles have actually maintained a seemingly non-existent distance from her.

She is not stupid, and is very smart, so she knows that she may not marry a happy man like other earls' daughters.

She has been looking for her significant other in Beiling. Most of the time, she has accepted her fate, thinking that she is likely to marry a young officer, and then control the Wolf Flag as the Countess of Beiling.

Father's family business.

She didn't hate this ending, but as she grew older, the pressure on her shoulders increased. In the past year or so, the war was about to break out. She married an officer under her father and then inherited

The dream of starting a family business seemed to be shattered.

Even with the most optimistic guess, Alice knew that she would be given as a trophy to a Sussus noble who took over North Ridge, or she would simply die inexplicably in a certain room in Wolf City.

However, when she saw Tang Mo's K1 gun, saw the revolver, and saw a smile on her father's frowning face, she suddenly felt hopeful.

A prince charming, with an artifact that could change the Luoning family, appeared out of thin air and appeared in her life.

She felt that this was God's will, or... this might be her last chance to escape her fate.

Compared to marrying those second-generation ancestors, or marrying a stupid officer to continue to control the family business, or being given to someone as a trophy and strangled to death in a dark corner... It seems that the one in front of me is a bit handsome.

Men are not bad either...

"Miss..." Tiger looked at Alice, who had been sitting there as if thinking about something since Tang Mo left, and finally couldn't help but remind her. Suddenly, Alice raised her head and said

Tiger was startled.

"I'm fine! I was just...just thinking...thinking about how to negotiate with Mr. Tang Mo and get him to agree to Beiling's conditions..." Alice lied to cover up her embarrassment, and then stood up.

He looked in the direction of Tang Mo: "Take me to him!"

When she said this, Alice looked as if she was about to die. She straightened her clothes, which were not messy, and when she was brushing the buttons, she realized that her hands were shaking slightly because of nervousness.

"I'm doing this for Beiling..." Even she herself didn't believe this excuse, but she still used it in her mind to try to convince herself.

"I said... Miss... are you feeling uncomfortable..." Tiger looked at Alice who looked a little strange and asked kindly.

Alice was like a frightened rabbit, quickly shaking her head and denying: "No, I'm fine! I, I'm just a little, a little nervous."

"Nervous?" Tiger was even more surprised. According to his memory, Alice, as the only daughter of an earl, had never been nervous when discussing business outside.

Having been guessed, Alice took a deep breath and walked towards the building not far away with her chin held high as if she was breathing out her breath.

But when she walked to the door, she began to feel nervous again involuntarily. Tiger, who was following her, and the old housekeeper all saw Alice's hesitation.

"Miss, why don't we do it tomorrow..." the old housekeeper thought about it and suggested.

"No need!" Alice bit her lip, and then deliberately warned: "Tiger, stay here, no one...well, no one, don't let in!"

Then, finally... Alice, who hesitated at Tang Mo's door for a few minutes, finally gritted her teeth and knocked on Tang Mo's door. "In the worst case, it's like being bitten by a dog! I'll fight for it!"

(End of chapter)

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