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879The less people know, the happier they are

In the increasingly frequent and large-scale trade, the rulers of the Orc Empire found that they themselves also had very serious problems.

The previous tribal system seemed too sloppy and primitive in the face of such trade and exchange. They gradually began to find that they could no longer control the situation.

The life of the orc tribe near the southern Shu Kingdom is getting better and better, and they can obtain a large amount of trade profits by virtue of their geographical advantages.

Food that the orc empire could not even imagine in the past was transported to these tribes for sale, and these tribes quickly learned from human merchants how to increase prices and continue selling north.

These orc tribes became the compradors of human merchants, and then quickly rose to become the beneficiaries of the small number of people in the orc empire who became rich first.

But the problem is that the Orc Empire has no ability to restrain these tribes. Their management is so loose that each of these grassroots tribes are like independent small countries.

Datang Group does not care about the problems that arise within the Orc Empire. They are just selling everything that is outdated to the Orc Empire to make profits.

The only things the Orc Empire can get away with are gold, silver, gems and the like.

Regrettably, these things happen to be produced by the orc tribes in the north: This creates an interesting phenomenon. The orcs in the south have the geographical advantage to trade with humans, but the orcs in the north are the producers of orc trade goods.

As a result, a north-south trade war broke out within the Orc Empire. The southern orcs increased the prices of food, weapons, equipment, and parts in an attempt to harvest the leeks of the northern orcs. However, the northern orcs in turn began to increase the prices of gold and silver, so that the southern orcs had to use

More supplies are exchanged.

Originally, the orcs in the south had an absolute advantage in this kind of confrontation. They could temporarily do without precious metals and gems, but the orcs in the north could not do without hard currency such as food.

But the crux of the problem is: Shu's trade channels only accept precious metals such as gold, and the purchase prices do not fluctuate much.

This, in turn, stuck in the neck of the southern orcs: no matter how much money they spent to purchase the materials, they could only exchange them for food materials at the price given by humans. In turn, they had to sell these materials to the northern orcs at a higher price, and then they were

The northern orcs used gold to kill them, and in turn used their own money to continue purchasing human supplies at the original price.

In addition to the increasingly serious confrontation between the north and south orcs, the top brass of the orc empire wanted to increase control over each tribe, which also caused a confrontation between the region and the top brass of the orc empire.

The leaders of each tribe do not want the empire to interfere in their affairs, but they all hope to receive the food and material subsidies provided by the empire.

Loose management prevented the Orc Empire from mobilizing as a whole, and thus prevented its troops from fully improving their combat effectiveness.

In the past, when the empire launched wars, its troops were warriors recruited from various tribes. Each tribe had to send warriors in proportion to its population, as if it were a kind of human sacrifice.

But now, wealthy tribes have begun to raise objections. They believe that the number of people is no longer a fair way to measure the contribution of tribes in sending troops.

Those tribes that have gold mines in their control areas or can trade have spare money to improve their weapons and equipment. For them, weapons and equipment also have to settle accounts.

Could it be that someone else provides 40 infantrymen, you provide 40 truck drivers, and then provide 20 additional trucks? Then this is too unfair! Trucks are not money? The same is true for artillery, and even artillery shells have to be accounted for.


Because after so many years, there is no way to win on the battlefield, and no one has considered the "result distribution method". Those who put in more effort do not get more rewards, so for the tribes who put in more effort, the system itself is unfair.

Modern warfare does not allow the Orc Empire to play the trick of only producing infantry, so the well-equipped tribes began to clamor for a cost-effective system: a truck can carry at least 30 people, right? If our village provides a truck, there is no need to provide

Is it someone else?

Similar things happen every day in the orc empire, and the orc chiefs and high priests are also very worried.

Even because there was enough food and the target of population decline was achieved ahead of schedule, the Orc Empire canceled the Tang Dynasty's 3-year offensive plan on the Western Wall of Qin for the first time.

However, even if they stopped their attack plan, the war near the Steel Fist Fortress still did not stop. Qin's slave hunting teams were one after another, and the battle between the two sides near the Steel Fist Fortress even escalated.

In the past, the orcs' attack was nothing more than investing some troops to attack Qin's defense line. Now both sides invested a lot of artillery and used aircraft, making the battle many times more brutal.

Qin's Gale 1 fighter jets often appeared in two formations to hunt down the Ork aircraft that took off for reconnaissance and correction of artillery fire. After the Orcs obtained some anti-aircraft guns, they began to cover their own aircraft. The two sides fought effectively in the air.

It went back and forth, and the scene looked pretty good.

But after all, this kind of petty fighting has become outdated. The senior officials of the Qin State, who have seen big scenes, have always dreamed that one day they can have a huge air fleet like the Tang Empire.

The Qin State, which had already accumulated some experience, saw that all the countries in the Eastern Continent were frantically purchasing aircraft designed by the Tang State, and became a little tempted.

Then they also spent tens of millions of gold coins and begged the Tang Empire to "tailor-make" the DO-17 bomber for their country.

This kind of aircraft, which originally belonged to San Dezi, was sold to the Qin State by Tang Mo, which was regarded as a complete separation from the Yangmu Empire that purchased the He-111 bomber.

However, because Qin only purchased designs and related technologies, it will take some time for them to set up their own production line and equip the DO-17 bombers.

During this period, the Orc Empire, which had spent money to purchase the Cyric 2 low-wing monoplane fighter previously designed and produced by Cyric, could still support it in the air.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After Qin’s bombers enter service, Qin, which has advantages in both speed and altitude, will almost have no risk in bombing the Orc Empire.


At that time, whether the Orks purchased more advanced fighter jets or more anti-aircraft guns, it all depended on what these ugly guys were thinking.

Interestingly, the Mirage Kingdom, which has been secretly developing its navy and trying to regain control of the northern part of the Endless Sea, finally got over the shadow of two consecutive defeats in the war and purchased a set of design drawings for a new bomber from the Tang Empire.

The blueprints provided by Emperor Tang Mo of the Tang Dynasty, who was full of bad taste, to the Mirage Kingdom were of a thing called the Type 97 land attack aircraft.

As for the performance of this bomber, it is actually not much better than the bombers purchased by various countries. After all, they are all products of the earth's civilization in the 1930s, and overall they are at a similar level.

But for Tang Mo personally, this bomber named Type 96 is filled with too many personal feelings - all countries that use this type of weapon have been recorded in a small notebook by Tang Mo...

Back to the Orc Empire: Unable to strengthen local control, the top brass of the Orc Empire had to veto the proposal to build a railway within their own country.

This was also their helpless choice: even though they knew that the construction of the railway would facilitate their control of local tribes, they still did not dare to do so.

Rather than controlling the less obedient tribes, the Beast King is more worried that humans will suddenly launch an attack on the Orc Empire in the future: driving straight in along the railway built by the Orcs themselves, which will cause the Orc Empire to collapse immediately.

The Beast King, who had carefully studied the rise of the Tang Empire, noticed a detail that other countries had not noticed, or had no choice but to pretend to be stupid if they did: the better the roads were built, the more the attackers could rely on these roads to advance quickly.

For the Orc Empire, this kind of advancement is even more fatal: their cities and settlements rely heavily on water sources, so they are basically distributed along rivers. If they are connected by roads, it is equivalent to destroying the Orc Empire.

The best parts are packed together and waiting for others to pick them up.

Therefore, the Beast King prefers to continue to lag behind in terms of transportation, in order to increase the difficulty of trying to attack the Beastman Empire.

In this way, there will never be a terrible situation where the enemy drives straight along the communication line and cannot be stopped after losing a city on the border.

However, such a decision, in turn, did restrict the transportation development of the Orc Empire, and also affected the circulation speed of goods within the Orc Empire.

With the introduction of wireless telegraphy, the connection between the top and grassroots levels of the Orc Empire has become a little closer than before, but this speed of progress obviously cannot keep up with the development of other parts of the world.

The Orc Empire, which has its own national conditions, is still adapting to the changes in the world little by little, but what they don't know is that in the distant Tang Empire, something has appeared that can subvert their perceptions.

Someone has said that in this world, the less people know, the happier they are... For orcs, this is absolutely correct.

Because if they knew that while they were still worrying about repairing a biplane, someone was already flying the plane faster than the speed of sound, they would definitely be very troubled.

If the orcs knew that many countries were frantically building bomber groups that were faster than their fighter jets, they probably wouldn't be in a good mood.

If the orcs knew that the powerful 130 mm caliber howitzer they thought was an outdated product of Cyric and that the technology it used was already more than ten years old, they would not be as happy as they are now.

If they knew that the Tang Empire already had ballistic missiles capable of attacking 2,000 kilometers away, and that they could easily attack the Imperial Court of the Orc Empire by deploying them behind Qin's Western Wall... they would probably cry.


There is one more update to make up for yesterday's update. You can watch it tomorrow morning. In February, Longling made up a total of 8 updates, and still owes you 12 updates. In March, it will continue to make up...

This chapter has been completed!
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