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Chapter 1838 promotion

 "...The comprehensive evaluation is A-level and 450 contribution points are obtained..."

"YES!" Linton couldn't help but clenched his fists. He had to say that he really felt a particularly comfortable sense of accomplishment at this time. In fact, the moment he clicked on the task submit, Linton suddenly thought of a lot of things that he didn't seem to have done.

Things, such as giving a name to the new city, holding a city opening ceremony, etc., but Linton didn't know whether these would be worth extra points, or it was a bit too late to think about it. He just thought of it, but it appeared after clicking it.

When it received an A-level evaluation, Linton was completely relieved.

It was really smooth. Not only was the task A evaluated, but just as Linton thought, the contribution points were just enough to level up. It was perfect. Linton couldn't help but want to sigh, he was so awesome this time.

So beautiful.

Then came the promotion. Linton had also been redirected to the promotion page. The button was already lit, and he could upgrade if he clicked it. Linton took a breath at this time, got ready, and then clicked on it...

A tingling feeling came over him, and then his consciousness seemed to sink into darkness. Linton didn't feel any particular discomfort. After all, he was mentally prepared, so what exactly could he see this time.

The picture in front of him turned into a bright scene at some point, and a middle-aged man whom he probably didn't recognize in Linton's memory appeared in front of Linton. He looked to be in his thirties, with a slim build and good looks.

Apart from the sharp face, there was nothing special about him. He was wearing something that looked like white. Linton judged that the other person was probably a doctor? a nurse? a scientist? or some other profession. Unfortunately, the other person didn't have any nameplate on him.

Linton didn't feel any disturbance in his heart. The person in front of him probably didn't attract his attention as much as that woman, because seeing that he didn't have the feeling of "this guy is very familiar with him" at all, he still believed in himself.

This feeling.

Although he really wanted to ask who the other person was, Linton was just a spectator in his current state. Just when he was about to observe his surroundings, the man opposite spoke.

"...As you can see, no one came back. After the incident was exposed, all of us were arrested for committing 500 murders. Naturally, the laboratory was completely sealed by the higher authorities." The man lowered his head.


"Are they...dead?" It was Linton who spoke. Of course, he did not say it himself, but he asked in his memory.

"Of course not. As I said, they just can't come back, or to be more precise, they don't want to come back." The man said, "Do you know about Klein bottles?"

Linton felt that he should have nodded.

"We have discussed this situation from the beginning. It is like a Klein bottle that cannot distinguish between the inside and outside. If those people cannot distinguish between the inside and outside of the world, they are likely to be 'lost'. In order to prevent this situation

Only then will we add this 'insurance mechanism'." The man said, "The memory of the real world will slowly revive, always reminding them of what is inside and outside. However, what they didn't expect is that such insurance seems to be

It had the opposite effect.”

"Backfire?" Linton asked.

"Yeah." The other party nodded, "Now it seems that if you don't remind them, you may pull them back. And the current situation, I guess all of them should already know the truth, but make active choices

No return.”

"Everyone?" Linton asked.

"Although the announced results indicate that there is a system-level problem, I can guarantee that there is no such problem. Everything is normal. They... chose not to come back." The man said with certainty.

"I don't agree with your statement. I don't know about other people, but my mother won't..." At this point, Linton hesitated slightly.

"You're not so sure yourself, are you?" the man said, spreading his hands.

Linton, who was watching, suddenly felt an irritable mood. He must have been infected. It was obvious that "he" in the picture was also very irritable.

"Can you bypass the 'safety device' and get in?" Linton asked again at this time.

"At least, I don't know such a method." The man replied.

"Who knows?" Linton asked.

"Who knows..." The man spread his hands, "The chief engineer who has never been to the test site probably knows, but who knows if such a guy exists. As a team leader, I have never even met my superior.

Do you think it’s ridiculous? I haven’t heard of this guy being arrested, maybe he doesn’t exist at all…”

"So you don't have any information to give me?" Linton asked.

The other party was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly seemed to understand something: "I understand, just do it if you want. To be honest, I have no other choice. Rather than being locked up like this for a lifetime, it is better to get out as soon as possible."

Linton hesitated for a moment, then nodded. Suddenly there was a gunshot nearby, and a ball of blood burst out from the man's head, and he fell sideways to the ground.

Although Linton who was watching did not see the person who opened fire, he probably knew that it was "him" who gave the order. As the man fell, the memory was interrupted again. Linton clearly felt that his consciousness returned, and again

When he opened his eyes, he was still in the underground laboratory of the new city.

"How long has it been?" Linton asked directly.

"3.5 seconds." Asuna's voice answered from the side.

"..." Linton nodded slightly, walked to the chair next to him, sat down, and sorted out the information.

At present, it seems that the return of memory is not linear with time. The paragraph I just saw is probably what happened after I went to find my adoptive mother. As for the scene I saw before of myself killing the woman, it is probably

after that.

So judging from this situation, the next target I am looking for in my memory should be the chief engineer of the Pegasus Project? Then what world will I enter through him, so I am now in this so-called other world? But the question is... if I

She came here to look for her adoptive mother. She probably hasn’t found her yet. Why did she see the scene of killing her again? After which part was this paragraph inserted? The order of this paragraph made Linton a little confused.

do not understand.

Then there is the unexpected situation that the person mentioned about 500 people. Based on the previous situation, it should be the reason why the plan encountered problems and was stopped. Maybe the other party didn't mean that he couldn't distinguish the external and internal worlds, but that he knew it and didn't want to

go back.

Linton thought for a while, if the current location he was in was in the other world, and there really was nothing about this place that made him suspect that it was not real, and he couldn't tell the difference between the outside and the inside, then if this world was really fake

,can you...leave by yourself?

It is true that even I am hesitant, but I can understand the choices of those people. But if those people's situation is the same as mine, why do you have to set up a way to slowly unblock it, and don't lose your memory in the first place. But

Maybe this is the original goal of the Pegasus Project? Their goal is not to create a metaverse world or something like that, but they are planning some experiment themselves?

Linton became more and more entangled in this aspect of the matter, but he had no intention of giving up. Although he could choose not to be promoted here and just pretend to be confused, this is not Linton's style. How?

Although the choice has not yet been determined, he definitely needs to figure things out.

At present, he has understood a lot of things, but there are still many things that he does not understand, especially the situation of the woman. He is really wondering why there is such an incoherent situation, and he can only wait and continue to unlock it later.

I looked at my current job description, and it showed Captain 2, which should be the level of a second-level captain. The job description for the next level showed that the required contribution points were 10,000, which is... a lot.

Based on the calculation of getting 450 contribution points by building a city, it would take 23 cities to be built, and all of them must be A-level to complete. I have experience in building cities, but the problem is that this task is obviously impossible to be straightforward, because Linton

After receiving the mission now, the same mission has never appeared again.

As for exploration, Linton can currently get 100-150 contribution points for an exploration mission. Which means that it takes 100 exploration missions to upgrade? This seems more desperate. Of course, Linton also knows that in fact, the original 10,000 upgrade points are not

Many, this obviously requires you to use PVP tasks to farm these points, which is obviously much faster, but the problem is that you can't do it yourself.

So can you please stop missing other investigators? If the 500 people the man mentioned are the previous investigators, doesn’t that mean they are not dead? Where are the people? Come and do some PVP.

Linton, who had a high promotion contribution point, felt anxious just looking at it, and for a while he didn't know how to solve this problem.

"This mission alone will definitely not work. It seems that we have to find someone else." Linton said with a headache. He also looked at Asuna next to him, "By the way, have you made any progress in finding your master?


"There is no substantial progress at the moment. I... can probably confirm that he is no longer here." Asuna thought for a while and said.

"Don't give up so quickly. Maybe you can still find them. I'm anxious to find these people now," Linton said.

"I understand." Asuna nodded, "I won't give up."

"Speaking of which, has the fusion of the Mind Stone been completed?" Linton suddenly remembered this matter and asked.

"The body modification has been completed and is waiting for you to be fused when you are free." Asuna said, "Because the experiment in the original work was also completed through Thor's thunder and lightning. Considering safety issues, I mainly used the method in the original work.


"Then what are you waiting for? Do it now." Linton said immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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