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The first thousand one hundred and twenty-four chapters prepare for war

It took a while for Xia Lulu to explain the current situation clearly. Nadi and the elders of the cat tribe who had just arrived were confused. How could they sink a floating island with just one blow?

Like, are you sure you're not telling a story?

The only person who has always believed in Xia Lulu is Queen Xia Gete. Because she believes in her ability to predict death, she has never made any mistakes at least until now. And the situation she predicts now should be the demon that Xia Lulu mentioned, Lin.

Dayton thing.

"In short, it seems that his next destination is here. There is no time now. Her Majesty, please take all the people and leave quickly." Xia Lulu said.

"Leave...?" Queen Xagat thought for a moment, lowered her head and said, "If what you said is true, then the world will be destroyed. Where will we go?"

"I... maybe we can go to Asland." Xia Lulu thought for a while and said suddenly.

"But...will the people agree?" Shaggart said tangledly.

They still know a little bit about the situation in Asland, but there is no cat tribe there. It is obvious that the cats will not continue to become gods when they get there, so will the people agree to leave? Besides, there is no place here.

Their hometown, who would want to leave their hometown?

If she were a decisive king, she would definitely make a decision immediately at this time, but Xia Gete is not. She is not even a qualified king. She got to this position by sneaking out. She herself is not that high.

Enlightenment. Faced with such a problem at this time, Shaget was hesitant and entangled.

"How about we find those humans to protect us." Suddenly an elder of the cat tribe said, "You see, the problem we have to face now is not a problem for our tribe, but a problem for the entire continent, and the human race is also threatened.

Right, and this matter was originally caused by their king, so they should be responsible."

"I think we can cooperate with the human race." Another elder next to him said, "We will also send our own troops to join the human race troops. We will definitely be able to withstand this threat."

"No... confrontation is useless." Xia Lulu said immediately, "This human named Linton is not an ordinary human at all, he is simply a monster."

People who have not seen Linton's strength with their own eyes can't imagine what it was like. Although these elders heard Xia Lulu's words being exaggerated, they themselves couldn't imagine it. It was just an invasion by a somewhat powerful guy, or even

Many people feel that the alliance between the two sides is a bit exaggerated. If they unite with the humans below, it will elevate the status of these humans. Of course, they do not want to leave this home at all, nor do they want to lose their current status as gods.

I saw it and thought it wasn't a big deal, so I just thought I could deal with it casually and be done with it.

It was obvious that Xia Lulu also saw it, and said anxiously: "Believe me, that guy is really not someone who can fight by uniting the army."

Queen Shaget is still in a dilemma, not knowing what order to give. However, she has also turned to the side of the Elders. After all, the decisions she usually makes are recommended by the Elders, and she does not have much ability to manage and govern the country.

What made her make up her mind was the words of an elder next to her: "If we run away and the human troops repel that guy, will humans still support us as gods in the future?"

These words spoke to everyone's heart, and what they were most worried about was that something like this would happen. Queen Shaget was also moved by these words, but she didn't value her position, but she was worried that if something like this happened.

In this situation, will the cat people return to the time when they were oppressed by humans?

Yes, a long time ago, the cat tribe here was oppressed by humans because of their weak relationship. Until the appearance of Queen Shaget, she used her special abilities to establish the current situation. The identity of this god is Fuki.

If this halo disappears, will the previous situation reappear?

Thinking of this, Shaget made up his mind: "Let's fight together."

"It's not about fighting together." The elder next to him saw that the queen had made up her mind, and immediately began to make plans: "The humans don't know about this yet, we can tell them in the form of prophecy. Not only that, let their troops

Go up first, wait until they are all tired, and then our guards will come like a savior, so that no one can shake our position."

"That's right." The elder next to him also agreed.

"No...that guy is really not something we can resist." Xia Lulu was really anxious and shouted loudly.

"Come here, take her down." The elder looked at Xia Lulu and whispered.

"Take it with you." Queen Xagat thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Although they tried their best to stop it, Xia Lulu was still taken down. After another discussion, the cat tribe here decided to immediately send guards to contact the human tribe and organize a coalition force.

However, what these cats didn't expect was that the human race's council hall was also discussing this matter at this time, which meant that the human race already knew about it. The one who was reporting all this was naturally Erza, although she was injured

It was a bit serious, but now after simple treatment, there is no problem in reporting the situation. It's just that she obviously encountered the same problem as she said, that is, some people don't believe it.

"Casually shooting down a floating island?" Bayero, the chief of staff of the Kingdom of Edras, directly questioned, "Erza, are you sure you're not hallucinating?"

"I'm pretty sure what I saw." Erza replied.

"I do believe that Erza won't lie to others, but she accidentally knocked down an island..." Shugeboy, the captain of the Fourth Demonic War Force next to him, spread his hands, implying that he still didn't believe it.

"Okay, shut up." At this time, King Faust's voice came from the throne, and everyone immediately stopped arguing.

"A counterattack from Aslander?" Faust knocked on the armrest of the chair, "I believe Erza's report. It should be a top powerhouse from Aslander, and he has control over here.

The ability to release magic. Now we are faced with only one choice, which is to destroy these invaders."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am willing to sacrifice my life for you." Several people here said at the same time. Regardless of whether Erza's introduction was accurate or not, it was a fact that she was defeated, which meant that the enemy existed. And they could not escape.

Right, you can't accept the end of destruction, so you can only fight back with all your strength.

"Your Majesty, that guy is really not of ordinary strength. I didn't even make the other party take it seriously." Erza said, "How should we fight back?"

"Of course...magic power." Faust here said this, his expression became a little crazy, "As long as you master endless magic power, no one can be our opponent, so what we need now, Just more magic, more! More!"

Having said this, Faust turned to Chief of Staff Bairo: "Dragon Slayer, is there no news yet?"

"Not yet." Bayero replied.

"So... where is the magic crystal yesterday? Has it started to extract magic power?" Faust asked.

"Yes, it has already started, but it takes time to convert it into magic power." Bayero replied.

"It's not enough, I need more! More magic!" Faust said, "We need to collect more before the opponent comes. Dragon Slayer Mage... or..."

Just as he was talking, a soldier shouted a report, looking a little anxious. It was obvious that there was something important. Faust let him in, and the soldier here quickly reported: "Your Majesty, Ike. The gods of Stania have arrived, saying they have a very important prophecy to convey."

"A very important prophecy?" Faust frowned.

"Yes, it's a prophecy about the fate of this world." the soldier replied.

Everyone looked at Erza at the same time. Yes, they had the same idea. Is this what they were talking about?

However, at this time, the face of King Faust suddenly changed and asked: "How many people are coming from Exstania?"

"A large group of guards, probably the Guards Division, has hundreds of gods descending upon them," the soldier replied.

"That's it." Faust suddenly laughed crazily, "Hahaha, good time, magic power... magic power... Everyone listen to my order, right now, activate the codename ETD!"

"What?" Everyone is shocked, right now? Yes, everyone present knows what this so-called ETD is. Simply put, it means launching an attack on the gods.

In fact, humans have long been unable to stand these cat tribes who are arrogant and domineering based on their status as gods. How can someone always allow people from other tribes to pull SHI on their heads, and Faust is originally a He was an ambitious king, so he had been planning to rebel against the gods a long time ago.

Of course, they still have concerns. After all, the opponent is a god. If they want to deal with them, whether they are strong enough is a big problem. But after Faust successfully activated Anima to absorb the magic power of another world, his ambitions After being completely released, it was time to take action against the gods.

Although the people around were a little surprised, after all, it had been something that had been planned for a long time, and they were somewhat mentally prepared, so they immediately knelt down on one knee: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Prepare to launch!" Chief of Staff Bayero raised his cane and ordered to the soldiers next to him. Soon, some agencies in the imperial city began to operate, but the troops of the Cat Clan were still unprepared. They were coming this way, and they obviously didn't expect these inferior humans to dare to attack them.

This chapter has been completed!
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