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Chapter 969 Bat

"Do things like this happen every day?" Linton in the car said, pointing to the huge bat flying in the sky.

"It is true that there have been more and more incidents recently..." Jiye here answered subconsciously, and then suddenly realized something was wrong, "Wait! Why are you still here?"

"Uh... you're asking, can I just jump out of the car if I'm not here?" Linton said, spreading his hands.

Jiye had a headache. No matter what Linton's identity was, it would be bad to take Linton with him when he was on a mission. Previously, when he was taking on a mission, he simply forgot that there was someone else in his car. "Wait a minute."

Wait, you heard it, right? We have a mission later, and we’ll talk about the confession later. You get off the bus at the intersection in front of us."

"There seems to be a person on top of that bat," Linton said suddenly.

"What?" Himeno's attention was directly attracted and he looked towards the sky, but the car was a little unstable, "Arai, drive more slowly!"

"Senior, I'm working hard." Arai here was really panicked. After all, it was his first day on the job and he was still racing in the city. He had no such experience.

"It does look like a person." Ji Ye took a closer look and found that the bat monster's feet really seemed to be holding a person, but it was indeed a bit far away, so it was difficult to see it now.

"Himeno-senpai, ahead!" Arai suddenly shouted at this time. Himeno looked around and found that the car in front of him had stopped. Yes, it looked like a big traffic jam. All the vehicles in front were jammed together. Of course, there was no way.

Move on.

The police car braked suddenly and stopped directly in the middle of the road. Jiye slapped the car door: "Go back..."

Before he could finish his words, several cars coming from behind blocked him directly. They were blocked in front and behind, so of course the car couldn't move.

Without saying anything, Jiye opened the car door and walked out. He looked up at the bat monster above. The bat was quite close to them at this time. It happened to be not far in front of them. Maybe the vehicle in front was also

It's probably because of the sight of such a monster that there will be a car accident and cause a traffic jam.

"Aren't you going to knock him down?" Jiye was still thinking about what to do when Linton's voice came from beside him again.

"How to defeat me?" Ji Ye asked, "Why are you still here? You can leave first and then go to the police station to record a statement."

Linton subconsciously looked at the opponent's waist. None of the three of them were equipped with guns. However, it is normal for Japanese police to go on duty without guns. Besides, although the distance does not look far, it is not far away with just a pistol.

Unable to hit.

"Need help?" Linton ignored Ji Ye's words to let him go and asked directly.

"Do you have a way?" Ji Ye asked. After all, Linton was also the one who killed a demon. Could it be that he had a way to shoot down the opponent at this distance? Although he was not from their department, there was nothing better than killing the demon.

They are all important, and Ji Ye will not worry about who gets the credit for this.

"Not only are there ways, there are many ways." Linton spread his hands and said.

"Then why don't you help quickly?" Ji Ye shouted.

"But... forget it, I still have some points." Linton nodded, "I'm on."

Jiye said that she really wanted to see Linton's methods, because this person was really strange. Jiye already felt that there was something wrong with him, so he wanted to find out about him. However, Linton, who said he wanted to have sex, said

After that, he just stood there without moving.

"Didn't you say you wanted to..." Ji Ye was about to ask, when suddenly a huge arm behind him suddenly grabbed Linton. Ji Ye and the three of them turned around at the same time, and a huge black giant appeared in their field of vision.

"What is it? When did it appear?" Jiye had already made a gesture and was about to use the power of the devil. However, before she could start to attack, the next scene shocked her.

I saw Susanoo here grab Linton, lift him up, aim at the bat in the air in front of him, then pull his hand back slightly, and then throw it violently forward. "Whoosh", Linton

The whole figure flew out like a cannonball and rushed straight towards the bat in front.

The throwing speed was so fast that even Jiye and the others, who had been watching below, had no time to react, let alone the bat monster in the air. The other party didn't notice the situation here at all, he was still there

He was desperately trying to shake off this guy who was holding his feet.

Yes, the person holding his feet is called Denji. It was originally food that Pava found for it to eat. Because it was so unpalatable, the bat monster couldn't eat it at all. It recovered after drinking some blood.

After a while, it was about to go to the city to find delicious human supplies. However, what it didn't expect was that the other party actually caught up with it and was still biting itself to restore blood. Of course, the bat monster refused and was about to throw him away.

Let him fall to death while the two sides are still fighting in the air.

"Get down here, bastard! I don't even want to touch your blood!" the bat monster roared.

"Give me my NAIZI!" Denji shouted, his hand already on the ring on his chest.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden "boom". Denji didn't know what happened, but he felt the body of the bat monster he was holding shook violently. When he looked up again, he saw this

A big hole opened in the belly of the bat monster and was penetrated directly. However, Denji did not see what penetrated him at all.

Of course, the person who crashed through the bat monster's body was Linton, but now Linton is also confused. Yes, now he is holding a woman in his hand, and he is inexplicable when he crashes through the other person's body.

They were all brought out from the other party's stomach. Linton also subconsciously carried him out when he saw someone inside when he entered. The woman didn't look dead, and looked at Linton with the same confused expression.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?" they both asked at the same time.

Although he was a little confused, Linton still looked at this strange woman. She was a guy with a strange appearance. What was more obvious was that there were two red horn-like protrusions on her head for some reason. If it was true,

It didn't feel like a human being, and the other person's eyes didn't seem to be human eyes. Although the appearance was a bit strange, Linton suddenly felt that the other person looked familiar. Yes, it was the kind of familiar look that he should have seen before... although he didn't remember it yet.

I have seen it somewhere, but this is a good thing. This woman cannot be the heroine of this world.

At this time, the woman was still holding a strange birdcage, but the birdcage contained not a bird, but a cat. The shape was so strange that Linton didn't know how to react.

"Let me go!" Suddenly the woman here shouted at Linton.

"Why is this called me? Who did you learn it from?" Linton couldn't help but say, after all, one of his nephews calls himself this all day long.

"I want you to take care of it! Let me go!" the woman shouted directly.

"Are you sure?" Linton was stunned, "That's okay."

After taking away Linton's hands, the woman, Pava, screamed and fell directly.

Linton turned around in the air, and an orange magic circle appeared directly in front of him. Linton stepped directly on the magic circle with both feet, kicked hard, turned 180 degrees in the air, and rushed towards the direction where the bat monster fell again.

I went back and I still haven’t collected the points.

Yes, just after being directly penetrated by Linton, the bat monster here fell into the air. At this time, the road below happened to be, and it was still on the road with a big traffic jam. But the good news is that the bat monster that fell was not

This lane is the traffic jam, but it is the lane of countermeasures.

With a "boom", the bat monster here first hit a four-story building next to the road, crashed through the two floors and then crashed through the glass again, rolling from the second floor to the road.

This fall was really hard. The bat monster fell directly onto the road, and the electricity on his body was also thrown off, leaving the person directly on the second floor where it fell.

"Damn... damn..." What I didn't expect was that the bat monster here was quite tenacious. His stomach was pierced. Although he was seriously injured after falling from such a high position, he was not dead yet. He raised his head and the bat monster looked at

I looked around and saw that there were many people around at this time. They didn't realize what was going on. With the scream of one person, the people around suddenly woke up and started running away immediately.

The bat monster was only in danger of attacking itself. With the addition of its will to survive, it used its last strength to stand up suddenly and grab a passerby who was panicking next to it. Then, regardless of the taste, it bit the opponent in one bite.

He bit off half of the opponent's body. The blood entered the bat monster's body and its wounds began to heal.

"Damn it, what on earth is it?" At this time, the bat monster hadn't figured out what was knocking him down. He was penetrated without even seeing the situation. Now that he had recovered temporarily, he immediately looked up and looked at

In the air, I want to see what the thing that just hurt me is.

However, as soon as he raised his head, what the bat monster saw was a person flying straight towards it... a human? Apparently it didn't expect such a scene. Before it had time to react, Linton had already hit the opponent's head with his head.

With a "pop" sound, the entire head of the bat monster exploded like a watermelon, blood splashed everywhere, and the lower half of the body fell to the ground. This time, it was really dead and could not die again.

"Is it so accurate?" It took some effort for Linton to pull his head out of the cement floor. He really didn't aim and just kicked in the opposite direction, unexpectedly killing the bat.

The valuables prompt appeared. Linton put his hand on the remaining half of the bat monster's body. Just as he was about to upload it, a voice appeared in the ruins on the second floor next to him: "Who are you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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