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864 Difficult intelligence work

The Intelligence Bureau has a lot of work, and there are countless tasks to be done every day. At this time, it is really beyond his ability to divide a group of people to keep an eye on such an organization.

There is simply no way around this: there is really too much intelligence in the Tang Empire, and various countries have stationed a large number of spies here. No matter how vigilant the intelligence agencies are, they cannot be foolproof.

In fact, rather than saying it is foolproof, it is better to say that there are very few successful cases that can actually prevent the opponent's actions.

In fact, this is a very interesting probability question: the probability that the spy agents deployed by various countries in the Tang Kingdom can complete their tasks is not high, which directly leads to the lower detection rate of the Tang Empire's intelligence department.

In other words, the information found by intelligence personnel from various countries was worthless and had almost no interception value, so the Tang Empire simply ignored this part of the fight.

Because the value of the information obtained is low, stealing this information is relatively covert, and there is little risk of exposure—so it is difficult to catch.

Why did this happen? Because there was too much intelligence in the Tang Empire, and you could just find a few worthless pieces of information to get the job done. This led to the inefficiency of intelligence agencies from other countries stealing secrets within the territory of the Tang Empire.


For example: Someone can steal the steel model formula of the engine parts of the Tang Empire's C-47 transport aircraft to the Dorne Empire. This is already a very valuable thing in the eyes of the Dorne Empire. But in fact, this kind of

The secret level of the formula is actually very low in the Tang Empire, so you can get it without much risk.

This kind of intelligence is not important in the Datang Empire, but it can actually improve the technical level of other countries. This is the most frustrating part of the Datang Empire’s intelligence department: even if they expand the scale ten times, they may not be able to

I have no energy to look at the tile formula and fragrance formula...

What's more, in order to achieve the goal of enriching the people, Datang Group is frantically and systematically spreading its technology outwards.

It’s not that these technologies can no longer make money, on the contrary, they can still make a lot of money. However, Datang Group just diffused these technologies and abandoned them like worn out shoes.

Just find a businessman who likes it and ask you directly if you want some advanced technology in your industry. As long as you have money, you can take the relevant technology and expand your production tenfold or a hundredfold.

It is precisely because of such unstinting technology diffusion that you can kill people like rivers of blood and be admired by thousands of people at the same time: everyone alive is following you to make a fortune, how can they not support you?

But in this massive technological diffusion, some secrets will always be lost accidentally - there is really no way around it.

Those forces that have obtained these core secrets will immediately gain competitiveness in related fields, but they all know to avoid the scope of the Tang Empire.

This is a wise form of self-protection, and it is also an important reason why the Tang Empire still acquiesces to the existence of these thieves.

It's like facing a whole final exam paper, there is a cute student who only copied the first question and the answer and left happily. The teacher may not have the heart to criticize him...

Another reason for the diffusion of technology is actually to buy people's hearts: the international image of the Tang Empire and the public opinion position for external propaganda are all supported by favors.

If you don't spend some real money to let people in other countries see how good you are, how can they agree with your views and listen to your ideas?

If someone hadn’t been paid five times the local average salary in a foreign company, if someone hadn’t made a fortune in a foreign country, if it hadn’t been for the benefit of using advanced foreign technology...who would believe the rhetoric of foreigners who are self-inflicted?

It is precisely because some people have made money, some have eaten sweets, and some have seen benefits that they will willingly become pawns and defenders of the world's lighthouse, the Datang Empire.

Why was this method so successful back then? Because in those days, earning US dollars, marrying a lovely wife, living in a mansion, driving a fancy car, and living a life of being a master, if anyone questioned it, the person concerned would just say one arrogant sentence to render the other party speechless: "Say

My father is not good, do you have these?"

But nowadays, with the development of the economy, foreign fathers can no longer give so much. Those traitors who forget their ancestors and lead the party can no longer live a life of superiority, so their words are naturally unconvincing.

But after all, giving money and benefits is vulgar, because truly noble people will not be bribed by these things. But money and beauty are weapons that can conquer most people.

Those who talk about lofty ideals are worthy of admiration, but it is precisely because they are rare that they are precious. How to feed and clothe these people with ideals is an unshirkable responsibility of a ruler. You cannot blindly let people donate.

Good people shouldn't have guns pointed at them either.

Therefore, at a time when nobles and rulers in other countries are unwilling to lead the people under their rule to become rich, it can benefit all living beings and allow the whole world to enjoy the dividends brought by the rise of the Tang Empire. It is also a soft expansion of the Tang Empire.

a part of.

The nobles who scolded the Tang State for occupying your daughter-in-law, taking away your house, and seizing your fields. But the Tang State helped you build bridges and pave roads, build you a house, and help you lower the price of fertilizers... After comparison, who is better?

Make a judgment.

The war of public opinion set off in conjunction with the economic offensive is the most terrifying thing. It is an invisible nuclear bomb used by strong countries to crush weak countries. It can destroy the ridges of the nation, block the mouthpiece of the nation, play with the feelings of the nation, and then

Enslave this nation!

What makes Tang Mo better than the Lighthouse Country is that he has a good teacher like Hua Xia! When Tang State launched this invisible war, his ultimate goal was not to enslave and exploit, but to save. Because his intentions were lofty.

Countless times, so he is already invincible in this war!

As for those spies who really want the core technology of the Tang Dynasty, or even try to obtain the advanced technology being developed by the Tang Empire, the end will be much more tragic.

Because if you want to have access to such core secrets, you need a certain identity and a certain amount of knowledge. The resumes of these people are all lying in the archives of the Ministry of the Interior, and there cannot be any omissions.

Those technical backbones who may come into contact with personnel from other countries actually have special monitoring. Who do they meet every day, what do they say to others, and how many drawings they read in the office. Is it possible to bring these documents and drawings back?

Every home... has a dedicated person checking it.

As for there really being high-risk people who have access to core secrets and are in serious danger of leaking them - such people are definitely rare, and they are basically bait placed outside by the Tang intelligence department.

Anyone who has had contact with them will be monitored, and if there is even the slightest sign of trouble, they will be arrested and interrogated. This is how the intelligence agency improves the detection rate and catches foreign spies.

The core secrets of the Tang Empire, whoever peeks will die! Intelligence personnel from other countries who have long been accustomed to such an axiom are actually no longer interested in the so-called secrets of the Tang Empire.

They have even summed up a self-protection formula: If someone tells you that he has a way to get confidential documents or core data that sounds very important at first glance, it is because the intelligence department of the Tang Empire is fishing for law enforcement!

The more tempting it sounds, the more dangerous it is. Even if you really get the relevant information, you can't get out of the Tang Empire - even, you can't get out of the room where you made the transaction with the other party...

Over time, everyone has figured out the rules: take some information that the Tang Empire is unwilling to control, send it back and ask for funds, and then live a good life in the Datang Empire. This is the only way for them, foreign intelligence officers, to survive.

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